Stigmatization and Discrimination

Effect of Bias on Mental Health

The main idea that the author passes is how biasness affects people’s thinking about mental health. Biasness toward mental health can contribute to the misinterpretation of emotional expressions. The radio dramas in 1940 used as an instructional aid were chosen for two substantive reasons. The plays and remarks demonstrate how human conduct may be commonplace from one viewpoint but a medical or societal crisis from another. The importance of expert comments in radio broadcasts reflects the influence of the professional point of view, which has not waned since its inception. Moreover, it is observant how biases and concerns of the time significantly affect professional understanding regarding mental health and human behavior. When Jack Griffin began writing his columns in the late 1940s, homosexuality was considered a mental disease and a felony, a woman’s place was deemed to be in the home. Strong families and healthy people were viewed as insurance against the danger of nuclear devastation posed by the Cold War.

The dramas would represent different attitudes and concerns if written and shown now. The historical assumptions of routine and the role of authoritative information brokers in establishing these expectations are exposed in these radio reenactments. These objects help us realize that standard is a changeable notion constantly formed by current views and heavily impacted by professionals’ beliefs. It is a priceless insight, not just for mental health professionals but also for students, educators, and members of the general public. The two main questions of discussion are how human behavior influences their judgment and the types of human conduct that people exhibit.

The author uses different sources of evidence such as journals and YouTube clips to expound on the influence of human behavior and its relation to mental health. Human behavior refers to an individual or a group’s ability to react to external stimuli during their lives, physical, social, or mental. While various aspects of one characteristic, hereditary and temperament, may remain constant, other behaviors change as one progresses through their life phase, from birth through maturity, adolescence, and parenthood. Emotions and thoughts influence behavior in a segment as they convey information about individual psychology, such as values and views. For instance, when the play refers to LGBTQ individuals as sick, this perception has grown out of human ideas about the people involved. Psychological traits influence human conduct since personality types vary from one individual to another resulting in varied behaviors and actions.

Human behavior lies on a spectrum where some actions are rare, while others are common, accepted, and unacceptable. The acceptability of conduct is primarily influenced by social standards and governed by various types of social control. Hence, social norms influence human behavior by pressuring people to follow certain rules and display a specific behavior that is desirable or acceptable in certain cultures. In such a circumstance, it leads to the discrimination of individuals who choose a different path. For instance, when a person is judged through their gender identity. Human behavior will be portrayed as ordinary when they are accustomed to a particular society’s values and ideals; on the other end, it may be mental if they involve inaction that is peculiar. If a person chooses to be part of the gay community, the individual may be judged based on having a mental illness. The significant impacts of culture and social contact, ethics, authority, and coercion encompass social behavior, which accounts for acts aimed toward others.

A critique of psychiatric authority is one of the fundamental issues in the diverse area of mental studies. In the 1960s and early 1970s, LGBT activists conducted one of the most effective assaults on psychiatric authorities, removing homosexuality from the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1973 (LeFrançois, 2013). However, while that occasion was an inspiring win over psychiatric power, it was also a distance from disability. Revisiting this past via the analytic lenses of mental studies and disability unsettles the challenge of psychiatric authority, and DE familiarizes familiar historical narratives, especially when encountered with health claims.

For the length of the twentieth century, psychiatry had complete control over sexual and gender diversity in the United States. One of the most harmful oppressors of homosexuals is psychiatric treatment. The recommended cure for homosexuality includes lobotomy, electroconvulsive shock, aversion therapy, and psychotherapy. In the 1950s, gay activists and a few dissident doctors attempted to sever the link between homosexuality and mental illness with greater vigor in the 1960s and 1970s. Evelyn Hooker, a psychologist, embarked on a regular study. She recognized that the psychological profile of gay males who were not seeking psychiatric therapy was identical to that of a correspondent group of heterosexual men (Kunzel, 2017). The quest to divorce homosexuality from the discredit of mental disease became the primary purpose of the advancing gay rights association a year after Hooker began to expose the homosexuality concept as a psychiatric ailment.

The title of the panel, Lifestyles of Non-Patient Homosexuals, convened by homosexual activists at the 1971 APA convention, highlighted their goal to distinguish healthy gays from sick gays. Happiness was most strongly connected with LGBT health claims while less easily identifiable. While focusing on satisfaction can be perceived as a revolutionary gesture against prevalent cultural narratives linking homosexuality to suffering or as a cunning strategic response to beliefs of its impossibility, it may have unintended repercussions. Disability studies reveal the norms and ideals connected with health and the distancing actions and exclusions usually accompany such claims. Many activists pushed for acceptance by reiterating that gays were not sick in most cases. Their most popular tactic was to question psychiatrists sample practices, pointing out that their findings were based on persons who were in psychiatric treatment. This group did not represent all gays in the United States.

The increasing distancing of homosexuality from gender non-normative was one of the exclusions wrought by LGBT health claims. Those who came to establish themselves as transgender were blocked from a positive, healthy future succeeded by gay petitioners (LeFrançois, 2013). The absence of homosexuality from the DSM in nineteen seventy-three was based on separating homosexuality from excavating to the linguistic distillery between homosexuality a train’s sexuality and gender variance. The article interrelates to the unit Radio plays in that it expounds on how human ideas and judgments can contribute to stigma. For instance, an individual being part of the LGBTQ community is considered to have a mental issue. In such a case, it is difficult for the person to explain himself or herself as they are speculated in a certain peculiar way. Hence, for stigma to seize, individuals are expected to treat each other in a more significant manner.

Language of Today That Imparts Expectations of Normalcy

The main idea developed by the author is how today’s language impacts how individuals are expected to act. For instance, when homosexuals are presented as less intelligent, it has a substantive effect on them. People having this mindset about the individuals leads to them discriminating against them. The play has two characters dialoguing on today’s language set in an institutional environment. This play examines the effect of heterosexist-infused power dynamics and exercise and interconnecting identities such as gender and age that incorporate today’s language. Living as a psychiatrist child with a mental illness can be a life turnover experience. Socially disadvantaged people, such as those established on gender, class, sexuality, and racialization, might compound their structural position as mental illness. Socially underprivileged individuals within the adolescent mental health inpatient section may determine or affect the children’s overall social-political role in society.

The writer has used various sources of evidence, such as journals and books, to support today’s language theory with stigma. The first character states that gays, lesbians, transgender, and bisexuals are often mistreated and mistreated. Heteronormative beliefs or views support discrimination by implying that gay people are less intelligent than heterosexuals. Their behavior is wicked, twisted, sick, and harmful social exclusion, bullying, stigma, deficiency of social support, and victimization contribute to people’s mental health. In addition, gay people suffer and commit suicide at higher rates than heterosexual individuals. Heterosexual people can also be victims of heteronormative behaviors, especially if they are mistakenly identified as branded or unusual to oppress them.

Child analysis is a dismissive institution in the patriarchal society that offers an enormous visualization of the larger patriarchal community. In this society, women are speculated as subordinate, and any act of female interrelating is undertaken to threaten effective control given to them. Being a lesbian is assumed as a preeminent threat to the paterlianstic power (Kunzel, 2017). Lesbian allurement, labeling girls and women as lesbians, whether they are or not, is composed to expend dominance where men perceive they may be in danger of losing their authority on women as they believe they are entitled to them.

Second character debates that, stigmatizing a girl for her traumas and indicating a deficiency of alternatives for finding a husband who will be captivated by her not only insinuates the conviction that female beauty sexuality exists purely for the rapture of men. Nevertheless, it is also intrinsically heterocyst in its implication that she is not only captivated by boys but has enervated her entire life preparing and reconsidering marrying a prince charming. Integrating physical beauty into heterosexuality and separating the sacred body caused by self-harm from heterosexuality creates a gap or possibly avoidance that determines the unique location of females who harm wining mental health services regardless of whether they are unusual or not. Furthermore, labeling self-harming girls as others on various levels, including mental health, sexuality, development, and gender, may negatively influence their misery. Regardless, the girls’ scars may be a political call to awareness. She made her anguish in the inpatient unit undeniably apparent, challenging the schematic normative associating mental health with sanitized white females and unmarked bodies.

Both characters agree that Queer theory and subversive politics provide many opportunities for people working in and living in CAMHS inpatient wards to make heteronormative activity discernible and destroy heteronormative application (LeFrançois, 2013). Even if the consequences of such measures may be unpredictable, it provides opportunities and creates a window of opportunity. It includes room for gay patients and homosexual practitioners to participate. Still, it also creates a larger space for all members, including practitioners and patients who identify as homosexuals owing to their individual disbarring from the idealized culture of male, upper-middle-class, white, middle, and sane. It might involve actions such as demeaning Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents. The article connects to the unit radio plays in that it expounds on how today’s language has a impact on how people treat others. It demonstrates that individuals highly develop stigma based on ideas and the judgment of others. It outlines that stigma will continue to evolve unless individuals change their perspective on viewing things or people.

Enhancement of Mental Health Practitioners to Understand the Scope of Discrimination

The other argument provided in the work is that the enhancement of future mental health practitioners to understand the scope and impact of discrimination. It resolves on the mechanism that can be established for individuals who have experienced discrimination. In Capponi’s life identity phases, she identified three phrases that were key to helping her find purpose in life. Identifying a person’s purpose is not just a mental exercise; an individual should also feel large. It can be outlined through one expounding their pain to others to help those suffering from the same issue. From the case scenario, it has been demonstrated that Capponi felt some worth through her experiences of awe as it offered an emotional foundation (Losman, 2019). One should be positively oriented for significant changes to occur to them.

Research is established through sources such as journals to understand discrimination more diversely. Psychologists have studied how sustained significant plans evolve throughout lives for years. Goals that breed a sense of purpose can affect the lives of others, such as founding a company, studying a disease, or tutoring children to read. A feeling of determination obliges to have evolved in humans so that they may perform great things together, which may expound why it is interconnected to mental and excellent physical health. It subsidizes both species and individuals; many people believe that purpose originates from one’s unique abilities and distinguishes someone from others. It also evolves due to our connections with others, so a crisis of meaning is frequently a symptom of isolation. The article has a connection to the stigma of the action unit in that it enables individuals who have lived with mental illness to hold a positive sense of self and contribute to fighting discrimination and stigma. Through the individual finding purpose, they will be able to fight the negative thoughts and evolve

Prejudice, Discrimination, and Stigma

The third argument of the author is that prejudice, discrimination, and stigma are all related social constructs. However, if not due to ethnicity or age, an individual can theoretically migrate out of these categories and advance up the society, making the affected person less of a target. Discrimination, stigma, and prejudice against people with mental illness, on the other hand, cut across all social grouping and classes. It is because several mental conditions are incapacitating and chronic as those. As a result, social annihilation constricts the lives of individuals with mental disorders, prohibiting them from participating in the social activities of their reference groups and re-engaging in the community.

The general population is frequently exposed to mental illness through cinema or media. Unfortunately, the press most portrays patients with mental illness as violent, dangerous, and unpredictable. In contrast, movies display the individuals as psycho killers in their plots. Associating mental illness with violence contributes to discrimination and stigmatization against mentally ill people, as it commonly held prejudice about them and one of the unfavorable stereotypes.

Various sources of evidence such as interviews and books are established to outline the connection between stigma and discrimination. Stigma emerges from interactions and the social matrix of relationships, and it should be understood on a three-dimensional axis. The first of these personalities is perspective, which refers to how stigma is viewed by the individual participating in the stigmatization of the stigmatized person (Arboleda-FlĂłrez, 2003). The second dimension is identity, outlined as a continuum that varies from wholly personal to the other end of group identification. The third component is how the stigmatized and stigmatized respond to stigma and its consequences. Affective, behavioral, and cognitive reactions can all be quantified. The stigmatizing mark also has three significant characteristics: controllability if the effect is under the bearer’s control, visibility ho evident is the pattern, and the impact it is how those who participate in stigmatization fear the stimulated.

In collaboration with people, researchers can ensure the engagement of multiple levels of social institutions. They are crucial in community management and the successful treatment of mental illness. Acceptance of mental illness as an unavoidable part of the social fabric and successful community reintegration of mental health patients can only be achieved by engaging the public in a dialogue about the nature of mental diseases and their devastating effects on communities and individuals.

Moreover, it can be done by promising the individuals better rehabilitation and treatment. In collaboration with lobbying groups on behalf of people with mental illness and professional professions, the informed public can pressure the healthcare and national government to develop anti-discrimination legislation and provide equitable access to treatment. Through these tools, communities may have an open discussion on the recursion of stigmatizing attitudes in their midst and about sources of stigma. Only by working together with Capponi through engagements of all groups will the stigma associated with mental illness seize from society. The article connects to the stigma of the action unit. It outlines the forms in which stigma and discrimination are established. Media has been established as one methodology contributing to stigma and discrimination against individuals with mental issues as they present them as violent. In such a case, people develop a phobia of these individuals, isolating them.

Positive Effect of Discrimination

The author explores the main idea of how a person can evolve faster after facing discrimination and prejudice. The articles explore various areas such as experiential knowledge and argue that experts should be able to understand their patients. In this form, they will feel more comfortable, which increases their chance of getting better. Experimental experts are recognized for making substantial contributions to welfare and health services. Such practical knowledge is significant in challenging complicated lives for outsiders to grasp. The expertise provides a mechanism for understanding the issues encountered by at-risk individuals and enables them to identify substantial practical resources in problem-solving or coping strategies amid uncertainty. In Lanny’s case, the process would have been more straightforward if the expertise had applied this methodology (Morrison, 2013). Empirical knowledge is significant for long-term recovery and enhanced social participation. It builds upon interactions involving individuals and social processes.

The author uses different sources such as books, articles and journals to give evidence of the methods that have improved the healing process. For instance, when women were detained and separated from their children, they decided to write notes to express how they felt about the issue. The testimonial helped mobilize individuals where later they were used to support the women’s cases in court, which led to them being released to their families. The women turned their deep suffering and anger into a practical and effective protest. Hence, if one learns their objection to despair, they learn to be pessimistic and act accordingly. In Lanny’s case, his healing process would have been faster if he had known to explain why he was going through his current situation.

Wisdom is within us as it is not something that can be received or bought; hence, it is our role to use it as our perception of the external environment influence our thoughts. In Layan’s case, the issue is not on the environment around him but on what he is doing to change it. The article connects to the unit of them and us as it discusses how people relate to victims, from professionals to ordinary individuals. This conception makes space for structural initiatives with great significance, such as methodologies to enhance work opportunities, improved legal protection and political advocacy to address funding inequities.

Therefore, in conclusion, it is worth noting that the main goal of the author was to elaborate and bring light to the problem of discrimination. This is a complex topic requiring a significant research base and analysis of many articles and scientific papers. This is what made the author’s work particularly interesting to listen to. What has been read is connected with the curriculum and modules, as it considers the actual issue of discrimination on cultural, external, and traditional grounds.


Arboleda-FlĂłrez, J. (2003). Considerations on the stigma of mental illness. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 48(10), 645-650. Web.

Kunzel, R. (2017). Queer history, mad history, and the politics of health. American Quarterly, 69(2), 315-319. Web.

LeFrançois, B. (2013). Queering child and adolescent mental health services: The subversion of heteronormativity in practice. Children & Society, 27(1), 1-12. Web.

Losman, B. (2019). 20. Madness and gentrification on Queen West: Violence and the Transformations of park dale and the queen street site. In A. Daley, P. Beresford & L. Costa (Ed.), Madness, Violence, and Power: A Critical Collection (pp. 330-349). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Web.

Morrison, L. J. (2013). From sick role to social movement theoretical exploration. Routledge, 1-27.

Morrison, L. J. (2013). Talking back to psychiatry: The psychiatric consumer/survivor/ex-patient movement. Routledge, 1-212.

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PsychologyWriting. (2023, September 18). Stigmatization and Discrimination.

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PsychologyWriting. 2023. "Stigmatization and Discrimination." September 18, 2023.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Stigmatization and Discrimination." September 18, 2023.


PsychologyWriting. "Stigmatization and Discrimination." September 18, 2023.