Mental Practice in Areas of Life

Mental exercises can be beneficial for overall performance and improved ability to concentrate and deal with difficult taks. Although they are not as effective as physical activities, the research found that mental work can substantially contribute to achievements in various fields, such as sport, music, medicine, and others (Toth et al., 2020). In my personal life, I could utilize mental practice to enhance my academic performance. For example, if I have to devise a presentation and orally present it to the class, I can use this technique to visualize my speech before my schoolmates. After preparing it, I would employ my imagination and use the visualization technique to imagine how I would be speaking and what feelings I would have at this moment. After inventing the picture in my head, I would already be aware of what to expect and the worst emotions I can experience. This exercise would let me understand the possible additional questions my teacher and classmates may ask. This way, I would be ready for unexpected or complex questions that can arise. Overall, during the actual presentation, I would be more confident to narrate and give concise answers.

Another area in which to use metal practice is during my soccer lessons. I can become irritable and impatient while playing soccer. This is a very intense game, whereas I am a perfectionist and want to score a goal. Not always I can score; hence, I need to learn how to control my negative emotions on the pitch that tend to damage my performance. Mindfulness techniques that allow imagining those challenging moments would be useful for preparing me to consciously deal with the destructive feelings.


Toth, A. J., McNeill, E., Hayes, K., Moran, A. P., & Campbell, M. (2020). Does mental practice still enhance performance? A 24 Year follow-up and meta-analytic replication and extension. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 48, 101672.

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PsychologyWriting. (2022, September 18). Mental Practice in Areas of Life.

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"Mental Practice in Areas of Life." PsychologyWriting, 18 Sept. 2022,


PsychologyWriting. (2022) 'Mental Practice in Areas of Life'. 18 September.


PsychologyWriting. 2022. "Mental Practice in Areas of Life." September 18, 2022.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Mental Practice in Areas of Life." September 18, 2022.


PsychologyWriting. "Mental Practice in Areas of Life." September 18, 2022.