Newest Psychology Essay Examples - Page 3

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Psychological Disorders

The Essay “Why Women Smile” by Amy Cunningham

Introduction The ability to smile is one of the essential contributors to one’s happier well-being and improved relationships with people. When a person smiles, they have the opportunity to change others’ lives in a positive manner. For many people, the process of displaying or covering emotions represents a problematic experience....

Words: 1242 Pages: 4
Psychological Disorders

Airbnb’s Use of Gratification vs. Self-Presentation Theory

Introduction Technological developments have been taking place rapidly in the last few decades. Today, the emergence of Web 2.0 has resulted in unlimited interactive communication capabilities as illustrated by the growing use of social media. According to Eginli and Tas (2018), social media has become an indispensable tool for modern...

Words: 1650 Pages: 6
Psychological Disorders

Strong Interest Inventory in Psychological Testing

Often, people face the problem of choice and uncertainty about their interests and desires. To solve this problem, various psychological tests can be implemented that give individuals the necessary information about the area where they can show greater effectiveness. Hence, an example of this approach is The Kuder Occupational Interest...

Words: 354 Pages: 1
Psychological Disorders

Discussion Board-Anxiety and Depression

Depression is a major cognitive disorder that becomes deadly if not treated early. Severe symptoms of depression can lead patients to self-harm behaviors such as suicide. About 7% of men and 1 percent of women who have suffered depression commit suicide (W.H.O, 2021). Men with severe depression are more likely...

Words: 562 Pages: 2
Psychological Disorders

The Components of Motivation: Psychology in Action

Motivation plays an important role in people’s lives – it motivates them to strive for success, keep up their health, and even do things they do not understand. Huffman et al. (2017) define motivation as “a set of factors that activate, direct, and maintain behavior, usually toward some goal” (p....

Words: 893 Pages: 3
Psychological Disorders

Cultural Implications of Crisis Intervention

The article revolves around using cultural competence to solve various crises in life. I agree with Dykeman (2005) that most personal crises emanate from anticipated life-affecting events, and thus, it may sometimes be challenging to control them. Cultural elements play an indispensable role in influencing the best approaches and mechanisms...

Words: 375 Pages: 1
Psychological Disorders

Discussion: Abuse, Work, and Burnout

Introduction The rapid tempo of life inherent in the inhabitants of big cities, constant stress, lack of time for personal life, the rejection of one’s desires, and the abundance of tasks at work are the leading causes of the state of emotional burnout. It is a common problem in the...

Words: 2008 Pages: 7

Freudian and Neo-Freudian Views on Personality

Introduction Psychoanalysis is a therapeutic technique that operates on the assumption that everyone has unconscious memories, emotions, and feelings that influence their daily events and dreams. Sigmund Freud whose emphasis was on sexual desires and urges repressed in the unconscious mind invented the psychoanalysis theory (Yalof, 2020). Psychoanalysts facilitate the...

Words: 1743 Pages: 6

The Personality Inventory for Children: Assessment Instrument

The Personality Inventory for Children (PIC) is a multidimensional assessment of children focusing on the absence of diagnostic contributions. Although the test is taken by parents or their surrogates, it targets school-age children (Lachar, 2014). The PIC employs such an approach because early graders cannot adequately describe themselves due to...

Words: 402 Pages: 1

Tests of Ability in Psychological Work

Introduction Determining the extent of one’s abilities, particularly, cognitive and analytical skills, represents a critical step in a range of strategies within the field of social work. Therefore, the application of an appropriate test type and an adequate assessment of results may predetermine the outcomes of an intervention and the...

Words: 669 Pages: 2
Developmental Psychology

The Development of Siyasanda Discussion

Introduction The environment in which a kid develops forms a powerful experience that affects the child’s future life. Human development is a process of forming and creating personality under the impact of external and internal, controlled and uncontrolled factors (Abbott, 2021). The leading role is played by purposeful upbringing and...

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Psychoanalytic Theory: Freud’s Personality Structure Theory

Introduction Freud’s tripartite personality theory distinguishes between the three elements of the personality that become more integrated with time. The Id serves as the personality’s primary and primitive part responsible for chaotic/unstable desires and the happiness principle, and the Ego, as a rational part, supports the Id in adjusting to...

Words: 356 Pages: 1
Developmental Psychology

The Brain Development in Children

The brain is a sophisticated organ that governs all bodily regulation functions, including cognition, touch, empathy, motor skills, sight, temperature, respiration, and hunger. The cortex is on the outer surface of brain cells. It is where reasoning and muscle activity start. The brain stem is one of the most important...

Words: 679 Pages: 2
Developmental Psychology

Attachment Theory and Developmental Psychology in Early Childhood

Attachment theory is one of the staples in the psychology’s understanding of the relationship development between people. Some scholars go so far as to assign it a role in the brain formation and propose it as an alternative to psychoanalysis. Its role in the developmental psychology in general and the...

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Developmental Psychology

Childhood Fame and Adulthood: Developmental Science

From a sociological perspective, age is an individual’s ascribed characteristic, a feature that contributes to defining who a person is, independently from his will. Age has this characteristic because of society’s definitions, which are linked to its many meanings, expectations for conduct, and responsibilities (Pitti, 2017). Determining a person’s age...

Words: 396 Pages: 1
Developmental Psychology

Children’s Development Affected by Environment

Introduction An individual’s environment consists of all the factors, both living and nonliving, that have an impact on that individual’s quality of life. The environment encourages healthy growth and brain development by providing a child with affection, emotional support, and chances for learning and discovery. The term “child development” describes...

Words: 4124 Pages: 15
Developmental Psychology

Influences on Early Development

The Role of Caregivers and Cultural Influences in Parenting Throughout their development, children require consistent and active support of their parents or caregivers. However, though the necessity to have the support and help of a caregiver is vital for a child at every developmental stage, the type of the assistance...

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Developmental Psychology

Factors Affecting Child Development

Introduction In light of the growing severity of conflicts among young people, the importance of understanding the patterns of development of children and adolescents, which are influenced by the specifics of culture, economics, politics, and even historical processes, is increasing. As you know, socialization is aimed at the formation of...

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Human Development Theories

Childhood Developmental Theories

Childhood progress theories describe how kids adapt and develop throughout infancy. These theories emphasize developing interpersonal, psychological, and cognitive skills, among other areas of development. Diana frequently uses data from researchers who employ natural sightings, empirical observations, and other techniques to gather scientific knowledge while monitoring her child’s growth. She...

Words: 976 Pages: 3
Developmental Psychology

Personal, Professional, and Academic Development

Introduction The image of the profession as a cognitive and emotional education significantly changes the system of general guidelines in the public and individual consciousness of people. Professional development becomes inseparable from personal development – both are based on the principle of self-development, which determines the ability of a person...

Words: 1023 Pages: 4
Psychology Ethics

Benchmark Professional Theoretical Approach to Counseling

Introduction Psychotherapy contains diverse techniques of professional counseling. However, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most effective counseling approach. CBT is a treatment methodology that aids in recognizing adverse thoughts and behavioral patterns. Integrating theoretical counseling approaches requires a proper understanding of external and internal experiences. This essay outlines an in-depth...

Words: 1153 Pages: 4

Traumatic Experiences in the Mental Health Field

Meditation and Trauma Traumatic experiences, which are a prominent subject in the mental health field, afflict many young people. Traumatic events leave an indelible mark on a person’s psyche, resulting in emotional and behavioral issues. Trauma is a reaction to a traumatic experience that left a lasting impression and resulted...

Words: 1171 Pages: 4
Family Psychology

Family Conflicts: Universal Counseling and Support Program

Introduction Family problems are a major issue that needs to be addressed and resolved due to the implications it has on the health and wellbeing of individuals. Tensions and conflicts within a family can become major sources of stress. The consequences of chronic stress have been extensively studied, which means...

Words: 2760 Pages: 10
Family Psychology

Analyzing the Role of Developmental Factors in Two Families

Introduction Developmental factors play a critical role in understanding the interactions between family members. These factors also determine the formation of identity and the development of social skills for younger family members. Equally important, good family relationships are based on trust and support, which helps cope with challenges and problems....

Words: 2027 Pages: 7
Family Psychology

The Postmodern Approach to Family Therapy

Postmodernism in psychotherapy dwells on the principle that reality is a result of subjective experiences and perceptions which means that it accepts the variability of interpretations and definitions (Smoliak & Strong, 2017). This is quite different from the modernistic approach which dwells on the notion that the therapist is the...

Words: 640 Pages: 2
Applied Psychology

Personal Digital Museum of Memories

Introduction All through the course, we learned about how the focal subject of our healthy identity depends on recollections and how without memories, we do not have a clue about our personality and cannot consequently comprehend how to make a daily existence or review a personal satisfaction. For this final...

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Applied Psychology

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a Remedy for Substance Abuse

Introduction Over the years, psychologists and mental health practitioners have uncovered unique solutions to treat mental health disorders and address the implications of drug addiction and substance abuse. Particularly, non-pharmacological methods have proved to be effective in situations when drug administration poses safety risks or is inappropriate. Several drug-free psychotherapy...

Words: 1642 Pages: 6
Applied Psychology

Role of Group Therapy in Human Health

Background When struggling with challenging life events, people often feel alone, unsupported, and weak in their attempts to handle psychological issues. Unfortunately, the hectic life circumstances in the disturbing era of information cause much stress and contribute negative factors to mental health. That is why it is important to obtain...

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Psychological Disorders

Post-Traumatic Growth in Veteran Learners

Research Aims Traumatic experiences are one of the most frequent facilitators of mental health issues that can significantly disrupt the everyday lives of numerous individuals. Scholarly evidence suggests that encountering negative or hostile events can tremendously increase the likelihood of developing a psychological condition, namely anxiety, depression, and Posttraumatic Stress...

Words: 1261 Pages: 5
Cognitive Psychology

The Sunk Cost Fallacy Explained by McRaney

The sunk cost fallacy implies that we are making illogical judgments that result in inferior consequences. This was the most intriguing fact about the reading for me. We are preoccupied with our previous investments rather than our current and future costs and rewards, which leads us to deal with situations...

Words: 338 Pages: 1
Cognitive Psychology

Memory, Knowledge, and Language

Introduction Additional insight on the topics of memory, knowledge, and language has to be attained to ensure that learners get a better look at how they should memorize different information and engage in repetition activities. Moreover, the majority of events related to memory, knowledge, and language acquisition are not intuitive...

Words: 1156 Pages: 4
Psychology Principles

Perceived Academic Stress and Continuing and Returning Students

Introduction Stress is any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain to people. It is the response your body gives to anything that requires attention or action. Adolescents are vulnerable to the problems associated with academic stress (Reddy et al., 2018). Stress is part of academic life...

Words: 2496 Pages: 9
Psychological Disorders

A Psychological Trauma of a Social Worker

Introduction This paper is based on utilizing a traumatizing earthquake scenario to explain the concept of resilience. The party who was involved in the rescuing process (the social worker) was traumatized, which triggered Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). She was not aware of the situation until she was advised to visit...

Words: 1179 Pages: 6
Psychological Disorders

Affordable Psychological Healthcare as an Everyday Problem

Introduction There are many issues and inconveniences that people have to deal with daily in their life, but there is one specific problem that has bothered me for some time. Sometimes it gets hard to handle all the difficulties and responsibilities, especially in recent years when society has experienced too...

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Cognitive Psychology

The Uncanny, the Supernatural, and Decadence

Introduction The uncanny is the psychological experience of seeing something creepy and strangely familiar. The term can be discussed in relation to the supernatural, and achieving the uncanny effect is a common purpose in fiction writing. This essay will explore these notions based on Freud’s ideas and decadent literature. The...

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Teacher’s Observation of Children’s Behavior

For every teacher, it is necessary to use special guidance techniques that help children develop socially positive behaviors. In the video, the educator, Lina Rudolph, resorts to numerous methods, indicating that they are used from kindergarten to ensure children develop positively. The most important strategy is to elaborate a valid...

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Family Psychology

The Application of Family Therapy’s Psychological Frameworks

Therapists who receive their marriage and family therapy education from recognized institutions do not accept group medical training. By relating scenario’s where the client’s family is unable or unwilling to participate in family therapy; In that case, the therapist may continue to work with the individual while keeping an eye...

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Human Development Theories

Children’s Cognitive Development in Jean Piaget’s Theory

Introduction Jean Piaget revolutionized the notion of children’s development. Before his theory, it was commonly assumed that the difference between an adult and a child is just a lack of knowledge. However, the disparity goes much deeper than that, as children develop their intelligence and logical thinking over time in...

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Human Development Theories

The Influence of the External Environment on Child Development

A child becomes a personality only in the process of socialization through communication and interaction with other people. Outside of society, spiritual, social, and mental development and learning cannot take place. The reality in which the development of the child takes place is called the environment. Therefore, nowadays, the study...

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Psychological Disorders

The Stress Outcomes Resistance

During exams, many are exposed to severe stress outcomes. Prolonged debilitating stress can lead to heart problems, hand tremors, weight gain, and even diabetes. These are the most common physiological side effects of severe mental experiences. Cortisol, the key stress hormone, also damages the brain (Becker et al., 2022). The...

Words: 292 Pages: 1
Psychology Principles

The Psychology of Being Born Good or Bad

It is challenging for one to define a clear boundary between whether a person is good or bad. However, one may argue that all people are born good since one has no idea what evil is being newborn. In the future, a person’s actions in certain circumstances determine who the...

Words: 1310 Pages: 5
Child Psychology

The “Difficult Girl” Story by Lena Dunham

Introduction The life of a child is far from always joyful and carefree, even in the modern world with a lot of opportunities. Lena Dunham in her story Difficult Girl: Growing Up with Help, shows the reverse side of the coin, using rhetorical devices and a special style of narration....

Words: 926 Pages: 3
Psychological Disorders

Prosocial Behavior and Hostilities Against Women

Equity Theory The TV sitcom known as the Newlyweds revolves around a young couple, Peter Roberts and Allie Carter, as they embark on a journey of married life. Generally, the couples’ attachment styles appeared to be stable and secure, where both are seen as respecting the wishes of the other....

Words: 836 Pages: 3
Psychology Ethics

Integrative Perspective: Advantages and Challenges

Integrative therapy is a treatment method that implies integrating the approaches from several treatment perspectives that are most appropriate to a patient’s specific condition. Integrative therapists strive to achieve the maximum meaningful improvement by personalizing psychotherapy to the client. Unlike specific standard methods, integrative treatment is not limited to a...

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The Theory of Planned Behavior

People conduct activities that indirectly or directly affect their health on a daily basis. Healthy behaviors aim to improve or maintain patterns that are beneficial to the body and mind, which help prevent illness, avoid injuries or simply reduce the stress level of the everyday routine. However, health behavior can...

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Developmental Psychology

Adulthood and Its Developmental Characteristics

Adult Development Charting adult development through (historically changing) daily stress processes is an article that explores adult development based on people’s daily life experiences and the latest historical changes related to them. The authors utilize the results of the descriptive analyses conducted by the National Studies of Daily Experiences from...

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Cognitive Psychology

The Cognitive Dissonance Theory Development

Introduction Cognitive dissonance presents a condition of an individual’s mental discomfort caused by a clash of two opposite beliefs, ideas, or values in an individual’s perception. Therefore, cognitive dissonance relates to the type of stress people experience when engaging in activities that contradict their beliefs, ideas, or values. The cognitive...

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Cognitive Psychology

Perception of Reality and Value Belief Norm Theory

Introduction Addressing the question of what is right and wrong is challenging since people have different perceptions of reality. When people see or hear things though the message is always the same, the interpretation varies from one person to another due to their difference in views. In decision-making, the reality...

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Cognitive Psychology

Counseling for People with Mental Disabilities

People living with mental disabilities face numerous challenges in their daily lives, and their conditions are often difficult to treat because their causes can be unknown. Researchers, scientists, and mental health professionals extensively study different approaches to the treatment of mental health disabilities, both psychological and those involving medicine. I...

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Cognitive Psychology

Mental Rotation in Shepard and Metzler’s View

Mental rotation is an imaginative process that is based on visualizing how an object or picture, either in 2 or 3-dimensional, might seem if it were rotated. There is a connection between parts of the brain linked with awareness and mental rotation. Furthermore, a connection could exist between the mental...

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Cognitive Psychology

The Biological Approach to Understanding Human Emotion

Introduction Emotion sensation is a stage of neurobiological functioning necessary for developing feelings and connections with consciousness. Feelings are necessary for enhancing cognition and the proper functioning of all mental functions. According to the biological standpoint, biological systems and their roles determine humans’ conduct and thinking (Capdevila et al., 2015a)....

Words: 1284 Pages: 5
Child Psychology

Trauma and Its Effect on Children

Introduction Youngsters at the age of eight are particularly more vulnerable to traumatic incidents due to their development reliance and progress on janitors and parents. Trauma is caused by physical abuse, rape, parent conflict, verbal abuse, and chronic diseases, especially in early infancy. Sexual assault, community violence, natural disaster, domestic...

Words: 1475 Pages: 5
Applied Psychology

Structural Family Theory Applied to Wilson’s “Fences”

Understanding the family dynamics and the nature of issues in the relationships between its members is crucial to developing an approach for addressing the observed issues. Misunderstandings between family members, as one of the core issues that most people encounter in their lives, represent the focus of multiple movies and...

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Developmental Psychology

Interviewing a Person in Late Adulthood

For this exercise, I interviewed my neighbor, Robert, who is 72 years old and the questions used are attached in the Appendix. Akeret & Klein’s (1991) questions were utilized for their relevance to the interview and ability to produce elaborate responses. His parents, grandparents, and known ancestors are originally from...

Words: 603 Pages: 2
Psychology Principles

Psychological Subheadings and Their Relationship

Introduction Psychology is a crucial subject that studies how people think, feel, and behave. The discipline entails all dimensions of human experience, ranging from brain functioning to rational acts and from infant growth to elderly care. Moreover, it is a comprehensive discipline encompassing all aspects of the human experience. In...

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Researching of Time Management Issues

Introduction Internet addiction is one of the most common phenomena of the last decade. The reason for the constant growth of the percentage of addicts is straightforward. In social networks and online games, a person who is unsatisfied with life or unsure of oneself can try on a different image...

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Psychological Disorders

Reid Ewing’s Struggle With Body Dysmorphia

Reid Ewing is an American actor who has been featured in popular comedy programs, including the Modern Family, where he played the role of Dylan. Ewing suffered from mental health conditions that make a person worry about defects in their outward appearance, flaws that are often unnoticeable to others. The...

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Psychology Ethics

Social Aspects of Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety disorders are problems that bring the mental state out of balance and significantly complicate normal life. Depression implies a permanent and prolonged feeling of depression, lack of will and motivation, and in other cases even thoughts of death and the possibility of suicide. Anxiety personality disorder, on...

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Cognitive Psychology

Experiment on False Memory: The Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) Paradigm

Introduction False memory refers to human memories that are either altered from the actual event or made up. Kloft et al.’s groundbreaking research revealed that an individual’s remembrance of past events is modified by their schemas and understandings of the present (2021). This concept served as a springboard for further...

Words: 2761 Pages: 10
Child Psychology

Conflict Resolution Between Children

Conflict jeopardizes children’s play and interaction. On the other hand, conflicts can also be experiences that help children learn about interpersonal interaction, expectations, and norms, as well as their cognitive, social, and moral development (Korotaeva & Chugaeva, 2019). Therefore, it is critical to offer support or assistance only when they...

Words: 569 Pages: 2
Child Psychology

Middle Childhood Moral Dilemma Assignment

Introduction When I was eight, my summer camp group attended a dried insect exhibition, and my groupmate Ann offered to tell me one secret if I promised to keep it. Ann told me that she had just stolen the biggest butterfly and buried it. Our caretaker noticed that one insect...

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Family Psychology

Discussion: A No-Fault Divorce

The discussion over a no-fault divorce is still going on. Several things are generally mentioned when it comes to its advantages. Divorces without blame are quicker, simpler, and far less costly than traditional divorces. Most significantly, it can allow abused persons to flee, especially when there is no legal need...

Words: 282 Pages: 1

Reasons for Spreading Misinformation

The ease of creating and spreading false information has led to an unprecedented rise in misinformation regarding its scope and impact. Vosoughi et al. (2018) characterize misinformation as the process of producing inaccurate information that distorts the perception of the correct information and influences people’s decisions and actions. During emergencies,...

Words: 914 Pages: 3
Developmental Psychology

Products Promoting Infant Development

Interesting products that could improve the development of various abilities in infants could be toy keys and a keyring, a tummy time mat, and a floor mirror. Toy keys and a keyring named Kleynimals, manufactured by the company of the same name, are advertised to enhance infants’ motor skills and...

Words: 199 Pages: 1
Psychological Disorders

Psychoneuroendocrinology: Hormones and Their Significant Role

Article Analysis Hormones play a significant role in people’s behavior, emotional processing, and cognition. Considering the fact that psychological disorders are defined by issues in these domains, clinical psychologists can benefit from learning about the impact of the endocrine system. In their study, Fischer and Ehlert (2019) provided an overview...

Words: 552 Pages: 2
Psychological Disorders

Discussion: The Type of Memory Disorders

Introduction Memory disorders are health issues that affect many people and are most common among the elderly. The two main types of memory disorders are dementia and amnesia. Dementia is a disorder characterized by impaired ability to remember things, think or make a decision. The different types of dementia are...

Words: 2329 Pages: 8

Ethnography of Self: Call to Action

Introduction Communication problems usually happen on the interpersonal level when people fail to understand each other or say something offensive, thus spoiling the relationships. However, the roots of such problems can be traced to deep cultural differences (Samovar et al., 2017). The inability to recognize cultural diversity may lead to...

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Researching of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

There are a large number of ways to introspect in order to satisfy certain needs. One of the most well-known is Maslow’s theory, according to which person necessities have levels from simpler to higher. Pursuing higher requirements usually occurs only after satisfying lower needs, such as food and security. In...

Words: 282 Pages: 4
Cognitive Psychology

A Human Working Memory Experiment

Working memory is an essential aspect of human activity. It considers many cognitive planes, and therefore there is an abundance of definitions for it (Chai et al., 2018). Generally, it is defined as a platform where thoughts are held and manipulated, and it serves as the cornerstone of goal-directed behavior...

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Schools of Psychology

Gestalt, Freudianism, Neo-Freudianism, and Cognitive Psychology

Gestalt The main idea of the Gestalt (1850-1934) psychology is that consciousness cannot be studied in parts and should be looked at as a whole. Behaviorists criticized Gestalt for the lack of statistics and no numbers when retrieving the results. It is believed that Gestalt psychology took its roots from...

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Psychology of Resistance as a Necessity

The dichotomy of obedience and disobedience lies at the core of human existence. The creation of laws in society implies some type of agreement to follow the established rules, thus obeying a certain power. At the same time, changes in these systems come from disobedience, when the laws are challenged,...

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Family Psychology

Consequences of Boomeranging for Adult Children

Leaving one’s parents’ nest has been the norm for generations, yet there are changes in the societal structure that lead to unexpected outcomes in familial relationships. Young adults who fail to find their place in life may come back and live with their parents to alleviate some of the financial...

Words: 280 Pages: 1

Success: The Modern Meaning of the Word

The word has become extremely important in numerous modern societies that emphasize high social mobility. The focus on the promotion of meritocracy in both democratic and autocratic capitalist nations has proven to be instrumental in encouraging millions of citizens to acquire useful knowledge and become efficient professionals and entrepreneurs. Therefore,...

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Motivation and Emotions: Influence on the Behavioral Patterns

Motivations are very comparable to emotions since they have a huge impact on the relationship between the environment and an individual. The ability to regulate and control emotions heavily depends on certain things such as age (Burr et al., 2021). However, motivations vary from emotions in that they are more...

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Applied Psychology

The Boulder and Vail Models of Training Comparison

Introduction Almost all areas of psychological science in the 1960s and 1970s received unexceptionally rapid development. However, applied clinical therapy acquired the most advanced pace of growth. In 1949, the well-known conference in Boulder adopted Boulder’s scientific-practical model as the basis for psychotherapy teaching. They assigned a particularly essential role...

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Cognitive Psychology

Targeted Memory Reactivation and Naturalistic Longitudinal Observation

Sleep plays an instrumental role in consolidating motor memory and overall learning. According to Johnson et al. (2019), sleep improves training and rehabilitation through non-rapid eye movement throughout the night or during a nap. Various methods have proven helpful in enhancing the process of training and rehabilitation during sleep. Targeted...

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Applied Psychology

The Understanding Experimental and Scientific Concepts of Health Psychology

Health psychology refers to a branch of medicine that investigates how social, biological, and psychological factors impact human health. Therefore, like several other health sciences, health psychology has advanced through experimental and scientific research, characterized by describing particular hypotheses and applying scientific knowledge to experimental participants, comprised of animal or...

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Cognitive Psychology

Psychology of Making Good Decisions

Individuals may generate ideas and take actions based on mental processes that are impacted by biases, emotions, reason, and memories while making a choice. Like most Western societies, psychology generally considers individuals autonomous (Capdevila et al., 2015b). Thus, this implies that everyone should aim to be completely in isolation and...

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Applied Psychology

How One Can Apply Psychology to One’s Future Life

Through discussion postings, assignments, and independent study, I have gained a great deal of knowledge during the course. I have learned a lot about psychology, and it will help me shape my future and better comprehend the people around me. In this paper, I will discuss how studying psychology has...

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Cognitive Psychology

The Concept of Critical Thinking

Introduction The effective use of critical thinking skills essentially depends on one’s awareness of the components included in their definition. According to Facione and Gittens (2015), they vary from positive and negative habits of processing any information to core abilities, allowing individuals to benefit from them. Hence, it is important...

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Psychology Principles

Psychology Answers Whether Money Buys Happiness

Introduction The correlation between money and happiness has always been a question for debate. On the one hand, money has both absolute and relative impact: individuals enjoy being rich and being richer than others (D’Ambrosio et al. 2). Consequently, an increase in income and wealth should logically lead to a...

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Organizational Behavior

“The Saints and the Roughnecks”: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

In 1973, William Chambliss published an essay, “The Saint and the Roughnecks,” where he presented the results of his study on stigmatized labeling and its effects. In his work, he reveals that those who were exposed to negative labeling were more inclined to wayward and wrongful behaviors compared to those...

Words: 335 Pages: 1

Student Mental Health: Dealing With Stress

Students in all stages of education face many stressors that significantly impact their mental health. The pressure to succeed academically and the need to maintain social connections or take part in activities out of class affect the still-developing mind (Brown, 2018). According to Brown (2018), approximately three-fourths of lifetime mental...

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Child Psychology

Effects of Depression Among Adolescents

Introduction Depression is a common mood disorder which often results in serious consequences. Often called “Depressive States” the condition has been thoroughly researched in the past. The concept of Depressive disorder, which is a mood disorder, became an independent concept by the year 1880. Koo, (2018) states that it is...

Words: 1524 Pages: 6

Motivation and Emotions Regulation

Response 1 The provided article is an outstanding illustration of how motivation manifests itself in a dualism of approach and avoidance. The findings complement my own assessment of the notion of motivation since the underlying concepts have the potential to explain a multitude of health issues (Chasiotis, Wedderhoff, Rosman, &...

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Interpersonal Communication

The Observation of Active Listening

Target Behavior As Arnold and Boggs (2019) defined it, active listening involves an intentional focus on the listening process stretching beyond hearing the interlocutor’s words. It is manifested in empathetic, supportive listening and asking open-ended questions to understand the interlocutor better. An outcome of active listening is a well-informed response...

Words: 343 Pages: 4

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Murray’s Theory of Needs: Lola’s Case Study

It is possible to analyze Lola’s case study from a motives perspective because the girl experiences an identity crisis and strives to find her place in society. She does not have physical needs and desires problems, and she does not need to fight for survival. Therefore, she focuses mainly on...

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Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Distortions and Conspiracy Theories

Summary This report reviews research describing the formation of conspiracy theories in adolescents using the telephone to jam the signal of tracking devices. It is shown that teleological thinking, belief in the low probability of an incident, and patterns of representational thinking prove to be predictors for the development of...

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Psychological Disorders

Cats: The Mental Health Issues

Introduction Physical health in cats has been a very commonly reviewed topic. But it also sparks discussions regarding feline mental health. Since mental health research in pets focuses typically on dogs, it is essential to review the existing studies related to cats. Moreover, the almost insignificant amount of data pertaining...

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Developmental Psychology

Language and Cognitive Developments in Infants

Introduction Cognitive skills play a critical role in a person’s life from an early age. Cognitive or brain development refers to such processes as thinking, reasoning, and memorizing (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2021). Notably, for babies in the first year of life, comprehending language is more than...

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Social Psychology

Male Hysteria: Description and Symptoms

The concept of male hysteria has been modified through years of medical and psychological explorations. In 1886, the psychologist Sigmund Freud attempted to confirm the notion of male hysteria and designed a specific clinical picture of this disorder (Sabater, 2021). The concept of hysteria referred to women primarily, and it...

Words: 308 Pages: 2
Psychological Disorders

Bias, Moral Reasoning, and Critical Thinking

There are essential practices and concepts in everyday life that determine social interactions. These include critical thinking, identifying and overcoming bias, moral reasoning, and logical fallacies. If understood by people, these practices can help create a harmonious environment for humans to grow with each other. This paper discusses these concepts...

Words: 605 Pages: 2

Summary and Comparison of Freud and Goffman Erving Theories

Introduction A theory describes how some component of human action or achievement is structured, encouraging people to make judgments about that conduct. Hypotheses provide ideas to name what individuals perceive and clarify the links between notions. In addition, a concept enables individuals to describe what they observe and choose how...

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Understanding Human Behavior and Its Motives

The concept of human behavior is rather diverse and complex. It has been reviewed by multiple different sciences and subjects, encapsulating decades of research, surveys, and articles. Moreover, the assessment of human behavior can be more inclusive by incorporating underrepresented cultures, concepts, and beliefs. Researching this aspect can assist scientists...

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Developmental Psychology

Developmental Stages from Piaget’s Perspective

Introduction Jean Piaget’s stage theory outlines a toddler’s cognitive development. According to the theory, cognitive development is characterized by alterations in cognitive processes and capacities (Lourenço, 2016). Piaget’s fascination with children’s psychological maturation was sparked by his studies of his daughter and nephew. These findings supported his theory that toddlers’...

Words: 1665 Pages: 6
Applied Psychology

Depression Among Students at Elon University

Introduction Depression is a state of intense despair or sadness, which affects a person’s daily activities and general social functioning. The condition has been ranked among the major causes of suicide amongst college students. More than 40% of college students suffer from this condition, and only a few of them...

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Psychology Principles

The Psychological Sources of Stress

The psychological sources of stress are numerous, but they can be summarized as the failure of an individual to address their particular needs. They might include problems in the workplace, struggles with finances as well as various issues in relationships with other people, daily life, and the process of one’s...

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Interpersonal Communication

Active Listening: Positive Reinforcement

Target Behavior Active listening presupposes an intentional focus on the listening process during communicative interactions (Arnold & Boggs, 2019). The outcomes of an active listening act are a well-informed response and feedback on the given information stretching beyond the simple acknowledgment of input information. This process is empathetic and supportive,...

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Emotional Abuse

The Stanford Prison Experiment: Description, Key Findings, and Results

Abstract In the year 1971, Philip Zimbardo decided to conduct a trial known as The Stanford Prison Experiment. The research permits university students to act as criminals or prison guards within a jail setting. The goal of the test is to demonstrate how persons would adjust to the characters of...

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Applied Psychology

Bettleheim’s Psychologically Oriented Reading in “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”

Bettleheim’s psychologically oriented reading is a concept that evaluates fairytales as sources of psychological experience for children and adults. Inspired by Sigmund Freud, Battleheim offered a new look at fairytales that provide new dimensions to the child’s imagination and insight into the human psyche, which could not be learned elsewhere....

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Psychology Ethics

Multicultural Counselling and Competency Development

Introduction A counselor’s success in any goals that arise before them relies on a counselor’s ability to communicate and connect with the clients. It is essential to consider the client’s culture when establishing a therapist-client relationship. The client’s culture has an impact on the appropriate treatment, the ways of collaboration,...

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Applied Psychology

Addressing Cognitive Biases in the Workplace

Cognitive biases to address Cognitive biases refer to erroneous interpretations and presumptions that result from the brain’s alternate routes when processing data or applying previous encounters to unfamiliar circumstances. The consequences of cognitive bias in the workplace range from irritation to complete disruption (Cantarelli et al., 2020). Cognitive biases can...

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