Analysis of a Gestalt Therapy Session


The video “Gestalt Therapy with Children” showcases a therapy session with a young boy named Blake and his therapist, Violet Oaklander, who pioneered Gestalt therapy with children. One of the main principles of Gestalt therapy is that individuals are viewed as a whole rather than just a sum of their parts. This holistic approach is evident in the therapy session, as the therapist is focused on understanding Blake’s experience and emotions in the present moment.


In the video “Gestalt Therapy with Children,” Dr. Violet Oaklander engaged Blake, the young boy in several ways to build a relationship with him. First, Dr. Oaklander established a warm and welcoming environment for Blake. She began the session by introducing herself and explaining what they would do together. Second, Dr. Oaklander used active listening skills to show Blake she was fully present and focused on him. Third, Dr. Oaklander displayed empathy and warmth toward Blake throughout the session. The doctor’s actions made Black feel comfortable throughout the treatment session, making it easier for him to connect with the therapist because Oaklander fostered a sense of caring and safety.

The video shows how Dr. Oaklander uses three micro-skills to get a patient to relate to her. For example, the doctor used reflection when she repeated Blake’s words. The therapist used this skill to show that she was listening carefully, and, in addition, the expression allowed Blake to perceive his experiences from a different angle. The therapist also asked Blake open-ended questions, asking for more detailed answers. (Oaklander, 2019). This skill is used to have the patient express their experiences and concerns more clearly, allowing the therapist to better understand what aspect of the psyche to work with. Another technique from the psychology of communication the practitioner used as non-verbal communication is nodding, leaning toward the patient, and maintaining eye contact (Oaklander, 2019). In therapy, this is used to show that she is a specialist present and interacting with the patient. Dr. Oaklander’s use of these micro-skills was effective in building a strong relationship with Blake.

Regarding the strategies Dr. Oaklander used to help Blake develop self-awareness and growth, it is noticeable in the video that the specialist used several Gestalt therapy policies. For example, a scheme called externalizing emotions when Dr. Oaklander suggested that Blake use art materials to create a picture of his feelings, which helped him externalize and understand his emotions tangibly (Oaklander, 2019). Another strategy was that the therapist could get the patient to focus on the present moment. The patient needed to focus on the instant when he was asked to describe what was happening in his drawing and how he felt in the moment, which allowed him to be more attentive and present (Oaklander, 2019). Finally, one of the most important strategies was to identify patterns. The therapist helped Blake identify patterns in his thoughts and actions by asking him questions about his feelings and reactions in different situations, which helped Blake understand himself more deeply.

Exploring Blake’s experiences in greater detail is one way Dr. Oaklander might have done differently or better. She did a decent job of asking open-ended questions, but she might have done a better job eliciting more details from Danny about his feelings and experiences by asking more follow-up questions. To give him better insight into himself, she might have also probed into his feelings and thoughts more deeply.


Having watched the video of Oaklander’s consultation with the patient, and assessing how the child’s condition changed, it is possible to conclude that the therapist coped with her task. The therapist created a safe atmosphere for the patient so that there was an opportunity to consider the process of the child’s thoughts, feelings, and deep experiences. After assessing the patient’s condition, the therapist began using Gestalt therapy techniques to allow Blake to deal with his emotions and deconstructive thoughts about self-esteem. This film is a good demonstration of the effectiveness of Gestalt therapy in working with children. Also, future specialists can emphasize which techniques can be useful to them in diagnosing various disorders in children.


Oaklander, V. (2019). Gestalt therapy with children. Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024, December 19). Analysis of a Gestalt Therapy Session.

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"Analysis of a Gestalt Therapy Session." PsychologyWriting, 19 Dec. 2024,


PsychologyWriting. (2024) 'Analysis of a Gestalt Therapy Session'. 19 December.


PsychologyWriting. 2024. "Analysis of a Gestalt Therapy Session." December 19, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Analysis of a Gestalt Therapy Session." December 19, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "Analysis of a Gestalt Therapy Session." December 19, 2024.