Characteristics of the Personality Type: INTJ

According to the Jung Typology personality test, my personality type is Introvert (28%) iNtuitive (19%) Thinking (3%) Judging (50%) (INTJ). These parameters demonstrate my slight preference for intuition and thinking over sensing and feeling and a moderate preference for introversion and judging over extraversion and perceiving, respectively. In general, the test’s results may be regarded as highly reliable as the description of INTJ type almost fully corresponds with my traits of character and behavioral patterns. Nevertheless, I consider the received information beneficial as I have got an opportunity to know about my main strengths and weaknesses in no uncertain terms and develop a plan of improvement. INTJs may be characterized as pragmatic perfectionists who value knowledge and freedom of mind.

As previously mentioned, my personality with its strengths and weaknesses is described in a surprisingly precise manner. I agree that I am a perfectionist as I always undertake all my efforts to complete any task appropriately. In addition, I believe that knowledge and education are inner power that boosts self-confidence and success. That is why I am constantly developing in my chosen areas of life. As a result, a considerable number of people see me as an expert and trust my knowledge – this attitude has an immeasurably positive impact on my esteem and self-respect. At the same time, I have considerable difficulties with enlarging my social circle as communication with other people cannot be regarded as my strong point.

My focus on applicable knowledge and skills negatively affects my interaction with society as I expect people to be pragmatic like me. That is why I frequently ignore social rituals meaningful for the majority of individuals, such as flirtation or small talk, as they traditionally have no sense to me. Moreover, I am repeatedly misunderstood as, similar to other INTJs, I am an extremely private person who sometimes cannot distinguish the correct meanings behind people’s facial expressions or tones of voice to react in the right way.

Concerning career, INTJs should choose their area of occupation carefully due to their peculiar features that exclude a wide range of options. Taking into consideration their value of knowledge and limited communication skills. People with this personality type are highly reliable and responsible workers who may feel comfortable in the areas of sciences or engineering. The basis of Frederick Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory may be regarded as the most appropriate for the identification and evaluation of the sources of motivation, the basic needs for INTJs that keep them satisfied with work are the absence of necessity to communicate with a large number of colleagues or customers and the presence of autonomy as these people may demonstrate the disregard of authority (“Motivation and motivation theory,” n.d.).

At the same time, to be motivated, INTJs should feel that their peculiarities are respected and have an opportunity to receive new knowledge and develop professional skills in the workplace. In addition, if INTJs feel that their knowledge is useful for others and the organization’s performance in general, they will be empowered and motivated to achieve corporate goals (Bunn, 2013).

In general, the most suitable way to increase my strength is to continue developing in the chosen areas and enhance my knowledge systems through reading books and peer-reviewed scholarly articles, conducting research, and listening to lectures. At the same time, the reduction of my weaknesses related to communication issues is more challenging though necessary as they influence not only my career but personal life as well. The basic way for improvement implies spending time among big companies and interacting with as many people as possible. Although not all communication will be successful, I will have more opportunities to meet people with the same character and interests.


Bunn, R. (2013). Intro to organizational behavior.[Video]. YouTube. Web.

Motivation and motivation theory. (n.d.). Reference for business. Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024, December 30). Characteristics of the Personality Type: INTJ.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024) 'Characteristics of the Personality Type: INTJ'. 30 December.


PsychologyWriting. 2024. "Characteristics of the Personality Type: INTJ." December 30, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Characteristics of the Personality Type: INTJ." December 30, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "Characteristics of the Personality Type: INTJ." December 30, 2024.