Addressing the Problem of Negative Thinking


People who tend to dwell on the negative in their lives are often the victims of unfortunate events. There are several fascinating topics to explore in positive psychology, including happiness, attentiveness, flow, and fortitude (Zetsche et al., 2018). Among positive psychology’s well-known topics is the concept of positive thinking. People who wish to discover more about positive thinking and incorporate it into their daily routines also benefit from learning more about the negative aspects.

Negative Thinking

When someone engages in negative thinking, they focus on the pessimistic aspects of any given scenario or experience. Stress, anxiety, and depression result when people believe everything will go wrong. For instance, if anyone won the lotto, they would reflect on having to pay taxes on their winnings instead of considering the advantages of this circumstance. Moreover, they would focus on the disadvantages, such as keeping this information from family and friends out of fear of financial extortion. This ruins what could have been a wonderful opportunity for happiness (Spinhoven et al., 2018). This style of thinking can be changed by adopting an attitude of positivity, which is called positive thinking.

Mark 12:31 says that we should love our neighbors as ourselves and treat people as we would like to be treated (as a rule of thumb) (King James Bible, n.d.). There is no tolerance for slandering, negatively thinking about, or abusing another person in the Christian faith. The dignity that God bestows on every person is rooted in the fact that everyone is made in the image and likeness of God. Since negative thinking is never acceptable from a Christian standpoint, children should be warned by their parents and teachers to avoid being included in this group, and adults should learn to embrace positive thinking. All who profess faith in Jesus Christ are commanded in Ephesians 4:29 to respect God with their words and deeds (King James Bible, n.d.). To ensure that one’s behaviors and motives are in accordance with Biblical standards, one should constantly ask God if any of their actions are not pleasing to him.

The next stage is to establish what tells someone if they are negative or positive, given they now know negative thinking. Filtering, customizing, catastrophizing, and segregating are four of the most common downsides. Positives are “filtered” away when the negatives become greater than the positives (Zetsche et al., 2018). When something horrible happens, and one immediately accepts responsibility, they are customizing. Before anything bad happens, it is common to imagine the worst-case scenario. Finally, segregating is when a person sees everything as either excellent or evil and cannot find ground between them. Having all of these problems might lead to severe symptoms of worry, tension, and depression.

Disadvantages of Negative Thinking

Many problems come with negative thinking, making a person physically and psychologically ill. Negative thinking is a disadvantage because most individuals do not want to spend time with such people and do whatever they can to keep them at a distance (Law & Tucker, 2018). Families who do not want to spend time with someone who always complains or is unwilling to highlight the same joy they are experiencing may avoid spending time with them altogether. In addition, worrying about a terrible circumstance can make a person physically and psychologically sick.

A Plan to Tackle the Problem

Acknowledge One’s ValueVerses in the Bible, such as Psalm 139:13-18 teach people that they are perfectly and magnificently made and that God’s feelings toward them are too powerful to fathom (King James Bible, n.d.). Such verses should be taught to everyone and particularly recommended to children. Young people are mainly affected by negative thinking; therefore, they need to understand that they are beloved by God and made in His image, and as a result, have inestimable value. People should not allow the lies in negative thoughts to disapprovingly shape their self-perception because God’s word about them is accurate and trustworthy. Because all human beings were created in God’s likeness, they have great worth, over and above being loved and cherished by Him.

React as a Christian Should

People might easily dismiss who they are in God and what He has instructed them to do when in a difficult situation. If a young person develops negative thoughts, parents and church leaders should tell them that they have the divine power to conquer all obstacles. Even if Christians should be aware that this world is not without its flaws, they should not be the ones to pass judgment on it. Only God has the power to bring justice to the world and make amends for everyone’s sins. People with negative thoughts should be treated with kindness and love, not violence (Zetsche et al., 2018). Despite the fact that it is easy to become enraged, frustrated, or dejected in the face of the circumstance, the Bible instructs everyone to love others and intercede for them. Family and friends should handle people with negative thoughts with the love and compassion of God in the hope that this generosity may influence their minds. If a child has negative thoughts, parents and teachers should encourage them to sometimes tell themselves positive things.

Reach Out to People with Negative Thoughts

People with negative thoughts should receive support from those authority figures at home, in society, and in the classroom. Befriending them and inviting them to hang out is one of the best ways they can do this. Because of this, they will not only feel more accepted and loved, but they will also be less likely to develop negative thoughts in the future. It is less probable for negative thoughts to develop in an individual within a group of friends than while alone. One further thing that parents and teachers may do to support their children who have negative thoughts is to offer them comfort and encouragement (Myers, 2015). They should ensure their inherent value and meaning, countering the lies others tell them. Parents and teachers may make a huge difference in their lives by simply spending enough time with them or offering them a hug.

Develop Healthy Habits

In order to cultivate good habits, a person should look at a variety of approaches, like focusing on happy thoughts instead of negative ones. They should also look for places where they can improve, encourage others to review their own behavior, be receptive to comedy, live a healthy lifestyle, associate with upbeat people, and engage in positive self-talk. Having a positive outlook on life might help a person recognize areas that need improvement (Law & Tucker, 2018). Stopping and observing one’s thoughts is a simple way to keep an eye on one’s own state of mind. When someone is open to comedy, they are able to laugh and smile even in the midst of adversity. In order to live a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to engage in regular physical activity, learn to prepare healthy meals, and engage in other healthy habits. Being around supportive and upbeat people can go a long way toward helping someone maintain a happy frame of mind. A good rule of thumb for avoiding negative self-talk is not saying it to someone else unless they deserve it. A positive and healthy life is possible when these factors come together.


There is no excuse for negative thinking, and it needs to be dealt with peacefully by everyone involved. People who desire to study more about positive philosophy and incorporate it into their daily practices also benefit from learning more about the negative aspects. When people engage in negative thinking, they center on the pessimistic aspects of a scenario or experience. Stress, worry, and depression arise when people harbor negative thoughts and consider that all things will go wrong. As Christians, people are obligated to treat everyone with compassion and love, even those who mistreat them. However, the weak and defenseless should also be protected in a friendly way. Children should have faith in the love and support they receive from their families, teachers, and church to address negative thinking and uphold positivity. Having a positive view of life helps people identify areas that necessitate improvement. Being around helpful and optimistic people may enable someone to maintain positivity and a healthy mental state.


King James Bible. (n.d.). King James Bible Online. Web.

Law, K. C., & Tucker, R. P. (2018). Repetitive negative thinking and suicide: A burgeoning literature with need for further exploration. Current Opinion in Psychology, 22, 68-72. Web.

Myers, D. (2015). Exploring social psychology (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Spinhoven, P., van Hemert, A. M., & Penninx, B. W. (2018). Repetitive negative thinking as a predictor of depression and anxiety: A longitudinal cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 241, 216-225. Web.

Zetsche, U., BĆ¼rkner, P. C., & Schulze, L. (2018). Shedding light on the association between repetitive negative thinking and deficits in cognitive controlā€“A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 63, 56-65. Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2023, September 4). Addressing the Problem of Negative Thinking.

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"Addressing the Problem of Negative Thinking." PsychologyWriting, 4 Sept. 2023,


PsychologyWriting. (2023) 'Addressing the Problem of Negative Thinking'. 4 September.


PsychologyWriting. 2023. "Addressing the Problem of Negative Thinking." September 4, 2023.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Addressing the Problem of Negative Thinking." September 4, 2023.


PsychologyWriting. "Addressing the Problem of Negative Thinking." September 4, 2023.