Stress Management and Strategies for Well-Being


Stress is the emotional tension that arises when a person finds himself in situations that are psychologically difficult or that they find intractable. This condition is a part of everyone’s life, and it is normal and harmless when the pressure is moderate. The only type of worry that poses a health risk is extreme nervousness, which can be brought on by lack of sleep, excessive anxiety, and other circumstances (Yasmin et al., 2020). However, stress can be dealt with by using practices and meditation to reduce its manifestations.

Ways to Deal with Stress

First, using some stress-busting practices can help at a critical moment. For example, trying to divert attention away from things that make a person feel irritable or stressed is important. This can be done by engaging in pleasant activities, such as talking to a friend, listening to music, or reading (Thompson et al., 2022). The person will be able to shift their attention and reduce stress. People should also remember not to act aggressively immediately after hearing negative comments or encountering a difficult situation. This can lead to further stress, conflict, and negative consequences.

Second, meditation classes help people focus on their state and sense of self. Focusing on the breath is the most effective meditation for stress or anxiety. A person must imagine the breath going in and out of their lungs slowly as they begin meditating. When an individual notices that his thoughts are beginning to get confused, he needs to bring them back to his breath. The distraction from the stressor will help the body feel happier. However, there are times when more than just meditation and practice are needed. This happens when a human being is completely absorbed in his or her work. With such a condition, people must fight by completely revising their lifestyle. It is necessary to start eating right, getting enough sleep, and taking time for sports.


Thus, everyone can face stressful situations, but it is essential to know how to deal with them. Some practices and meditations can help with this, but watching the sleep schedule, diet, and daily routines is necessary to avoid a chronic stressful state. Time to rest is necessary; it increases efficiency and reduces stress. If a person works all the time, he not only destroys his mental and physical health but also provokes stressful situations that worsen the situation.


Thompson, M. D., Draper, B. S., & Kreitler, C. M. (2022). The Relationship Between Stress, Coping Strategies, and Problem-Solving Skills Among College Students. Inquiries Journal, 14(03).

Yasmin, H., Khalil, S., & Mazhar, R. (2020). COVID-19: Stress management among students and its impact on their effective learning. International technology and education journal, 4(2), 65-74.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024, June 19). Stress Management and Strategies for Well-Being.

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"Stress Management and Strategies for Well-Being." PsychologyWriting, 19 June 2024,


PsychologyWriting. (2024) 'Stress Management and Strategies for Well-Being'. 19 June.


PsychologyWriting. 2024. "Stress Management and Strategies for Well-Being." June 19, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Stress Management and Strategies for Well-Being." June 19, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "Stress Management and Strategies for Well-Being." June 19, 2024.