Physiological Influences on Perception

The sensory system of human beings includes organs that perceive and analyze all stimuli that come to them from the internal and external environment. Each of the five sensory organs, biological cycles, and other physical characteristics of a person are directly involved in the collection and analysis of information and further formation of the overall impression. Therefore, as the perceived stimulus changes due to the body state, so do the perception (Wede, n.d.). In this paper, three situations will be considered in the presence of certain disorders.

The chosen situations include:

  1. An evening out with friends in a crowded restaurant (perceiver is one of those friends);
  2. A volleyball game (perceiver is a player);
  3. A doctor’s physical examination (perceiver is a patient).

Each situation will be reviewed in terms of the given changes. Perception in these cases will be described from the point of view of physiology and inner sensation.

  • In the case of visual impairment, the person will be limited in seeing the surrounding objects, friends, and other people in the restaurant. They cannot assess the interior of the hall and the appearance of the food. Furthermore, if the vision deterioration is acute, the person may experience difficulty moving since they cannot estimate the actual distance. All these significantly reduce the quality of life and limit the person’s comprehension.

If the perceiver has a hearing loss, they are limited in the ability to communicate, as they do not hear their interlocutors. They also cannot assess the noise level in the hall and do not hear the crowd around. If their friends do not have special non-verbal skills, hearing loss negatively affects the perceiver’s relationships with other people as limits their communication.

The impact of height on self-perception is not limited to the only sensory system. This indicator is more likely linked to social characteristics. However, in this situation, it barely has any effect since the perceiver’s physical features do not define their social relationships during a friendly meeting.

A cold is often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, headache, general weakness, as well as possible cough, sore throat, or rhinitis. Undoubtedly, this state of the body cannot allow fully enjoying meeting with friends and food served. The state of health of a person may also deteriorate and cause further complicacy.

Changes in age are associated with not only physiological characteristics but psychological aspects of perception. After ten years, a person can change the area of their interests and form new views on life, thus, communication with the same friends may no longer be engaging and pleasing.

  • Playing volleyball and visual impairment, at first glance, seem incompatible. Nevertheless, there is a modified version of the game in which the ball has bells inside. Unconditionally, the game after loss or deterioration of vision will not be the same as before, but the fact of physical activity and receiving impressions promise to keep positive emotions and wellbeing.

In the case of hearing loss, perception can be judged in a similar way as in the case of vision deterioration. Physical perceptual capabilities are also limited, but a person can still enjoy the game and self-fulfillment.

It is believed that height is of great importance in volleyball, but it should be mentioned that each participant in the game has to play a different role. A taller player has an advantage during defense and attack, while lower players can contribute by having a good jump height. Thus, although a decreased height can bring difficulties, it does not limit the person in their opportunities and desires.

As it was mentioned before, a cold has a significant effect on the state of the body. If a person has these symptoms, it will be hard for them both to participate in the game and focus on the result. Moreover, their further condition may worsen, which puts their well-being at serious risk.

Changes in age have mainly physiological significance for volleyball playing. Every human body tends to lose its vital resource with age: power and capacity of muscles reduce, stamina and response rate decrease. Consequently, it is possible to conclude that it will be more difficult for a person to take an active part in the game.

  • In case of the absence or deterioration of vision, visiting a doctor for examination is justifiable and appropriate. During the visit, a specialist will examine the person to determine the cause and further treatment of vision loss. Modern medicine provides many opportunities for accurate diagnostics and effective therapy. Therefore, there is a possibility of the recovery and improvement of the perceiver’s later life quality.

In this situation, hearing loss is nearly similar to vision loss. The doctor will also be able to carry out the necessary measures, but it is important to note that not all pathologies can be cured. In an unfavorable scenario, medicine will be helpless, which means that a person can experience disappointment, sorrow, or even run into depression. Otherwise, they can reconcile with it and learn to live with their feature.

Height usually does not have a significant impact on human health. In this regard, the doctor is unlikely to detect a disease directly related to height. A visit to the doctor will represent an ordinary routine checkup.

A doctor’s physical examination in case of a cold, as well as in case of visual and hearing disorders, is a reasonable precaution since some types of colds are fraught with serious complications. The doctor will examine the patient and objectively assess their condition and then will prescribe competent treatment. A person will feel better both physically and psychologically since they will realize that their health is in safe hands.


Wede, J. (n.d.) Psychology [eBook edition]. Affordable Course Transformation: The Pennsylvania State University.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024, December 28). Physiological Influences on Perception.

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"Physiological Influences on Perception." PsychologyWriting, 28 Dec. 2024,


PsychologyWriting. (2024) 'Physiological Influences on Perception'. 28 December.


PsychologyWriting. 2024. "Physiological Influences on Perception." December 28, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Physiological Influences on Perception." December 28, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "Physiological Influences on Perception." December 28, 2024.