Addressing Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Los Angeles


The issue of mental disorders that develop against the background of drug use is relevant for many cities, but the center of this study was the city of Los Angeles. Within the framework of this paper, the study and analysis of the city’s population, which is affected by the selected problem, as well as the health and housing conditions, will be carried out, and possible ways of limiting the issue will be proposed. Studying the problem of mental health and the use of substances will contribute to the dissemination of awareness about the situation and the introduction of the most productive solutions.

Affected Population

When considering the issue of the number of the population that is affected by the public health issues of mental health and substance abuse, it is necessary to refer to statistical data. Currently, 20.3% of individuals living in the town are under 18, and 12.9% are 65 years and older (“QuickFacts: Los Angeles city, California,” n.d.). Research stated that “19.1% of U.S. adults experienced mental illness in 2018 (47.6 million people), which represents 1 in 5 adults” (“Mental health by the numbers,” n.d., para. 2). Regarding the use of prohibited substances, there is more disturbing data. It is indicated that “7.6% of Los Angeles County residents aged 12 and above live with a substance use disorder, and 15.2% had used an illegal drug within the past month” (Dekin, 2022, para. 2). These statistics show an unfavorable trend regarding the problem under study, which requires critical solutions to limit it.

It is worth noting that the affected population often rents houses or flats or usually lives with roommates since the cost per month of living can be pretty high depending on the district. Another aspect when considering the population of Los Angeles is paying attention to the health status of individuals. Research data shows that 11.1% of the population does not have health insurance, smoking rates are 10.9%, and the average life expectancy in this region is 82.4 years, more than the national indicator (“Overview of Los Angeles County, CA,” n.d.). This information is publicly available, which leads to the conclusion that it is already known to researchers and helps identify vulnerable and affected population groups. Many affected individuals have the status of homeless or unemployed, people involved in the criminal justice system, ethnic and racial minorities, and youth and adolescents. The latter is of the most significant concern, as it shows that the age of starting to take narcotic substances is gradually decreasing.

An essential component in the context of this study is there are gaps and difficulties in identifying and gaining knowledge about the relationship between mental problems and drug use. It is worth emphasizing that there is knowledge about how these substances affect the psyche, but difficulties arise in other areas. An example could be linking the ways and reasons for the beginning of use, at what stage psychological issues may occur, and how they can be prevented. A limited number of studies on this topic also facilitate this aspect.

Possible Solutions

Addressing the problem of mental health and substance abuse in Los Angeles requires a comprehensive and well-developed approach, which also requires the involvement of all possible stakeholders. These participants should be government and healthcare providers, community organizations, and society. It is necessary to pay attention to the dissemination of awareness and education among the population about the psychological and physical harm of drug use. This aspect is essential for educational institutions where underage residents of the city study.

Another initiative should be the inclusion of resources in improving the performance of existing mental health services and expanding their availability through the opening of new ones. This aspect must necessarily imply the expansion of accessibility for the most affected members of society. These services include procedures such as counseling, therapy, and crisis interventions.


In conclusion, the problem of mental health and the use of narcotic substances is of critical importance. This is because their materiality puts at risk the most vulnerable individuals and the whole society. To limit the issue under discussion, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach to spreading awareness and measures to help individuals. These aspects will contribute to improving public health and positively affect the well-being of Los Angeles residents. This will raise the quality of mental and physical well-being of the city’s population.


Dekin, S. (2022). Creating consciousness: Addressing the substance abuse problem in Los Angeles. Mission Harbour Behavioral Center. Web.

Mental health by the numbers. (n.d.). National Alliance of Mental Health. Web.

Overview of Los Angeles County, CA. (n.d.). U.S. News. Web.

QuickFacts: Los Angeles city, California. (n.d.). United States Census Bureau. Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2025, January 26). Addressing Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Los Angeles.

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"Addressing Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Los Angeles." PsychologyWriting, 26 Jan. 2025,


PsychologyWriting. (2025) 'Addressing Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Los Angeles'. 26 January.


PsychologyWriting. 2025. "Addressing Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Los Angeles." January 26, 2025.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Addressing Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Los Angeles." January 26, 2025.


PsychologyWriting. "Addressing Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Los Angeles." January 26, 2025.