Characteristics of Social Psychology

Nowadays, people’s minds are pretty much the same – almost everyone has the same goals and values in life, which may be: a successful career, an expensive car, a big house, high-quality and fashionable clothes, and so on. Thus, the society has set some “standards” of life, which all people are likely to follow. Nevertheless, some of us cannot live in such atmosphere. Therefore, these people are willing to make their own choices, which usually contradict the principles of morality and expectations of the community.

Unfortunately, all people follow these “standards” of life and try to do what is expected from them by their parents, friends, and teachers. Usually, a person feels a lot safer, happier, and enjoys his or her life if one has made all the crucial choices for oneself (Small). Parents always try to get their children involved into something that they think would be better for him or her, but in reality, children need to make their own choices to become strong and confident people.

Every person has to do what he or she has a passion for. Otherwise, one might never become happy. There are many people who have got everything that they wanted from life – they traveled, they have an expensive car, a beautiful house, and so on. However, these people usually say that they are not satisfied with their lives because they were not doing what they have a passion for. (Pappas). This is a bit unusual for a regular person who works days and nights in order to survive and to buy at least something besides food. Many individuals try to earn as much money as possible, but only at the end of their lives, they start to realize that they do not want all that they have and own right now. Every person has to decide what he or she wants to do in one’s life – sometimes it does not refer to an occupation or money at all. The easiest way to define one’s life path is to think of his or her hobbies, interests, and things that make this person happy.

In order to find your calling in this world, it would be proper to travel around the world because some people think that they were born in a wrong place. Therefore, they move to another place to change their pace and style of life. It is all individual – some are happy to get away from a life in a big city, and others are glad to leave their calm village in the middle of nowhere (Clark). Some psychologists highly recommend going to places that one has never seen before. That will certainly help to have a good rest and maybe, to find one’s new calling.

Everyone gets emotional once in a while – people do not like to hear bad things about themselves from others. Moreover, some cannot stand when different important things are being done in the way that does not satisfy them. As Burke says, all the people are likely to revenge an injustice, which is not a right thing to do sometimes, as they do not think about consequences and make fast and wrong decisions. Becoming a forgiving person is essential in today’s world.

There are many different situations in our lives when people get offended and hurt by someone, but a wise person should forgive everything. Even though one might be very upset, he or she has to think thoroughly through any situation – it is always a better choice to leave all the emotions behind (Dias). Forgiving is a tough thing to do sometimes, especially if it is necessary to forgive an enemy – it is unacceptable for some individuals, because of their pride.

One of the articles contains a good thought about people not making decisions based on data and credible information. It seems like every person wants to have his or her experience path in everything that one does. I wonder, why do humans not look at mistakes and achievements of their ancestors to gain some knowledge of what is beneficial and what is not. For instance, a lot of fathers drink or have been drinking alcohol for a certain period of time, so why would sons of such people become alcoholics? They should already know that drinking is not a good choice – it slowly kills everything in your life – health, career, and relationships.

We all live in our own little worlds with different opinions and persuasions that are almost impossible to be changed by someone else. People try to use their experiences and knowledge in various life situations and teach their children to do the same things. If one is not familiar with a particular situation, it is better to consult people who have already faced it and solved it. All individuals have to learn from the experiences of previous generations because learning on one’s mistakes takes too much time that, which can be spent more efficiently. For instance, scholars always use someone’s information to prove their viewpoints on different things.

Every person is a part of a particular society – one may have friends at school, may have a good fellowship with his or her colleagues, or may communicate with people of the same interests. Nevertheless, people want to remain unique, share their thoughts and express their philosophies in public (Whitbourne). To do it right and to win someone’s respect, it is better to follow simple rules of politeness, stick to your state of mind, regardless of anyone else’s, and to know how to prove your viewpoint to other people.

It is crucial for adults to be respected by someone and to have people with the same interests around – it helps them to socialize. Fellowship makes people less stressful and happier – it is good to know that there is someone who will always agree with you. Most people do not share their thoughts with their families or friends because they do not want to become an object of derision.

When one is expressing him or herself in public, it would be polite not to be talking about politics or religion because these topics are very individual and many people may be offended if you will say something that contradicts their persuasions. It is so much easier to talk to people who you know very well. Therefore, you are already aware of their behavior, and their reaction to any speech becomes predictable. But if a person addresses a massive crowd, he or she never knows what one’s speech will be taken like. Therefore, it is better to learn at least something about one’s potential audience.

All teenagers want to stand out of the crowd, win respect from their peers, and to be in the center of attention. Unfortunately, some young people cross the edge of being interesting and being mindless. They start to drink alcohol and commit unreasonable deeds just to remain funny or unusual among others. This set of mind has to be regulated by parents because such people usually do not seem to have good relationships with their mothers and fathers.

Another article is about a mass panic at the J.F.K. Airport that was caused by an unexpected sound, which was similar to a bomb or a big explosion. In reality, there was no danger to the passengers and airport personnel made an announcement that the emergency was over. Nevertheless, people started panicking because they have that instinct to run and to save themselves in a case of any urgency. This is a psychological factor that made our society aware of any familiar noise in public places. People now know that terrorists can be anywhere, especially after those incidents at the World Trade Center fifteen years ago. Sometimes big groups of people start to panic because everyone around is panicking too. They do not even try to understand what is going on and what the reason for fear is. Sometimes it is a good thing because some evaluate their lives more than their luggage, but this instinct may cause harm to others as well. People start to think only about themselves, and there were a lot of cases when parents forgot their children or left old people behind.

It is essential to remain calm in a tricky situation – that always helps to think wisely and adequately. Once a person started panicking, he or she follows an instinct, which is not always a right decision. Instincts are used by animals to survive in wild, but a person has a mind that one has to use in order to live in a civilized world.

Unfortunately, the number of terrorist attacks increases every month, so there are more chances to become a terror victim today than two years ago. That means that people have to be prepared for unordinary situations. Regular citizens do not think about such cases because they have never faced them before. Moreover, some individuals believe that there is no chance for them to become a hostage of terrorists. This state of mind is wrong because all people go shopping, visit cinemas, go to public places, and so on.

Another important thing that every citizen has to know is an appearance of terrorists. If one has noticed a suspicious person under one roof with him or her – the best decision is to leave immediately. Even if there is no attack, this person is safe and has fewer chances to be murdered. Indeed, sometimes it does not seem real to define a terrorist in a crowd. Nevertheless, there are some hints that might help you to see these people. First things first, terrorists always hide – they can have their hoods on or their faces covered. The second hint to define a terrorist is to examine his or her clothes – if the clothing is loose, one might have a weapon. The last advice is to look in the person’s eyes, which is usually an impossible thing to do because their heads are bowed. The primary goal of extremists is to murder as many people as possible in a very popular and overcrowded place. All people need to know that panicking never helps – the best way to avoid a terrorist act is to sneak out of the building or area, which is likely to be under attack.

Works Cited

Burke, Sandy. “But He Started It….Revenge, Forgiveness and Happiness.” ChicagoNow, 2016, Web.

Clark, Kelly James. “Dangerously Uninformed: Religion and Violence.” Huffpost, 2016, Web.

Dias, Jason. “This Is What A Fundamental Attribution Error Looks Like.” ANewDomain, 2015, Web.

Pappas, Stephanie. “Blame the Parents? Child Tragedies Reveal Empathy Decline.” LiveScience, 2016, Web.

Small, Gary. “The Science of Mass Hysteria: When we Face Uncertainty, our Minds Crave Explanations.” STAT News, 2016, Web.

Whitbourne, Susan Krauss. “6 Ways to Stand Out From the Crowd.” Psychology Today, 2017, Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2022, January 26). Characteristics of Social Psychology.

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1. PsychologyWriting. "Characteristics of Social Psychology." January 26, 2022.


PsychologyWriting. "Characteristics of Social Psychology." January 26, 2022.