How Psychologists Define a Good Life


The list of qualities that I want my colleagues to remember about me has changed significantly compared to the first version. In particular, three new ones appeared, which replaced the previous positions. The quality ‘respectful’ has slightly declined in priority by one point, and adventurous remained in the same place. The leader on my list is professionalism, as this broad concept covers a relatively wide range of qualities. Professionalism includes decent workplace behavior, such as punctuality, and an official dress code (Rosenberg McKay, 2019). I also believe that professionals should strive for constant self-development and improvement of their skills. Despite the importance of work in human life, it is crucial to remember other areas, and therefore my list includes qualities that concern my career and personality.

Reasons for Changes

My opinion changed due to the study of new information, various ideas, and topics in the classroom and the study of additional materials. For example, an article by Pang et al. (2019) notes that employers are looking for the ability to cooperate, hard work, willingness to learn, and similar qualities in potential employees. As a result, the quality of the ‘team player’ appeared on my list, and ‘respectful’ continues to occupy a high position. The competence to build relationships with colleagues and effectively interact is a critical aspect of the work, as it impacts personal productivity, company success, and work atmosphere.

Our discussions of the meaning of life, personal interests, and values made me think that I want to be remembered as an employee and a fascinating individual. I love adventure very much, which is an essential quality for me. Moreover, a person can be adventurous in their professional and personal life. Finally, by balanced life, I mean establishing a work-life balance. This concept has not lost its relevance for a long time and has proven advantages (Kholl, 2018). Employers should understand that in addition to work, their employees have other essential aspects of life that require attention – family, health, and interests. The established balance reduces stress and improves mental health, contributing to greater productivity at work. Therefore, I want my colleagues to remember that I am a professional who pays attention to all aspects of life.


The concept of a good life can be viewed differently depending on the perspective. Some people believe that a good life is determined by the level of income and the availability of luxury things. Considering the theme of religion, McCann and Bechsgaard (2021) note that good life is filled with a sense of purpose or belonging. Spiritual traditions give a person these feelings, and therefore, according to the authors, religious people are happier and have a good life. Such a position is called eudaimonic, and together with a hedonic perspective focused on happiness and pleasant moments, they dominate the discussion of the concept of the good life (Oishi & Westgate, 2021). To have more opportunities to consider the issue, it is also worth turning to the topic of human emotions from a psychological perspective.

Researchers conclude that a good life can be without constant happiness and a sense of meaning. This approach is called psychological richness and includes a variety of possible exciting experiences that can enrich the personal view of the world (Oishi & Westgate, 2021). I believe that following such a perspective can also lead to happiness and a sense of meaning. Therefore, my plan to achieve a good life is to broaden my outlook via knowledge about various aspects of the world and gain multiple experiences trying different activities.


Thus, in my career and life, I highlight several aspects that are important to me. In the workplace, I strive for professionalism, and in life, I strive to gain a variety of experiences and knowledge. To achieve such goals and also to establish a good life, it is essential to have a balance between work and life. A good life can be defined in different ways – the presence of sense or purpose, the feeling of happiness, or the richness of experience.


Kholl, A. (2018). The evolving definition of work-life balance. Forbes. Web.

McCann, G. & Bechsgaard, G. (2021). What is the good life? Psychology Today. Web.

Oishi, S., & Westgate, E. C. (2021). A psychologically rich life: Beyond happiness and meaning. Psychological Review. Web.

Pang, E., Wong, M., Leung, C. H., & Coombes, J. (2019). Competencies for fresh graduates’ success at work: Perspectives of employers. Industry and Higher Education, 33(1), 55-65. Web.

Rosenberg McKay, D. (2019). Professionalism in the workplace. The Balance Careers. Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024, January 28). How Psychologists Define a Good Life.

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PsychologyWriting. 2024. "How Psychologists Define a Good Life." January 28, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "How Psychologists Define a Good Life." January 28, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "How Psychologists Define a Good Life." January 28, 2024.