Marriage Therapy: The Case Analysis


Marriage therapy is a vital function that allows couples to uncover the fundamental reasons for issues in their marriage. Couples frequently have difficulties in marriage at a certain point and may opt to seek expert help. Existing marital troubles are typically produced by various circumstances, including socio-cultural disparities between spouses. In contrast, therapists must objectively study the concerns to properly advise the couple and support them in developing feasible solutions (Zlotnick, 2021). The article discusses the examination, evaluation, and treatment plan for a couple undergoing challenges.

Vignette of the wife and the husband

The husband was born alone, and his family immigrated to the United States from Sweden when he was still young. The husband struggled with low self-esteem since he felt pretty alone throughout high school and university. His wife, the wife, comes from a prominent African American household. The wife’s family has been living in the United States for several decades. The husband and the wife are in their late 20s and have been married for three years. Regrettably, the wife was assaulted as a youngster by her uncle, although she did not tell anybody since she was too terrified and humiliated.

While the wife tends to visit her relatives frequently, they are always in disagreement with the husband’s numerous work trips far from town. The couple also disagrees on how much time the wife takes with her family and whether they should start having kids. The husband wants to have children, but the wife maintains that she will need more time to complete her job. As a result, the wife did not obtain therapy services, which appears to have harmed her over time.

The wife was upset a month ago when she realized the husband had a sexual affair with a colleague the past summer. He declined to discuss the matter when she approached the husband, stating it was an error. The husband, on the other hand, concedes that he has been melancholy and unhappy in his marriage, but he does not believe that discussing it can help rescue the situation (Zlotnick, 2021). The wife is angry and unable to focus on her task. As a result, she begs the husband to explain his requirements, but he stays mute and aloof.

The husband’s drinking has risen, and he is getting increasingly sad. The wife has been browsing through the husband’s emails on his cell phone and the computer. She found the husband’s most recent communications to another lady, in which he describes his dismal sentiments about his marriage. The wife was upset and contemplating suicide. The husband discovers the wife dangling from the roof on one of the evenings. Luckily, she is not yet dead and is being taken to the hospital. Because the experience scared them both, the couple chose to seek marriage therapy.

The above is an extreme case of a marriage issue. Therapists must better comprehend the circumstance to adopt the optimal theoretical approach. Adding solution-oriented therapy in this scenario is wise since it conceptualizes the couple’s strengths while investigating solutions. Cognitive behavioral therapy is carried out by immediately examining the clients’ replies to a set of carefully crafted questions. It is a collective strategy for attaining psychological change that is goal-directed.

Solution-Focused Therapy seeks to achieve the clients’ perspective of solutions. This technique aims to redirect their attention from failure to achievement when applied to the husband and the wife. The husband and the wife are invited to express their varied goals for the therapy encounter and what they want to accomplish during the sessions. Counselling is vital because it allows people to express themselves. When couples fail to offer a solid sense of their intended results, therapists typically use miraculous questions to direct their ideas toward a resolution.

The therapist could then utilize a genogram once the shared goals have already been determined. The husband and the wife will benefit from the genogram, a family tree that lets the user view psychological aspects and genetic patterns that impact the connection (Zlotnick, 2021). The husband and the wife come from diverse origins and have had various life experiences. They also have unique civilizations, so using a genogram aims to investigate the many cultures.

As a result of exploring cultural norms, the husband will better grasp why the wife enjoys more time with her entire family. Furthermore, the therapist will commend and applaud the partners for taking the risk of engaging in therapy since this is their shared strength. Alternatively, other strengths might be investigated to aid in the problem-solving process. Therapy will be more successful if the therapist is the subject of the discussed problems (Zlotnick, 2021). As a result, the wife will feel more at ease. If the therapist is unfamiliar with a particular subject, such as African American culture, they must undergo significant research to comprehend the existing habits better. Furthermore, the couple’s philosophy may disagree with that of the therapist, yet, the therapist must remain calm at all times.

Ethical Issues

Therapists typically educate their patients that they are responsible for making appropriate relationship choices. Nevertheless, there are some instances where disclosure is required to safeguard the clients from significant damage. Counsellors should preserve confidentiality while interacting with their clients, ensuring that all information remains private. Individual therapy sessions are also available, albeit couples must be warned that none will be given room to keep secrets.

In this scenario, no secrets must be maintained between the husband and the wife; therefore, honesty is always essential. Furthermore, while attempting to resolve the conflict between the husband and the wife, the therapist considers the need for cultural awareness. Consequently, the wife and the husband will become more adaptable to one another’s customs. The therapist will not attempt to convince the couple but will educate them on their actions’ rewards and repercussions.

Treatment plan

Recipient informationMedical aide information
Name of Husband: The husband TaylorTherapist
Residential: Crosswinds Mobile ParkLocation: Crosswinds Mobile Park
DOB: 1993Date: 20-10-2011
Name of Wife: The wife
Residential: Crosswinds Mobile ParkDOB: 1995
MedicationsMarital Counseling through Solution-Focused Therapy and Cognitive behavioural therapy
Long-term symptomsThe marriage has become shaky because of issues of infidelity from The husband. The couple has not been able to find time to iron out the issues because The husband feels as if it is not necessary. As such, The wife wants to spend more time with her parents to avoid the depressing situation in their home. The couple is poor in communication. Although comparable favourable relationships between prejudice and alcohol consumption have been discovered in this demographic,
Long-term goal:Marital difficulties are generally dealt with methodically in order to increase long-term effectiveness. The recommended treatment plan includes sixteen weeks of group and six months of individual meetings. Individual concerns are addressed during separate sessions, while common issues are discussed during collaborative sessions. The husband and The wife are supposed to devise coping strategies.
The component includes basic demographic and physiological information history, beginning of symptoms, diagnostics, duration of treatment, and any additional evaluation information relevant to well-being.
Presenting problems: The section discusses the person’s present worries and mental health difficulties that prompted him or her to seek therapy.
Short term goalsDateProjectedCompletion
  1. Communication
  1. Understand that marriage is no competition
  2. Express to one another constructively. Where The husband can say what pushes him to cheat
  3. The wife to consider her frequent visits to the family
  4. Sharing a meal
  5. Keep a positive attitude
  6. Break the familiarity curse
InterventionResponse fromTherapist
Family therapy to understand the underlying conflictsTherapist
Actions: Separate therapy between The husband and The wife
Date of reviewProgress
Involve the BishopProgress

The therapist may also inquire if there has been a change since the last session. Such inquiries allow the therapist to determine whether or not they are making improvements. The therapist may even recommend to the couple if they want to restart their marriage and make amends. Individual sessions are required since some people feel uncomfortable addressing specific concerns in front of their partner. The couples’ grasp of the genogram will be improved through group sessions.

Treatment is critical because it allows couples to attain their marital objectives as they often learn to tolerate one another, strengthening their bond. It will allow for investigating developments leading to a revolution (Zlotnick, 2021). The pair should comprehend that they were granted one mouth and two ears for a reason. They must remove the ignition source, and the spark will go down, allowing them both an opportunity to recover and reassess their approach to the issues. When a spouse is furious or terrified, they will strike out and ensure their view of the situation is known loud and clear.


Accepting responsibility for your actions in a relationship pushes your spouse to be honest, and transparent. As a result, the husband and the wife should extend grace to one another. They should not presume they understand what is happening until they hear each other’s side. They ought to get to know each other well, recognize their cultural differences, and uncover qualities within themselves that they may explore.

Couples must incorporate conversation and interaction at all times to avoid misunderstandings. Consequently, they will be more open, transparent, and sincere with you, resulting in honest, genuine talks. If the therapist cannot manage a specific situation, the therapist should preserve competency and so refer to another expert. In the case of a conflict between the spouses, the therapist should add solution-focused therapy because it is goal-oriented and hence more suitable.

DAP note

  • Data: In the first session with the couple, they were gloomy and not willing to open up of the issues they were going through as a couple. The wife shared a few concerns on infidelity but the husband was not willing to take responsibility.
  • Assessment: The have all improved in terms of communication. The husband is now listening to concerns from the wife.
  • Plan: Next appointment 25/10/2022 at 12 noon.


Zlotnick, S. (2021). The Most Common Marriage Problems Faced By Couples. Brides.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024, December 6). Marriage Therapy: The Case Analysis.

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"Marriage Therapy: The Case Analysis." PsychologyWriting, 6 Dec. 2024,


PsychologyWriting. (2024) 'Marriage Therapy: The Case Analysis'. 6 December.


PsychologyWriting. 2024. "Marriage Therapy: The Case Analysis." December 6, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Marriage Therapy: The Case Analysis." December 6, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "Marriage Therapy: The Case Analysis." December 6, 2024.