Authentic Empathy and Transformational Leadership

Leadership is a critical practice which aids in developing a positive relationship in social contexts. The case study entails a psychologist seeking vital answers from a psychopath in prison. In essence, the incarcerated person is convicted for murdering two of his previous girlfriends (Solheim, 2020). Establishing a progressive conversation with the individual is difficult and poses a threat to psychology. This summary, nevertheless, analyses how lessons acquired from interacting with a psychopath can be integrated into objective leadership. Most importantly, showing empathy is significant for remaining authentic when developing a progressive relationship with an individual.

Moreover, the video illustrates that being completely honest is brutal to a relationship. For instance, the video highlights the precautionary measures adopted by the psychologists to avoid any physical engagement with the psychopath. Adequate preparation is objective in establishing a psychological safety required for positive interaction (Solheim, 2020). The video illustrates that being honest with the inmate can attract negative emotions resulting in different reactions. Ensuring positive curiosity while remaining authentic is instrumental for engaging individuals with varying attributes. Most fundamentally, being empathetic with an individual should avoid brutal honesty that regresses any social or professional relationship.

The video concludes by indicating three important factors to consider when developing positive and progressive relationships. Leaders are encouraged to remain authentic by showing empathy to team members. Secondly, the speaker informs on the importance of motivation when showing genuine authenticity. Transformational leadership or effective social connections are enhanced by avoiding honest brutality. This approach is adopted by putting oneself on the situation of others before giving for reasoned judgment. Consequently, it is vital that one develops empathetic attributes for implementing a transformational style of leadership.


Solheim, D. N. (2020). What working with psychopaths taught me about leadership. TED. Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2023, September 5). Authentic Empathy and Transformational Leadership.

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"Authentic Empathy and Transformational Leadership." PsychologyWriting, 5 Sept. 2023,


PsychologyWriting. (2023) 'Authentic Empathy and Transformational Leadership'. 5 September.


PsychologyWriting. 2023. "Authentic Empathy and Transformational Leadership." September 5, 2023.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Authentic Empathy and Transformational Leadership." September 5, 2023.


PsychologyWriting. "Authentic Empathy and Transformational Leadership." September 5, 2023.