The Power of Affirmations: Harnessing the Mind for Personal Growth

Affirmations are thoughts, words, feelings, and emotions each person uses in everyday life. At the same time, people’s proclamations are not always positive but also negative statements (Kirsh et al., 2013). Hence, to claim benefits from life, it is vital to change one’s mindset to assortative. By altering destructive thoughts to advantageous ones, individuals can draw significant shifts in daily life and develop themselves.

Positive statements that people regularly utter, listen to, or record affect the subconscious mind, helping to concentrate on what they want and changing internal attitudes. Affirmations allow you to get rid of negative thoughts and increase self-esteem (Kirsh et al., 2013). For instance, I could change my negative statement, “I will not achieve success,” to “I am surrounded by success, and my mind is full of ambitious ideas.” A new perception of success will come to me when I realize it is all around.

The other benefit of affirmations is that they contribute to improving physical state. Individuals tend to pay attention to diseases, whereas they forget to concentrate on being healthy. I could try using the affirmation “I am getting healthier day by day” to trace how my physical condition changes (Kirsh et al., 2013). Well-being-related assertions are excessively useful for those struggling with severe disorders as it help to instill hope in them.

Finally, positive statements expose people to new experiences; for instance, if one allows for openly speaking up about emotions, they can discover new energy resources. If I change my perception of negative feelings to “I am free to be expressive in every way,” then I could discover how my anger, wrath, or guilt are felt. No matter how these concepts are viewed by society, an individual is liberal to express oneself.


Kirsh, S., Emerita, K., & Atwater, E. (2013). Psychology for living: Adjustment, growth, and behavior today (11th Ed.). Pearson.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024, February 5). The Power of Affirmations: Harnessing the Mind for Personal Growth.

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"The Power of Affirmations: Harnessing the Mind for Personal Growth." PsychologyWriting, 5 Feb. 2024,


PsychologyWriting. (2024) 'The Power of Affirmations: Harnessing the Mind for Personal Growth'. 5 February.


PsychologyWriting. 2024. "The Power of Affirmations: Harnessing the Mind for Personal Growth." February 5, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "The Power of Affirmations: Harnessing the Mind for Personal Growth." February 5, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "The Power of Affirmations: Harnessing the Mind for Personal Growth." February 5, 2024.