The Impact of Goal Setting on Motivation and Success


One of the essential stages in achieving success is determining the desired state, one’s future, in which one wants to be. It allows people to formulate a clear description of the desired state that they want to achieve by completing a specific action plan. Moreover, the result of the statement is a description of qualitative and quantitative signs and properties, by which it will be determined whether the goal is achieved or not. When setting a goal, one needs to realize that all responsibility for attaining the goal lies with the one who decided to meet it. If in the process of implementing the plan, a mistake is made and harm is done, then it must be compensated with the help of personal resources.

Correct goal setting is needed not only to determine the endpoint accurately, but more importantly, it is to motivate and encourage an even faster and more efficient achievement of the goal by minimizing certainty and stress.

Maintaining motivation for success

To achieve one’s goals, one needs to define the target correctly and sustain intrinsic motivation. According to Dunn & Brown (2019) “having constant conversations about motivation as well as a visual of the goal-setting plan is important” (p. 5). Thus, people should set not only goals but also maintain their focus on them; otherwise, a loss of motivation may occur.

Learning to achieve goals

Many people cannot learn how to achieve the goal all by themselves, so the task of training is to teach them. Students can also use academic journals, books and online platforms that are aimed at developing motivation and goal setting. As Hematian et al. (2017) claim in their article “holding training classes on goal setting is useful in improving the students’ position” (p. 43). Indeed, lectures designed for the correct setting of goals will help students develop behavior that will lead them to succeed in their desired field.

Methods of achieving goals

Not all organizations have the opportunity to use the scientific base to teach students how to achieve goals and focus on success. As Landers at al. (2017) claim in their article that “goal setting can be an effective theoretical framework to explain the success of leaderboards; therefore, gamification using leaderboards may be more effective for relatively simple tasks” (p. 5). It can be noted that there is an opportunity for training even with a limited amount of resources; organizations can use gamification and other ways of motivation.


Thus, goal setting increases the attractiveness of the target, awareness of its importance, creates the intention, as soon as possible to begin to implement the plan and get the expected results.


Dunn, W. & Alan B. (2019). How does student goal setting affect motivation to learn? Winston-Salem, NC, 1-7.

Hematian, F., Rezaei, A. M., & Mohammadyfar M. A. (2017). On the effect of goal setting on self-directed learning, achievement. Modern applied science, 11(1), 37-47.

Landers, R. N., Bauer, K. N., & Callan, R. C. (2017). Gamification of task performance with leaderboards: A goal setting experiment. Computers in Human Behavior, 71, 508–515.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024, December 30). The Impact of Goal Setting on Motivation and Success.

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"The Impact of Goal Setting on Motivation and Success." PsychologyWriting, 30 Dec. 2024,


PsychologyWriting. (2024) 'The Impact of Goal Setting on Motivation and Success'. 30 December.


PsychologyWriting. 2024. "The Impact of Goal Setting on Motivation and Success." December 30, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "The Impact of Goal Setting on Motivation and Success." December 30, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "The Impact of Goal Setting on Motivation and Success." December 30, 2024.