Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are: Analysis of Video

The video named “Your body language may shape who you are” was selected for this particular assignment. In this video clip, a famous TED Talk presenter and speaker Amy Cuddy reveals her best practices in the field of social sciences and psychology. According to Amy Cuddy’s body language studies, shifting body postures may influence other people’s impressions and possibly affect individual body biochemistry (Ted, 2012). Considering an important bio-psycho-social-spiritual developmental issue found in the video, it is possible to emphasize the topic of nonverbal means of communication, described by body language and postures.

Applying specific dimensions to understanding issues raised in the video, referring to the skills, systems, values, and purpose elements, is obligatory. In terms of skills, it is feasible to comprehend the topic in the manner that if your nonverbal communication suffers, it is compulsory to obtain additional knowledge and practice. Concerning systems, values, and purpose, the body language improvement process should be started with a clear objective, a predefined set of systematic stages that have to be accomplished, and values that make the activity unique. Referring to a concern that is of importance in my own life, the concept of nonverbal expressions of power and dominance can be emphasized since it assists in increasing social confidence.

Relating to a question raised by the video clip that I would like to explore further, it is possible to highlight the notions of prejudice and bias. A question for the class discussion related to the week’s topic is defined as the description of the ways other people affect an individual’s nonverbal communication, including body language. Additional activity – considering social influence, for instance, an individual may feel forced to smoke since his colleagues do. Regarding conformity, for example, an individual drinks and drives since his acquaintances do so or they persuade him that it is acceptable. Underlining obedience, a dog that pays attention to its owner and executes his commands illustrates this principle.


Ted. (2012). Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy [Video]. YouTube. Web.

Video Voice-over

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PsychologyWriting. (2023, September 3). Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are: Analysis of Video.

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"Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are: Analysis of Video." PsychologyWriting, 3 Sept. 2023,


PsychologyWriting. (2023) 'Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are: Analysis of Video'. 3 September.


PsychologyWriting. 2023. "Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are: Analysis of Video." September 3, 2023.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are: Analysis of Video." September 3, 2023.


PsychologyWriting. "Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are: Analysis of Video." September 3, 2023.