Definition of the Word “Anxious”

In this paragraph, the word anxious is defined as a mental state characterized by feelings of disquiet, worry, uneasiness, and tension. Another definition of anxious can be derived from the state, which is causal to these feelings, i.e., anxiety. Since anxiety is “the mind and body’s reaction to stressful, dangerous, or unfamiliar situations”, the feelings, encompassing the term ‘anxious,’ fit the definition provided in the topic sentence (Jovanovich 1). However, it is essential to avoid including feelings inherent to other mental states (e.g., depression, anger) in the definition. Thus, anxiety refers to a person’s state of worry, uneasiness, and tension caused by the reaction to stressful situations.

This definition encompasses both a normal reaction to stress and a mental state which can be categorized as a mental disorder, known as an anxiety disorder. One of the techniques to provide a definition is to construct a negative definition. It is essential to distinguish anxiety from such mental states as angry, depression, excited. Although they all are trigger-related reactions to a stressful event, the feelings which encompass these states differ. Anxiety does not involve eustress (inherent to excitement), anger, continuous loss of appetite or sleep, and lack of interest.

Restless could be another name for anxious. Indeed, the constant worry, conscious or unconscious, does not allow for rest. One’s mind is always preoccupied with distress and continuous tension. If one looks at the etymology of anxious, one will recognize Latin roots from the word anger, strangle, to choke. Indeed, restlessness seizes both mental and physical states when an individual feels anxious. The tension eventually spreads to the body, becoming one of the essential outcomes of anxiety, causing anxious feelings. Thus, restless is the closest synonym to anxious defined as a person’s state of worry, uneasiness, and tension caused by the reaction to stressful situations.

Work Cited

Jovanovic, Tanja. “Anxiety ” What Is Anxiety? Signs, Causes, Symptoms.”, 2019, Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2023, November 2). Definition of the Word “Anxious”.

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"Definition of the Word “Anxious”." PsychologyWriting, 2 Nov. 2023,


PsychologyWriting. (2023) 'Definition of the Word “Anxious”'. 2 November.


PsychologyWriting. 2023. "Definition of the Word “Anxious”." November 2, 2023.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Definition of the Word “Anxious”." November 2, 2023.


PsychologyWriting. "Definition of the Word “Anxious”." November 2, 2023.