Prosocial Behavior and Hostilities Against Women

Equity Theory

The TV sitcom known as the Newlyweds revolves around a young couple, Peter Roberts and Allie Carter, as they embark on a journey of married life. Generally, the couples’ attachment styles appeared to be stable and secure, where both are seen as respecting the wishes of the other. The secure attachment exhibited by the couple in the reality TV show involves their capacity to connect while at the same time displaying the capacity to engage in autonomous action as the situation seems appropriate. There is an instance where the couple disagrees on where they are going to live where both of them are seen to respect the opinion of the other. In the show, no individual appeared to over-or under-benefit from the other. The couple’s relationship is in tandem with the equity theory that stipulates that such relationships should be governed by fairness and that the emergence of inequalities is quickly dealt with to achieve an equality that is perceived. The relationship of the couple is more of an exchange than a communal one because every individual can express his or her own opinions without undue influence from the other.

Hostilities against Women

Most women face hostilities from men regarding their reproduction in terms of abortions, pregnancies, and healthcare. Many women are unable to decide on whether to have a baby or not, even though it is a personal one. The control over this decision is taken away from some women by their male partners, who are, in most cases, abusive. It can occur through threats, pressure, physical violence, rape, or blackmail (Aronson et al, 2010). Reproductive coercion can occur through pregnancy coercion, birth control sabotage, and control of pregnancy through abortion or continuation. It is a type of coercion that goes hand in hand with sexual violence and partner violence. Many women engaged in violent relationships do not have any right to negotiate contraceptive use such as condoms because such decisions lie with their male partners. Other women cannot refuse having sex with their male counterparts because of fear, even when they know that they risk becoming pregnant if they engage in the act. Women that find themselves in violent relationships and those who are forced or coerced by their male partners to become pregnant have little or no control over their bodies. It is good to distinguish between deliberate behaviors aimed at getting a woman pregnant and behaviors that involve sexual coercion in a relationship that may lead to unintended pregnancy.

Many men usually see women as mere sexual objects due to several reasons. First, there is the perception by men that the primary function of women is reproduction. Most heterosexual men view women to who they are sexually attracted as mere sexual objects aimed at satisfying their sexual needs. Most men view the objectification of women as sexual objects as a normal and natural thing that has nothing to do with misogyny. Moreover, they also view women as emotionally warm beings and less moral, who are less competent and lack emotion and thought.

Prosocial Behaviour

According to the social exchange theory, true altruism is not possible because individuals only help others when their benefits are higher than the cost of helping. The rationale here is that most of our actions aim to maximize the rewards and minimize the costs (Aronson, et al, 2010). The theory provides three ways in which one can get rewarded for helping. First, when the help accorded assists the helper in increasing their chances of getting help in the future. Second, when helping, it will provide relief from distress to the helper. Thirdly, when it increases self-worth or approval of the helper. On the other hand, helping can also be costly to the helper regarding money, time, and energy. However, according to the social exchange theory, an individual will offer help only if the rewards outweigh the costs. Therefore, the social exchange theory does not foresee the possibility of genuine altruism as individuals will always want to benefit from acts of helpfulness.

Attraction and Relationships

Most relationships are faced with conflict situations from time to time. According to my own experience, the most critical factors that promote relationship satisfaction include attachment style, communication skills, and problem-solving skills. Couples in a relationship can experience more satisfaction if they resolve conflict situations amicably. Their problem-solving skills can help reduce conflict situations and promote a healthy relationship. On the other hand, a secure attachment style also effectively promotes a stable relationship. In such a relationship, couples can maintain equity by tolerating the opinions and feelings of their partners. Finally, every relationship needs effective communication to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. Effective communication enables couples to understand each other fully and are able to resolve issues easily without creating more problems. All these three factors are important in promoting relationship satisfaction and help maintain a healthy and long-lasting relationship. However, it should be noted that conflict situations are normal in any relationship and need not be a factor in destroying the relationship.


Aronson, E.,Wilson, T., & Sommers, S. (2010). Social Psychology. Pearson.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024, December 28). Prosocial Behavior and Hostilities Against Women.

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"Prosocial Behavior and Hostilities Against Women." PsychologyWriting, 28 Dec. 2024,


PsychologyWriting. (2024) 'Prosocial Behavior and Hostilities Against Women'. 28 December.


PsychologyWriting. 2024. "Prosocial Behavior and Hostilities Against Women." December 28, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Prosocial Behavior and Hostilities Against Women." December 28, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "Prosocial Behavior and Hostilities Against Women." December 28, 2024.