Attachment Theory: The Role in a Person’s Life

For many centuries, scientists from various fields have been studying human nature. A fascinating aspect is a behavioral aspect, which is a reflection of an individual’s reaction to various life situations. For a deeper analysis of this area, a science called behaviorism was introduced. One of the intriguing parts of it is the theory of attachment. The importance of studying it is to understand how close contact, especially touching, influences the formation of people’s psychology. Moreover, attachment theory can be an effective tool in studying how individuals interact with each other.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider the essence of the theory under research. Attachment theory states that newborns feel the need to establish a solid emotional connection with their parents. It is noted that this relationship develops throughout the first six months of life and its correct formation directly depends on the proper response from the caretaker (Feldman 275). Attachment theory was developed by John Bowlby and the scientist based his findings on such important aspects as experience, expression, and regulation of emotions. He divided these processes into specific or normative and individual levels.

Furthermore, scientist has identified two main functions that the theory of attachment performs in a person’s life. The first is protection from potential harm and threats, and the second is to regulate the emotional state after the negative experience that has occurred. The individual aspect of the theory is the differences in the ways of responding to stimuli. In addition, it defines how individual experience determines the formation of people’s personalities, their goals, ways of interpersonal interaction, and strategies for overcoming critical situations. The normative aspect, in turn, determines the stimuli and contexts that provoke the emergence of various kinds of emotions. Moreover, it establishes the order in which emotional responses to the experience will arise. Attachment theory, therefore, is a valuable tool for explaining human behavior patterns and provides assistance in solving problematic situations that arise during interpersonal relationships.

Attachment theory focuses on the importance of early relationships for further emotional life and relationships with members of society. Hence, in the absence of a formed close relationship between a child and a parent, the first may experience difficulties with the appearance of their own offspring. Based on past experience, people who lack emotional connection in the first years of life can project the same behavior on their children. Thus, they will grow up with problems in relationships in society and will have difficulties adapting to it.

The same goes for building relationships between men and women. In this aspect, the level of emotional connection with the mother or father plays a role. In addition, the way a person dates someone is influenced by various types of attachment, which are also formed in childhood. They are samples of how individuals think, feel, and act in close relationships. Among them there are safe, anxious-attachment, neglectful or avoidant, and fearful-avoidant. People with the first type of attachment build healthy and stable romantic relationships. They are characterized by the ability to value both themselves and their partner highly, form strong bonds while remaining self-sufficient, and do not form a dependence on a partner. In the absence of this aspect, members of society develop one of the other three types, which provoke numerous conflicts and misunderstandings between partners. It is worth noting that This means that the relationship models laid down at an early age are very stable. However, their understanding, which is provided by attachment theory, can help them improve and form the right emotional connections.

Work Cited

Feldman, Robert. Child Development: A Topical Approach. Pearson, 2014.

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PsychologyWriting. 2024. "Attachment Theory: The Role in a Person's Life." December 23, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Attachment Theory: The Role in a Person's Life." December 23, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "Attachment Theory: The Role in a Person's Life." December 23, 2024.