School Phobia: The Anxiety Disorder

School phobia is an anxiety disorder linked to separation anxiety; it is also referred to as school refusal. Children often refuse to attend school because they feel that it causes discomfort, anxiety, and stress. Common signs and symptoms of school refusal include frequent illness in the morning, such as stomach ache, throwing tantrums when required to separate with the parent, and exaggerated school fears. Joining grade one is such a milestone for every child, which can be very challenging and exciting. Children get into a new environment where they meet new people, teachers, children of different ages, and new friends. The school environment will have a different routine and rules from the ones the child has. Transitions vary from one school to another and also from one child to another. The teachers focus on assisting the children in adapting to the new environment. Teachers can organize a child’s transition by visiting their preschool and finding information from their teachers. The essay discusses the transition process into grade one, challenges faced during the process, and all the stakeholders involved.

Transition is a process that offers a child many learning opportunities to learn, embrace and manage a new environment. Transition involves a wide range of factors which include environmental, intellectual, social, and emotional changes. The process of transition can be challenging to a child, a parent, and the teacher. Children may be uncertain during this transition period since they are worried about leaving old friends and making new ones. The unfamiliarity of the environment may cause a child to have fears and anxiety, which may major impact the child’s progress. Unqualified teachers in schools are the main challenge that affects the transition process as the trainers do not have the right information on how to handle the children. Insufficient resources in a school affect a successful transition; this especially occurs in rural schools, which may be struggling financially (Chikwiri & Musiyiwa, 2017). The distance children cover to school can cause difficulties as a child might get discouraged and tired traveling over a long distance. During the transition process, some children are prone to various diseases due to changes in the environment and daily routines. Lack of full cooperation from the parents makes the transition process difficult; this occurs when parents don’t provide the children and the school with the required resources during the transition process. Adapting to a new environment for the children can be challenging since the children no longer have the opportunity to play all the time but have to follow the rules and routines set by the school.

Quality measures should be put into place to ensure a smooth transitioning process of the children to grade one. Teachers and parents need to create a strong partnership to guide the children on the importance of being in school. Involvement of a parent in the children’s school life is very important since parents show that they are concerned about the children’s schooling. Parents can get involved in the school life of a child by monitoring the assignments and visiting the classrooms regularly (Kardefelt-Winther, 2017). Schools should apply social emotion and academic competence; this will assist the children in being able to handle the challenges they might face in the simplest ways possible. Parents should maintain a positive attitude and approach toward their children by getting involved in school life. The curriculum will assist the schools in achieving literacy means which involve activities that will encourage the children to be in school. Continuity is also a way to smooth transition by ensuring that the children are well treated and corrected with love when in school. Parents should introduce ways and measures that will take away any worries children may have and assure them of maximum safety. School programs need to align in favorable ways which children can easily adapt. Measures that enhance alignment and professionalism for the school staff should be put into place to assist the teachers in being ready for the children and taking them through in the best ways possible.

Children who develop high resistance to school normally tend to always complain about staying at home. The children insist on staying at home because they feel it is more secure and safer, and the child develops unwillingness to complete school work. Parents and teachers should develop ways to assist those children that are scared and resistant to the first-grade classroom. Parents should explain to the children the normal school routines that they expect to find once they join without exaggeration; this will help the children know what to come across. Parents can visit the school together with the children before joining; this will help familiarize them with the school environment (Artiga & Ubri,2017). Maintaining a positive conversation with the children can go a long way in ensuring that the children are not scared to transition. Parents should make an effort to meet the teacher and the children; this will help develop a positive relationship between the children and the teacher. The teacher will learn about the children from their parents, which helps to understand the child better.

In conclusion, school phobia is an issue that is experienced by almost every child joining the school. School phobia does not last long for children, and if it lasts for a long period, it should be addressed keenly to avoid poor performance from the child. Parents and teachers work tirelessly in ensuring that children can overcome school phobia and adapt positively to the new environment. Parents, teachers, and the community have to maintain cooperation to ensure and enhance children’s success when they join grade one. The foundation laid at grade one for every child is important and has a deep impact on the rest of the school’s journey; therefore, it is crucial to develop a strong foundation for the child. The community contributes to the transition to grade one by ensuring that the school’s environment is conducive for learning and that the children are assured of safety while at school. The parents and the teachers must form a very natural relationship to assist the children in having good transition progress.


Artiga, S., & Ubri, P. (2017). Living in an immigrant family in America: How fear and toxic stress affect daily life, well-being, & health. Menlo Park, CA: Kaiser Family Foundation. Web.

Chikwiri, E., & Musiyiwa, J. (2017). Challenges and Gaps in Children’s Transition from Early Childhood Development to Grade One in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, 9(7), 91-102. Web.

Kardefelt-Winther, D. (2017). How does children’s time using digital technology impact their mental well-being, social relationships, and physical activity?: an evidence-focused literature review. Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2023, September 18). School Phobia: The Anxiety Disorder.

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"School Phobia: The Anxiety Disorder." PsychologyWriting, 18 Sept. 2023,


PsychologyWriting. (2023) 'School Phobia: The Anxiety Disorder'. 18 September.


PsychologyWriting. 2023. "School Phobia: The Anxiety Disorder." September 18, 2023.

1. PsychologyWriting. "School Phobia: The Anxiety Disorder." September 18, 2023.


PsychologyWriting. "School Phobia: The Anxiety Disorder." September 18, 2023.