Children’s Internet Use and Developmental Effects


In modern times, access to the Internet has become quite simple and easy, and every child who has a phone or computer can spend hours in front of the screen. The use of the Internet by children has its advantages and disadvantages, which have a significant impact on the development of children. In some cases, the global network is an incentive for developing a child and assistants in solving a certain number of tasks; in others, it is a hostile environment capable of a detrimental effect on the immature child’s psyche. Even though the use of the Internet has its drawbacks, it is still actively used by parents not only for the entertainment of children but also for cognitive purposes.

Internet and Children

The study of this topic may pose several questions necessary for conducting a more in-depth and comprehensive investigation. One of the issues is to determine what are the benefits of using the Internet for children’s development. The answer to this question will be that the Internet provides a large amount of helpful information so that children can study it in a playful way, read, and get acquainted with something completely new (Beurkens). Another positive aspect of using the Internet is that children can communicate with each other even in different parts of the world. Undoubtedly, this is a significant advantage, since in this way children can explore the world and other cultures, make friends, and have fun.

Another research question is determining the adverse effects of the Internet on children. A large amount of information contained on the Internet is naturally a plus, but not all information is useful, necessary, and reliable. Children may find something that will hurt their psychological and mental state. In addition, in pursuit of popularity, some especially active children may risk their lives and put themselves in danger to take a photo or video.

Authors McDool et al. in their article, investigate the influence of the Internet on the psychological well-being of children. McDool et al. claimed that the use of the Internet would positively impact children, as it allows them to communicate, learn new things, and has a lot of entertainment (5). Nunez-Gómez et al. conducted a study of the risks of Internet use by children and described the results in our article. The main risks on the Internet are a violation of children’s rights, their general vulnerability, and many others (Nunez-Gómez et al. 8). From this, it can be seen that the question of the positive or negative impact of the Internet still does not have a clear answer.


In conclusion, the modern world is characterized by the widespread use of the Internet for various purposes by both adults and children. Children have their characteristics compared to adults, which raises several questions about security and the need to use the Internet. There are many studies that demonstrate that the Internet can have both its advantages and disadvantages, which can equally affect children. Undoubtedly, the Internet is necessary so that a child can communicate with other children, find something new and exciting, and develop and explore the world. Nevertheless, the frequency and duration of Internet use should be controlled by parents to avoid possible problems with the child. The keywords for searching for information are development, children, the Internet, Internet use, education through the Internet, the pros, and cons of the Internet.

Works Cited

Beurkens, Nicole. “How does technology affect children’s social development?” Questodio, Web.

McDool, Emily, Powell, Philip, Roberts, Jennifer, and Taylor, Karl. “The Internet and Children’s Psychological Wellbeing.” Journal of Health Economics, vol.69, no.1, 2020, pp. 1-12. Web.

Núñez-Gómez, Patricia, Larrañaga, Kepa Paul, Rangel, Celia, and Ortega-Mohedano, Félix. (2021) “Critical Analysis of the Risks in the Use of the Internet and Social Networks in Childhood and Adolescence.” Frontiers in Psychology, vol.12, no.683384, 2021, pp. 1-11. Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2023, September 6). Children’s Internet Use and Developmental Effects.

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"Children’s Internet Use and Developmental Effects." PsychologyWriting, 6 Sept. 2023,


PsychologyWriting. (2023) 'Children’s Internet Use and Developmental Effects'. 6 September.


PsychologyWriting. 2023. "Children’s Internet Use and Developmental Effects." September 6, 2023.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Children’s Internet Use and Developmental Effects." September 6, 2023.


PsychologyWriting. "Children’s Internet Use and Developmental Effects." September 6, 2023.