Developmental Stages: The Early Childhood Developmental Stage

The developmental stages of the human is complicated question. Many factors, such as genetic and social, affect the person’s developmental stages. When studying human or non-human development, its individual and age characteristics in anatomy, researchers are guided by a scientifically developed concept called age periodization. Personal development, or ontogenesis, occurs in all periods of life, from the birth to death. Factors affecting individual ontogenesis are divided into hereditary and environmental. The degree of genetic influence is not the same at different stages of growth and development.

For the current analysis, the early childhood developmental stage was chosen. The analyzed article touches upon the topic of developing the instrument escarpments for evaluating the level of early childhood development (Gunarth et al., 2020). This work provides an extensive outlook on the early childhood development stage, allowing to understand the process of child development better. Many unique factors regarding this developmental stage are presented in the article. The stage lasts from one year to three years old. Manipulative-objective activities are the leading ones during this period. The child discovers many objects around and seeks to explore them as soon as possible trying to taste, break, touch and perform other types of direct contact. Children learn their names and make their first attempts to engage in conversations with adults during this stage.

Features of the early childhood stage are as follows: comprehension of the names and purpose of objects, mastering the correct manipulation of a particular object, and understanding rules. The mentioned factors also include the development of the “I” concept, or in other words, the self-realization process and self-esteem forming (Gunarth et al., 2020). The provided information is necessary for understanding the developmental process of humans. The formation of the different skills and behaviors in this stage contributes to a better comprehension of future identity development.

The development of non-human species is also estimated based on age periodization. The kittens’ developmental stage can be compared with the humans’ early childhood one (Bennett et al., 1980). This stage is considered to last from birth up to one year (Bennett et al., 1980). The cats also adapt to the surrounding objects and people through physical contact. This period is characterized by the remarkable ability to learn new skills and adjust to particular objects or actions. The domestic cats were chosen for the comparison because the process of development is similar to children considering the similar resembling conditions. However, significant differences occur between human and non-human species in this developmental stage. The perceptual psyche is the peculiar feature of the children in this developmental stage (Gunarth et al., 2020). This notion can also be found in non-human species but in the later stages. The perceptual psyche allows people to analyze the gained experience and reshape it into a thought-forming identity.

Based on the analyzed course information, personality is the combination of the genetic and social impacts which are shaped by the experience of the person gained through different developmental stages. Such factors as social psychology, neurobiology, and learning affect the process of identity-formation of humans. The surrounding conditions and society affect the psychological formation of the children shaping personality through parents, friends, and teachers. Neurobiological factors ensure the particular combination of genes that can be potentially realized. Learning is a vital for any developmental stage process. Based on education abilities, people form their attitude towards different events and become a more established personality. As a result, the combination of the mentioned factors ensures the stable development of the identity.


Bennett, T., Cross, H., & Guyot, G. (1980). The effects of social isolation on the behaviour of juvenile domestic cats. Developmental Psychobiology, 13(3), 317–329. Web.

Gunartha, W., Kartowagiran, B., Sardiman, S., &Sulaiman, T. (2020). Developing instruments for measuring the level of early childhood development. Research and Evaluation in Education, 6(1), 1–9. Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024, December 27). Developmental Stages: The Early Childhood Developmental Stage.

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"Developmental Stages: The Early Childhood Developmental Stage." PsychologyWriting, 27 Dec. 2024,


PsychologyWriting. (2024) 'Developmental Stages: The Early Childhood Developmental Stage'. 27 December.


PsychologyWriting. 2024. "Developmental Stages: The Early Childhood Developmental Stage." December 27, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Developmental Stages: The Early Childhood Developmental Stage." December 27, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "Developmental Stages: The Early Childhood Developmental Stage." December 27, 2024.