How to Do Long-Distance Relationship in College โ€“ 15 Practical Tips & Biggest Myths

College is a time of exploration, growth, and new experiences. But for many students, it can also mean long-distance separation from loved ones. Whether it’s a significant other, family member, or close friend, the physical separation can be daunting and may bring about feelings of worry and uncertainty. Especially in romantic relationships, it is common to say one needs to survive a long-distance relationship or even save their relationship. Such negative connotations add stress and make relationships feel like an unbearable burden.

However, we believe that with the correct mindset, maintaining a successful long-distance relationship in college is not only possible but can also strengthen the bond between you and your partner. This article will delve into effective strategies and give practical advice that can help you navigate the challenges of distance and nurture your relationships from afar.

This picture provides introductory information about long-distance relationships.

Disclaimer: Everything you read in this article is not the only relationship advice nor the ultimate truth. All relationships are unique, and the best solutions are those chosen by you and your partner. We’ve remained objective and have focused on tips that are worth considering.

๐Ÿ˜จ Challenges of LDR โ€“ What Scares Us the Most

Every long-distance relationship is special, as well as the challenges that come with it. However, people often experience similar fears in long-distance relationships. Here are some of the reasons behind the anxiety when you have a long-distance relationship in college:

Limited Physical Contact

One of the most significant hardships in a long-distance relationship in college is the lack of physical intimacy. It might be especially hard for people whose love language is physical touch.

Busy Schedules

College life involves busy schedules with classes, assignments, extracurricular activities, and socialization. Balancing these commitments while maintaining regular communication with your partner can be difficult.

Time Zone Differences

If you and your partner are in different time zones, finding a time to communicate that works for both of you can be challenging. Scheduling calls or video chats might require careful planning and compromise.

Trust Issues and Jealousy

Trust is crucial in any relationship, but distance can sometimes amplify jealousy or insecurity. It can be hard to trust your partner when you can’t see what they’re doing or who they’re spending time with.

The picture shows some of the major challenger of long-distance relationships.

The Feeling of Loneliness and Missing Out

Being physically away from your partner can lead to feelings of loneliness and missing out on shared experiences. You might feel left out when your partner attends events or socializes with friends without you.

Communication Breakdowns

Honest communication is essential in any relationship, but it becomes even more important in a long-distance one. Misunderstandings can occur more easily when relying solely on texts, calls, or video chats.

Lack of Emotional Support

College life can be stressful, and having a physically present partner can provide emotional support. In a long-distance relationship, giving that same level of emotional support may be challenging due to the physical distance.

Uncertain Future

College is a time of personal growth and change. Sometimes, these changes can lead to reevaluating the relationship. Uncertainty about the future, such as post-college plans or potential career opportunities in different places, can create additional stress.

Lack of Shared Experiences

Being physically apart means missing out on shared experiences and creating new memories separately. This can make maintaining a strong emotional connection challenging and lead to disconnection over time.

Financial Strain

Long-distance relationships can be expensive, especially if you need to travel to visit each other frequently. The cost of transportation, accommodation, and other expenses can put a strain on your finances.

โš–๏ธ Pros & Cons of Long-Distance Relationships

Being in a long-distance relationship in college can be a mix of challenges and benefits. Whether you are currently in one or consider one, knowing the advantages and disadvantages can be helpful.

The picture provides the pros and cons of long-distance relationships.


  • Independence and personal growth. Being in a long-distance relationship in college allows for personal growth and freedom. It allows you to focus on your studies, goals, and friendships without being overly dependent on your partner.
  • Stronger communication skills. In a long-distance relationship, communication becomes essential. Partners must learn to communicate effectively, express their feelings, and resolve conflicts through various means such as texts, calls, or video chats. This can lead to improved communication skills that can benefit the relationship in the long run.
  • Increased trust and loyalty. Being physically separated can test the trust and loyalty between partners. Successfully navigating a long-distance relationship can strengthen these qualities and build a solid foundation of long-lasting relationships.
  • Appreciating quality time. When you are physically apart from your partner, the time you spend together becomes more valuable. Long-distance couples often make the most of their limited time together, appreciating each other’s presence and creating meaningful memories.
  • Personal freedom. College is a time for self-discovery and exploration. Being in a long-distance relationship allows you to have the freedom to pursue your own interests, hobbies, and social life without feeling restricted by your significant other.


  • Difficulty in establishing a routine. Relationships often thrive on shared daily experiences. Being in a long-distance relationship can make it challenging to establish a consistent routine, which can impact the stability and familiarity within the partnership.
  • Time management challenges. Balancing academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and a long-distance relationship can be overwhelming. It may require sacrificing time that could be spent studying or engaging in other college-related activities.
  • Emotional exhaustion. Maintaining a long-distance relationship requires constant effort, communication, and emotional investment. This can sometimes lead to emotional exhaustion, especially when trying to balance the demands of college life alongside the needs of the relationship.
  • Increased pressure during visits. When visits occur, there may be heightened expectations and pressure to make the most of the limited time together. This pressure can sometimes lead to disappointment if the visit fails to meet expectations or if a conflict occurs during that time.
  • Fear of the relationship not lasting. Uncertainty about the future and the challenges of a long-distance relationship can create fears about the relationship not being able to withstand the distance and ultimately ending.

โ˜๏ธ How to Do Long Distance in College โ€“ Start with a Mindset

With the right mindset, a long-distance relationship can become an opportunity for personal growth, deep emotional connection, and building a strong foundation for the future. Here are the top psychological tips on how to navigate the challenges of a long-distance relationship as well as reap the benefits of this unique experience.

๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Communicate with your partner openly.Make sure to express your needs, concerns, and expectations. Set aside dedicated time to talk, whether it’s via phone calls, video chats, or even handwritten letters.
๐Ÿ”ฎ Remember that your experience is unique. While seeking advice from others can be helpful, it is important to trust your own judgment and instincts when it comes to you and your partner.
๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŽ“ Focus on personal growth and self-discovery.Embrace your college years as an opportunity to focus on your own development and encourage your partner to do the same. By growing individually, you will have more to share and contribute to the relationship.
๐Ÿคน๐Ÿฝ Maintain a healthy balance.While it’s important to prioritize your relationship, it’s equally important to maintain a healthy balance with other aspects of your life. Don’t neglect your studies, friendships, or personal well-being.
๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ Work on trust and commitment.Trust your partner and have faith in the commitment you both have made to each other. Avoid jealousy or suspicion by being transparent about your actions and intentions.
๐Ÿคฉ Stay positive and optimistic.Long-distance relationships can sometimes be challenging, so keeping a positive mindset is crucial. Focus on the love and connection you share and remind yourself why you chose this relationship.
๐Ÿคฏ Stop overthinking.Instead of getting consumed with “what-ifs,” focus on using effective communication, building trust, and maintaining a positive mindset in your long-distance relationship.
๐Ÿ‘ Seek support when needed.Surround yourself with friends and family who understand and respect your relationship. They can provide advice, encouragement, and a listening ear when needed. Additionally, consider seeking professional help if you find yourself struggling with the emotional toll of being in a long-distance relationship.
On this picture, you can see tips on how to improve your mindset to make LDR work.

๐Ÿšฎ Myths of LDR

In this section, we’ll address the most common myths around long-distance relationships in college. It is essential to have open and honest discussions with your partner about expectations and beliefs regarding being physically apart.

โŒ MYTH: Long-Distance Relationships Never Work Out

While long-distance relationships can be difficult, they can also be successful with proper communication and effort from both partners. Many couples have successfully navigated a long-distance relationship during college and gone on to have a fulfilling relationship.

โŒ MYTH: Long-Distance Relationships Are Not Worth the Effort

The worth of a relationship is subjective and varies from person to person. Some individuals may find that the benefits of their long-distance relationship outweigh the challenges, including personal growth, independence, and the opportunity to build a strong foundation before living together.

โŒ MYTH: Long-Distance Relationships Are Only for Couples Who Have Been Together for a Long Time

Long-distance relationships can be successful for couples at any stage of their relationship, whether they have been together for a few months or several years. The key is open and honest communication, trust, and a shared commitment to making the relationship work.

โŒ MYTH: Long-Distance Relationships in College Will Hinder Academic Success

While maintaining a long-distance relationship requires time and effort, it does not necessarily have to affect your academic success. With effective time management and prioritization, you can balance your relationship with your studies and be successful in both areas.

โŒ MYTH: Long-Distance Relationships Require a Lot of Money

While financial constraints can pose challenges, couples in long-distance relationships can find creative solutions. Budgeting, exploring cost-effective travel options, and finding ways to support each other emotionally can help overcome financial obstacles.

โŒ MYTH: Long-Distance Relationships Are Doomed Once Graduation Approaches

While the transition from college to life after graduation can introduce new challenges, long-distance relationships can adapt and evolve. With open communication, plans for the future, and a shared commitment to the relationship, couples can navigate the post-graduation phase together.

โŒ MYTH: In Long-Distance Relationships, You Lose Yourself

Long-distance relationships can actually promote personal growth and independence. Being physically apart allows individuals to focus on their own goals and interests, fostering personal development and self-discovery.

โŒ MYTH: It’s Impossible to Stay Faithful in Long-Distance Relationships

Temptations may be more challenging in a long-distance relationship, but they don’t necessarily alter the dynamics of love between partners. Whether someone is prone to infidelity or not, distance alone doesn’t determine faithfulness in a relationship.

โŒ MYTH: In Long-Distance Relationship, You Can Easily Fall Out of Love

The possibility of falling out of love may be heightened in a long-distance relationship, but the distance does not solely determine the result. Falling out of love can occur for various reasons, regardless of whether the person is physically present or not. Even when someone lives under the same roof as their partner, they can still experience a loss of feelings for their partner.

โŒ MYTH: When You Visit Your Long-Distance Partner, It’s Always Magical

Many people in long-distance relationships have idealized expectations of their long-waited reunion with a partner. If the visits don’t go as planned, it’s important not to doubt the passion in your relationship. Instead, cherish the real experience and find joy in the imperfect moments, even when they don’t resemble a fairy tale.

This picture provides the most helpful tips for maintaining long-distance relationships.

๐Ÿ’‘ 15 Practical Tips to Make LDR Work

Here are some practical tips to help you navigate the challenges and make the most of your long-distance relationship.

  • Establish a regular communication schedule that works for you and your significant other, considering factors like time zones and availability.
  • Take advantage of modern technologies like video calls, voice chats, and instant messaging platforms to stay connected with your partner.
  • Send physical reminders of your affection, like handwritten letters, little gifts, or items that remind you of each other.
  • Try mobile apps to bond with your partner. Some great recommendations are Couple Game (lets you play couples quizzes) and Nujj (allows you to shake your phone, and your significant other’s phone will slightly vibrate).
  • Create shared playlists or dedicate songs to each other to evoke emotions and share part of your daily experience.
  • Synchronize your schedules by using shared calendars like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook.
  • Plan visits in advance so that you have something to look forward to. This can help overcome many challenges of a long-distance relationship.
  • Have movie nights together with the help of platforms like Netflix Party or Disney+ GroupWatch.
  • Share snippets of your day-to-day activities with your partner on Instagram, Snapchat, or through private messages.
  • Surprise your partner with virtual gifts, such as e-cards, personalized playlists, or digital subscriptions to their favorite services.
  • Embrace handwritten letters and take the time to write heartfelt cards to send to your partner through traditional mail.
  • Create a shared virtual journal where you can write about your experiences, feelings, and aspirations.
  • Practice active listening, give your partner undivided attention during calls, be empathetic, and show genuine interest in their life.
  • Cultivate shared interests and hobbies, such as reading the same books or watching TV shows simultaneously.
  • Plan surprise visits or special occasions to celebrate together with your partner.

๐Ÿ’” What to Do When You Feel Desperate

Being in a long-distance relationship while in college can sometimes lead to feelings of desperation. Firstly, the physical separation itself can create a sense of longing and a deep desire for closeness. Being unable to see each other regularly or experience everyday life together can be emotionally challenging. Additionally, the demands of college life, such as academic pressures and social activities, can leave little time for maintaining the relationship.

If you find yourself overwhelmed with long-distance relationship challenges, please know that you are not alone. Many other couples have experienced similar struggles and found ways to navigate them. It’s important to remember that distance doesn’t diminish the love and connection you share with your partner.

  • Focus on the deep bond you have established, the memories you cherish, and the goals for which you both strive.
  • Take solace in knowing that this phase is temporary, and your relationship can grow stronger as you overcome these challenges together.
  • Stay positive, communicate openly with your partner, seek support from friends and family, and make the most of your time together.

Remember, love knows no boundaries, and with patience, understanding, and commitment, you can overcome the distance and build a beautiful future together.

Long-distance relationships in college are undoubtedly challenging, but they are not impossible to navigate. As long as you and your partner set realistic expectations and stay supportive, you will not only survive but thrive in long-distance relationships.

Often the benefits of long-distance relationships remain in the shadow of possible hardships. However, being physically apart can provide opportunities for personal growth and independence, better communication skills, strengthened trust, and a solid foundation for a future together. Luckily, modern technologies and virtual platforms make it possible to stay connected and create shared experiences despite the geographical distance.

So, if you find yourself in a long-distance relationship while in college, remember that distance does not define the depth of your love. The true essence of love can reveal itself in moments of longing, late-night conversations, and online dates.

๐Ÿ”— References

  1. 21 Best Tips On Making A Long-Distance Relationship Work – LifeHack
  2. The Pros And Cons Of A Long-Distance Relationship | BetterHelp
  3. Busting Common Myths About Long-Distance Relationships
  4. Tips To Make A Long-Distance Relationship Work, For Real | mindbodygreen
  5. Relationship quality, commitment, and stability in long-distance relationships (Kelmer et al., 2013)
  6. 5 Best Ways to Make Long-Distance Relationships Work While at Uni
  7. Therapists Share How to Make Long Distance Relationships Work
  8. How to Start & Keep a Mental Health Journal – Tips for Students