Causes and Effects of Mental Illness

Mental illness is a health condition that involves a change in thinking, emotions, behavior, or an amalgamation of the three. It begins at any age, and its causes include genetics and injuries to the brain cells. The condition is common but treatable, with the majority of patients continuing with their daily activities. The ailment may interfere with the other critical parts of the body, such as the nerve cell circuit’s functioning, which may impede communication through transmitters. This paper aims at discussing the causes and effects of mental conditions.

The ailment may also be inherited from other members of the family. Persons with close relatives who have mental illness may, therefore, develop the condition without any brain injuries. The human genes make it possible to pass it to other related members who may not have had the state from birth. Therefore, gene abnormality is directly associated with mental illnesses, and because of this, most people are highly susceptible to the disease. Infections may result in brain damage, thereby causing mental illnesses. For instance, when such a condition as the pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder, otherwise known as PANDAS, impairs the brain, the chances of developing the mental illness are increasing.

In terms of its effects, mental ailment leads to difficulties in learning, among other social challenges. The condition affects the patients and the immediate environment, including the relatives and social contacts. The majority of people who have mental illness are vulnerable to different kinds of abuses, such as discrimination from society and isolation from family members. Caring for those with mental illness may burden the care providers, especially when they are at home. Mentally ill patients require special attention that often forces their families to adjust or even resign from their work. As a result, the household ends up losing income with the increased chances of poverty.

In conclusion, mental illness is composed of numerous mental health conditions. These disorders affect the way we think, our behavior, and our mood. Mental illness is caused by genetics, severe brain injuries, and infections resulting in brain damage. The conditions affect both the patient and the people close to them providing the care. It is important for the family members and society as a whole to support anyone diagnosed with a mental illness, especially in helping them on how to handle and cope with their circumstances.

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PsychologyWriting. (2023, October 29). Causes and Effects of Mental Illness.

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"Causes and Effects of Mental Illness." PsychologyWriting, 29 Oct. 2023,


PsychologyWriting. (2023) 'Causes and Effects of Mental Illness'. 29 October.


PsychologyWriting. 2023. "Causes and Effects of Mental Illness." October 29, 2023.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Causes and Effects of Mental Illness." October 29, 2023.


PsychologyWriting. "Causes and Effects of Mental Illness." October 29, 2023.