Statement of Problem
The psychological well-being of employees in the workplace is critical to avoid stress and improve employees’ performance (Vainio, 2015). According to Hiriyappa (2013), stress is inevitable in the workplace, and the effects of stress are mostly negative. Even though mild stress can enhance employees’ performance at the workplace (Britt & Jex, 2015), 75% of American workers report experiencing significant stress every month resulting in health damages (American Psychological Association, 2015). These damages include the development of cardiovascular disorders as well as increased cases of injuries at the workplace (O’Keefe, Brown, & Becky, 2014). Such psychological disorders as depression, anxiety, sleep and eating disorders, and so on often become a result of work-related stress.
The general problem is that work-related stress affects people emotionally, mentally, and physiologically, resulting in aggravated job performance (O’Keefe et al., 2014; Patel, 2013). As has been mentioned above, occupational stress leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases, disturbances of mood, psychological and emotional disorders, musculoskeletal problems, and injuries at the workplace. Such problems are directly connected to the worsening of employees’ working performance and cooperation with other colleagues. Employees feel dissatisfaction with their work, and they become disengaged. The lack of motivation and commitment also leads to unsatisfactory performance. Stress at the workplace often results in an increased rate of turnover and absenteeism (Leon & Halbesleben, 2013). Apparently, this translates into the overall worsening of the organization’s performance.
All these factors lead to significant losses. For example, research indicates that 5-8% of annual US healthcare expenses are attributable to stress at work (White, 2015). Over $150 billion is spent by businesses on healthcare costs (White, 2015). This includes pay, absenteeism, and turnover associated with medical conditions. Reduced productivity might also result in replacement and higher expenses for hiring and training new employees (O’Keefe et al., 2014). For instance, replacing a person who earns less than $50,000 annually might cost 20% of their pay, but replacing an executive worker could cost up to 200% of their compensation (Return on Employee Investment, 2013). Notably, some people may sue their employers, and this results in additional losses in time and funds for the organization. For instance, Horner (2014) states that nurses can address the union to make a legal claim against their employer. Apparently, these are additional losses companies have to endure.
It is important to identify particular stressors that are mainly found in the US organizations. Anisman (2015, p. 212) claim that job strain that is formed by the “low decision latitude coupled with high job demands” is one of the primary stressors. The job strain tends to lead to the decrease of motivation and engagement, which in its turn, leads to the decline in commitment to the organization. Burnout is another frequent reason for stress at the workplace. At the same time, it is also important to note that such issues as bullying and harassment are quite common for the US companies (Anisman, 2015). Apparently, prevention strategies should concentrate on these factors. Finally, improper diversity policies often result in work-related stress in employees (Anisman, 2015). Major issues associated with diversity are tensions among employees pertaining to different groups (mainly age and gender groups are involved). At that, cultural diversity can also cause certain tension and, as a result, stress at the workplace.
Successful performance outcomes depend on preventing work-related stress, and treatments aimed at counteracting the stressful environment should be a part of preventive measures (Sherridan & Ashcroft, 2015). Employers should utilize a variety of techniques to enhance the employees’ resilience that will results in better job performance and well-being of all personnel (Leon & Halbesleben, 2013). It is necessary to note that there is a significant bulk of literature on work-related stress and its effects on employees’ as well as organizations’ performance. There is also certain research concerning the strategies that can be employed to diminish the adverse outcomes of stress at the workplace. However, it is also clear that multinational companies are still prone to adverse effects of work-related stress. There is a lack of research in the terrain of cultural issues and the way people of different cultural backgrounds respond to strategies aimed at solving issues connected with stress. It is vital to identify the influence of cultural differences on employees’ response to activities aimed at diminishing stress at the workplace.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this qualitative case study is to examine particular ways people of different cultures respond to a strategy aimed at reducing stress at the workplace. Focus groups and interviews will be held with employees of five companies to gather all relevant data for the investigation of the purpose of the study. An inductive approach and phenomenological analysis will be utilized for the evaluation of the work-related stress in employees of five companies. Ten employees will be interviewed. Open-ended questions will be used to collect comprehensive qualitative data on the matter. The researcher will focus on employees’ attitudes towards strategies aimed at diminishing stress at the workplace that is utilized in the companies. Particular attention will be paid to such factors as job strain, burnout, bullying, harassment and diversity-related issues.
American Psychological Association. (2015). Stress in America. Web.
Anisman, H. (2015). Stress and your health: From vulnerability to resilience. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons.
Britt, T., & Jex, S. (2015). Thriving under stress. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Hiriyappa, B. (2013). Stress management. Bloomington, IN: Booktango.
Horner, C. (2014). Stress at work and how to cope. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 10(5), 236-237.
Leon, M., & Halbesleben, J. (2013). Building resilience to improve employee well-being. In A. Rossi, J. Meurs & P. Perrewe (Eds.), Improving employee health and well-being (pp. 65-79). Charlotte, NC: IAP.
O’Keefe, L., Brown, K., Becky, C. (2014). Policy perspectives on occupational stress. Workplace Health & Safety, 62(10), 432-438.
Patel, C. (2013). The complete guide to stress management. New York, NY: Springer.
Return on Employee Investment. (2013). Web.
Sherridan, C., & Ashcroft, K. (2015). Work related stress – what is it, and what do employers need to do to address it. NZ Business, 29(4), 4-5.
Vainio, H. (2015). Occupational safety and health in the service of people. Industrial Health, 53(1), 387-389.
White, G.B. (2015). The alarming, long-term consequences of workplace stress. The Atlantic. Web.