Child Abuse and Depression

Depression and other mental conditions are highly prevalent among adolescents, youth, and adults in America. Unfortunately, most treatment initiatives prove unfruitful because psychologists do not tackle the root causes of these conditions or the physical, social, and environmental factors promoting them. For example, psychological violence, especially during childhood, is classified as the most impactful contributor to depression as children grow into adulthood. However, studies do not address the factors that alleviate mental issues, leading to adverse outcomes (Lippard and Nemeroff 36). This essay argues that neglect, emotional distress, and limited access to psychological treatment during childhood alleviate depression and other mental conditions because individuals grow while suffering in silence.

Scientific studies show that childhood traumatic experiences such as bullying, sexual abuse, child labor, and physical abuse can alter the structure and chemistry of a developing brain, leading to depression and disruptive behavior (Lippard and Nemeroff 25). However, neglecting these issues contributes to critical mental conditions as individuals experience continuous exposure to the detrimental factors. Unfortunately, parents often overlook their children’s struggles because they perceive most experiences as part of growing up (Lippard and Nemeroff 22). Nonetheless, it is crucial to acknowledge these issues and offer effective solutions to inhibit negative child development.

Emotional distress is also a vital contributor to depression in later stages due to adverse experiences during childhood. Child abuse has adverse impacts on individuals’ emotional development because it leaves its victims with feelings of grief, low self-confidence, fear, and guilt. In addition, child abuse can interfere with interaction skills, promoting negative social development. However, continuous exposure to emotional distress can worsen these conditions leading to severe depression. Furthermore, as individuals grow, they encounter societal issues and challenges associated with finance, relationships, work issues, and the need to achieve. Exposing individuals with a history of child abuse to extreme emotional distress can alleviate issues as they connect their past emotions to their present (Lippard and Nemeroff 32). Therefore, it is better to consider an individual’s environment and current status when dealing with issues of depression.

Limited access to psychological treatment during childhood is another factor that contributes to the worsening of depression as individuals grow. Many children showcase signs of depression in their earlier stages when it is possible to inhibit development (Lippard and Nemeroff 28). Unfortunately, most of them lack sufficient resources to obtain healthcare and access to mental health facilities, leading to poor mental development and issues in adulthood. Even though it might not be easy to diagnose depression in children, assessing their environment and paying attention to their well-being is critical to identify potential issues and offer solutions (Lippard and Nemeroff 36). Parents can encourage professional psychological assessment to identify depression due to potential forms of abuse and offer solutions before they worsen.

Child abuse exposes children to factors that interfere with their emotional, mental, and physical development, leading to depression and mental conditions in adulthood. However, most children are exposed to contributing factors such as neglect, emotional distress, and lack of access to mental institutions, further alleviating their condition. Apart from severe forms of abuse, such as sexual assault and child labor, bullying in schools or irrelevant forms of punishment can interfere with child development. Therefore, it is vital to develop diagnostic tools to help identify mental conditions at their initial stages and prevent their advancement.

Work Cited

Lippard, Elizabeth TC, and Charles B. Nemeroff. “The Devastating Clinical Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect: Increased Disease Vulnerability and Poor Treatment Response in Mood Disorders.” American Journal of Psychiatry vol. 177, no. 1, 2020, pp. 20-36, doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2019.19010020.

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PsychologyWriting. (2022, September 28). Child Abuse and Depression.

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"Child Abuse and Depression." PsychologyWriting, 28 Sept. 2022,


PsychologyWriting. (2022) 'Child Abuse and Depression'. 28 September.


PsychologyWriting. 2022. "Child Abuse and Depression." September 28, 2022.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Child Abuse and Depression." September 28, 2022.


PsychologyWriting. "Child Abuse and Depression." September 28, 2022.