Word Count Reducer

Have you exceeded your assignment word limit and now wonder how to cut your essay length? Try our word count decreaser! It will shorten your paper while preserving its meaning.

Word Count Reducer
20,000 characters left
Decreased version
Shorter by 1%
1 1 sentence 1 1 word 1 1 character

    How often do you exceed the word count by more than 10%? How often do you lack the required amount of words? In many cases, writing a text of the exact size is difficult. However, teachers assess your ability to squeeze all required content into a particular volume, especially in admission essays.

    Use our handy free online tool – a word decreaser – if you’re clueless about what to cut out from your writing.

    ✂️ Word Count Decreaser Guidelines

    When you realize that your text requires reduction, you may follow two paths – edit it on your own or take advantage of modern technology. Our smart word count decreaser will do the job for you! The entire process is automated and lets you submit an essay with an exact word count without losing the important content.

    Here’s how you can use the decrease word count tool:

    • Paste your text into the first window;
    • Select the number of sentences you want the summary to have;
    • Choose to see the keywords of the text;
    • Press “Decrease” and review the result.

    The best about our tool is that you won’t spend hours editing your writing masterpiece. You can quickly decrease word count online and experiment with several word combinations to find the best match.

    ✅ Word Cutter: the Benefits

    🗝 Keywords shownUse the “Show keywords” option if necessary.
    📶 100% onlineYou don’t need to download unnecessary software.
    💵 100% freeNo longer need to pay or use trial versions.
    🎓 Made for studentsEnjoy the word cutter designed for educational purposes.

    🕰️ Word Cutter – When to Use It?

    Let’s discuss the propriety of using the decrease word count generator and explain the cases when you’ll find it useful.

    Exceeding the Word Count (Essay, Research Paper, Thesis)

    Each academic assignment has a specific word count based on the contents and depth of the research.

    So, if you’ve hopelessly run out of the required word count and still need to cover some vital sections, turn to our word count reducer. The tool will cut words from the essay or dissertation to let you meet the word limit. You can stipulate the number of sentences it should contain and highlight the keywords to preserve the core content.

    Making a Book Review

    A book review is a detailed yet concise analysis of the book’s contents, main plot twists, and characters. Students of humanities departments, especially Literature, often need to make book reviews and reports based on the studied material. But do you have time to read all the books and then write reviews? If not, our word count reducer can help you receive a short, manageable summary in a few seconds. Read it, get the book’s content, and write a review in one go without spending several days on full-size book reading.

    Writing an Abstract

    You may often need to complete an abstract for an essay, dissertation, or other academic manuscripts, which should not exceed 200-250 words. Producing such a concise summary is often challenging, as your work is large and contains many valuable facts you might want to cover. Our word reducer will do the job for you. Just instruct it on what to focus on, and the tool will generate a brief, informative abstract, keeping the data you need.


    Students often have to read, process, and synthesize dozens of scholarly works when writing academic papers, like essays or coursework. The challenge here is to refer to sources in a non-plagiarized way, so you should dedicate enough time and effort to paraphrasing. Though our keyword reducer will not make the summarized content unique (paraphraser will), it will identify the key facts and points for further paraphrasing.

    In this section, you’ll find the key advantages of this word reducer.

    ✍️ How to Reduce Word Count?

    Many students ask, “how can I reduce my word count?” This task requires careful editing and content review so the process may take hours. We’ve compiled some handy tips to guide you in this process and hone your word-count-reduction skills.

    Focus on the gist.Try to take a step back and keep only your main idea in mind. You’ll quickly see how many redundant details can be dropped painlessly.
    Use verbs.Verb forms are active, dynamic, and expressive. Thus, if you have a phrase like, “she led the battle and won the award by competing with ten people,” think of replacing it with, “she beat ten competitors.”
    Oust adjectives and adverbs.Synonyms and meaning enhancers are acceptable in literary language, but they can easily be sacrificed when writing a scientific piece.
    Cut the intro and conclusion.These parts often contain irrelevant details and repeat the things you say in the body. So, keep these sections down to a minimum.
    Review preposition/conjunction use.Prepositions and conjunctions make your text coherent, but sometimes it’s better to split the sentence in two. Just like with the previous sentence in this paragraph – removing “but” will do a favor to it.

    🤩 Why Choose This Reduce-Word-Count Generator?

    As you can see, reducing the word count can be a tedious task. Our free online tool can do the job for you by speeding up the process of word cutting.

    • You can shorten the text without losing its quality and key information.
    • You stay in complete control of the word reduction process.
    • You can compare the original text’s word/character/sentence count with in the output section.
    • You can see keywords for a quick review of the core content.
    • You are able to copy the result with one click.

    What’s more, the tool comes with a detailed, user-friendly interface that will make your experience a breeze. It’s free to use, and you can enjoy it without limitations for any academic challenge.


    📎 References

    1. How to Reduce Your Essay Word Count – Word Counter Blog
    2. 10 Tips for Cutting Your Word Count – the University of Adelaide
    3. Paraphrasing – Purdue OWL® – Purdue University
    4. Writing an Abstract for Your Research Paper; The Writing Center; UW–Madison
    5. Research Paper Structure