Personality Theory of Attachment and Its Rationale

Personality psychology addresses certain fundamental research developments of the major proponents, such as Freud Sigmund and Erik Erikson. The task aims to define what other researchers have studied this issue. The first stage will be to develop an outline including a rationale for the same. The researcher will capture three key points, thus taking note of the most significant points in this work. It will be vital to evaluate other research developments on personality theory on attachment since this is the major area of specialization.

Rationale for the Study

Suffice it to mention that the outline provided above touches on fundamental issues that may be considered significant in this evaluation. Therefore, every theme has made its contribution to understanding personality development within the context of specialization.

One of the issues is the problem that guardians encounter with children having attachment disorder. The problem lies with the difficulty of winning back such children by inculcating a sense of belonging in them. The other important theme features in “Reactive Attachment Disorder” where it is believed that it interferes with the development of the child (Bradley, 2007). Finally, the point stating that exaggerated attachment or detachment adversely affects the growth of the child is another major theme.

The above-stated points are the crucial issues of the article examined, and they also represent the interests of the researcher. This is because they link the growth and development of the child with the dangers of attachment or detachment. Moreover, it indicates the reasons why both aspects may be detrimental to the growth and wellbeing of a child.

Other scholars have shown that the experience a child gets, in case it is positive with the caregiver, guarantees a healthy development (Peluso et al., 2009) and adaptation (Lyddon & Sherry, 2001; Tronick, & Weinberg, 1997). In a different research, it has been held that infants should develop some sense of security from their parents so that they can adapt to future situations (Bretherton, 2012; Cherry, 2012).

Moreover, there is a point of convergence in the articles evaluated in this study and what other researchers have said on the link between the personality theory of attachment and the development of the child in later years. The most critical point is that there exists a causal connection and impact on the way children are brought up. This is very critical and worth noting because it touches on the very nature of development and self-actualization of the child in later years.


The study examined the personality theory of attachment and emphasized the fundamental issues presented in the research article on issues related to attachment and detachment of the growth of the child. Future research is hereby recommended so that the works contained in the article may be converted to assessing if detachment problems that come up in the later life of the child could be eradicated through productive counseling and guidance. Therefore, more focus on developing strategies to help children with detachment disorders in their later stages would provide a better solution to personality disorders.


Bradley, S. (2007). Enhancing early attachments: theory, research, intervention, and policy. J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 6(1), 33–36.

Bretherton, I. (2012). The Origins of Attachment Theory: John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. Development Psychology, 28, 759-775.

Cherry, K. (2012). Attachment Theory: An Overview of Attachment Theory. Web.

Lyddon, W. & Sherry, A. (2001). Development Personality Styles: An Attachment Theory Conceptualization of Personality Disorders. Journal of Counseling Development, 79, 405-413.

Peluso, J. et al. (2009). Measuring Lifestyle and Attachment: An Empirical Investigation Linking Individual Psychology and Attachment Theory. Journal of Counseling and Development, 87(4), 394-403.

Tronick, E. Z. & Weinberg, M. K. (1997). Depressed Mothers and Infants: Failure to Form Dyadic States of Consciousness. In L. Murray and P. J. Cooper (Eds.), Postpartum Depression and Child Development (p. 61). New York: The Guilford Press.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024, December 30). Personality Theory of Attachment and Its Rationale.

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"Personality Theory of Attachment and Its Rationale." PsychologyWriting, 30 Dec. 2024,


PsychologyWriting. (2024) 'Personality Theory of Attachment and Its Rationale'. 30 December.


PsychologyWriting. 2024. "Personality Theory of Attachment and Its Rationale." December 30, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Personality Theory of Attachment and Its Rationale." December 30, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "Personality Theory of Attachment and Its Rationale." December 30, 2024.