Interpersonal and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Interpersonal therapy (IPT) was initially created to treat various mental disorders by improving patient interrelation and social skills. Psychologists using this approach believes that by examining and strengthening interpersonal relationships, individuals may elevate overall moods and general well-being. IPT is distinct from other conventional psychodynamic techniques in that it addresses relationships that exist today rather than those in the past. Generally, the difference in approach while using IPT stems from the variation in time, goals, and termination.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is open-ended and is usually considered a long-term intervention, while IPT has a time constraint. IPT is a short form of therapy that typically only lasts 12 to 16 weeks (Villines, 2022). In other words, IPT is a brief form of treatment that concentrates on the problems people are currently facing. As a result, it aids in relationship troubleshooting, communication skill improvement, and learning how to solicit and maintain social support.

Another difference between IPT and psychodynamic psychotherapy is based on the objectives. IPT was developed with the dual goals of treating mood disorders and providing a significant interpersonal issue. IPT proponents contend that there is a connection between mood and several aspects of life, particularly relationships (Villines, 2022). Generally, the IPT intervention method targets relationship issues that aggravate these disorders and tries to alter the patterns rather than the accompanying depressive symptoms. In contrast, psychodynamic psychotherapy aims to help patients better understand how they function and self-awareness.

The termination stage of IPT and psychodynamic psychotherapy significantly differ. Termination in IPT refers to moving on to the next phase of care that addresses the patient’s achievements and is independent of the therapist. Essentially, the therapist should help the patient put their new abilities to use as they approach the end of their treatment while also reminding them that it will soon be over (Villines, 2022). In contrast, termination in psychodynamic psychotherapy is crucial since it focuses on the patient’s reaction to the session. As a result, this stage of psychotherapy is marked by the accumulation and integration of accomplishments, changes in relationships, and a client’s cessation of the symptoms that first drew them to treatment.


Villines, Z. (2022). What is interpersonal therapy? Medical and health information. Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024, December 5). Interpersonal and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.

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"Interpersonal and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy." PsychologyWriting, 5 Dec. 2024,


PsychologyWriting. (2024) 'Interpersonal and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy'. 5 December.


PsychologyWriting. 2024. "Interpersonal and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy." December 5, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Interpersonal and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy." December 5, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "Interpersonal and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy." December 5, 2024.