Change Model Applied to the Field of Addiction

In general, the stage of change or transtheoretical model was designed to understand human behavior through comprehensive steps toward change. The stages of the model include pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance (Raihan & Cogburn, 2021). In the present day, the transtheoretical model is regarded as effective across multiple problems, including alcohol abuse, smoking, various behavioral addictions, school bullying, and weight control (Raihan & Cogburn, 2021).

As previously mentioned, the stage of change model may be applied to a particular behavioral addiction – overeating. In the stage of pre-contemplation, a person with overeating will deny the existence of any problem regardless of other people’s concerns expressing anger or frustration. This behavior is frequently determined by the fact that the person overeats in order to avoid unpleasant emotions and search for satisfaction through food. In the stage of contemplation, the person may start to realize the problem’s existence. For instance, he or she may feel that overeating has a negative impact on the body and general well-being. However, there is still a highly strong fluctuation between wanting to keep habits and wanting to change.

Subsequently, preparation may be a challenging stage for anyone who decided to change, and in the case of overeating, a health care provider’s support and help are essential. Support is necessary at the stage of actions, as well as there may be moves forward and backward – the person may follow a diet and start eating a lot from time to time. Finally, the stage of maintenance implies the person’s achievement and changing of his or her disordered eating habits.

As a matter of fact, any addiction may be regarded as a bio-psycho-social-spiritual disorder. Thus, it is impossible to evaluate and manage change processes of those who suffer from addiction without considering the psychosocial aspects (Lal & Singh, 2018). That is why using the readiness assessment tool for addictive behaviors is a highly significant aspect of research and management in addiction psychiatry.

Both Alyssa and Brian realize that they have an addiction, however, none of them realize how serious it has become, and they cannot cope with it by themselves and control the situation (“Intervention S01E04 – Alissa and Brian,” 2020). Although Alyssa may understand that she needs change, and gambling has a negative impact on her life, she is not committed to change and refuses treatment. She is aware that her parents and boyfriend want to help her, however, they cannot support her if she does not accept treatment. Nevertheless, she rejects health care providers’ help as she does not want to admit the genuine seriousness of her addiction.

In turn, Brian realizes the seriousness of his addiction to crystal meth and promiscuous sex. In contrast with Alyssa, he is more committed to change, especially when his beloved one listed what Brian has lost, is losing, and will lose if he does not change. As a result, he agrees to receive professional treatment as he understands that he cannot cope with his addiction by himself. For Alyssa, it is advisable to explain that her addiction and related treatment do not make her mentally impaired person to change her decision concerning intervention and improve her rehabilitation readiness. For Brian, it is recommended to support his decision and remind him how his life will change after treatment to keep his commitment and readiness.


Intervention S01E04 – Alissa and Brian (2020). Web.

Lal, R., & Singh, S. (2018). Assessment tools for screening and clinical evaluation of psychosocial aspects in addictive disorders. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 60(4), 444-450. Web.

Raihan, N., & Cogburn, M. (2021). Stages of change theory. StatPearls Publishing. Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2023, September 22). Change Model Applied to the Field of Addiction.

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"Change Model Applied to the Field of Addiction." PsychologyWriting, 22 Sept. 2023,


PsychologyWriting. (2023) 'Change Model Applied to the Field of Addiction'. 22 September.


PsychologyWriting. 2023. "Change Model Applied to the Field of Addiction." September 22, 2023.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Change Model Applied to the Field of Addiction." September 22, 2023.


PsychologyWriting. "Change Model Applied to the Field of Addiction." September 22, 2023.