Internet addiction is one of the most common phenomena of the last decade. The reason for the constant growth of the percentage of addicts is straightforward. In social networks and online games, a person who is unsatisfied with life or unsure of oneself can try on a different image and communicate with people more openly. It is the reason why I got addicted and started spending about 8 hours every day on the Internet, forgetting about all other matters. Allocated fear of loneliness is another explanation of issues emergence because social networks allow me to feel constant contact with someone and share my thoughts with them.
If a person can quickly switch to other matters and not feel the discomfort of going offline, this is not addiction. Nevertheless, I have an uncontrollable craving for social media and a painful desire to spend all my time on Tik-Tok. The primary point of the problem is that real-time life begins to lose colors and meaning because I feel happier and more confident in myself on the Internet, and there is absolutely no desire to return to the usual routine.
After studying the literature, I realized that if a person has a severe hobby to which they want to dedicate all their free time, they are unlikely to go through a social networking feed all the time. Moreover, the dependence on the Tik-Tok has explanations based on which it is necessary to select the correct interventions to eliminate the problem. Tik-Tok habit is reinforced by the work of artificial intelligence, which creates a psychological profile of the user. The social network then offers relevant videos, constantly analyzing behavior, and it is almost impossible to quit it.
The desire to be on the Internet becomes constant and uncontrollable; sometimes, I spend many hours on the phone, sacrificing even hours of my sleep. Psychologists have not yet fully explored the causes that can lead to an addictive disorder, but what is clear is that a person’s lack of fulfillment and low self-esteem can provoke this online ailment. On the Internet, I feel unrestricted, and I can quickly get a reaction and increase my self-confidence, which has caused me to have an addiction problem. Spending a lot of time on the social media deprives me of the opportunity to fulfill myself in reality, and it becomes a severe problem requiring intervention.
Psychologists display the warning and resemble the sensation of Internet addiction with alcohol and drug dependence, and there are undoubtedly grounds for concern. The research of Bhargava & Velasquez (2021) reveal changes in the state of consciousness and the brain’s functioning with the long uncontrolled exposure to the Network. Slowly this directs to a defeat of the capacity to comprehend and judge profoundly. Swift and sound browsing guide the human brain, yielding the ability for in-depth analytical consideration, making typical web users impulsive and incompetent in scholarly work (Bhargava & Velasquez, 2021). However, impaired thinking processes and memory are not the only adverse effects of the Internet on a person. Plunged with the head into the Web, a person slowly forfeits sincere contact aptitudes, leading to an asociality.
Nowadays, psychologists and investigators of Internet obsession crises allocate some primary kinds of this irrepressible passion for online immersions. According to the study by Wang (2019), an obsession with the Internet occurs for countless reasons and can be represented in various forms. The most typical Internet habit is deemed a need for an uninterrupted transmission. This risk class of Internet addicts contains someone concerned about communicating (Wang, 2019). The shortage of social aptitudes grips them in the virtual world, substituting their friends’ circle. Wang (2019) uncovered that individuals who do not drop into the “network” of the Internet are detected sharing with acquaintances and friends online. Still, this contact is primarily limited to maintaining existing connections.
Furthermore, numerous studies focus on the stages of Internet addiction and its characteristics. According to Kurniasanti et al. (2019), in the first one, the user gets familiarized with the Internet, comprehends its prospects, and determines the suitable virtual existence prospect. Slowly, the individual states how a network makes up for the absence of contact or data one lacks in real life (Kurniasanti et al., 2019). Afterward, there is a span from real life; the user initiates to disburse more time in the real one favored in the stage mentioned above. The third phase is stabilizing, and the issue is obvious. The indications and signs of Internet addiction are slowly evolving into a chronic state. After some time, the attachment for the selected interaction becomes not enunciated, and the movement in the Network can evaporate (Kurniasanti et al., 2019). Internet obsession persists but is already in an inert form and intensifies at pressure or the occurrence of unique, exciting pieces.
It is not astonishing that the cure of Internet dependence is a piece of the earnings of psychologists and psychiatrists, as there are a lot of individuals with unhealthy passions for the “World Wide Web.” The study by Samli (2019) reveals that the obsession with the Internet mourns by both men and women, both immature (to a greater extent) and adult residents, and their number is only increasing. Most of them are treated for mental conditions that have become a manifestation of devotion to the Internet instead of Internet obsession.
However, some psychologists consider resisting internet addiction a senseless movement like any other habit. Alimoradi et al. (2019) believe that operating with compulsive passions is not about action but unraveling issues of existence – constructing unique connections, new interests, and finding the purpose of life. Researchers studied the time people spend scrolling through feeds on networks. In 2021, individuals with Internet access worldwide spent an average of 142 minutes a day on social networks (Alimoradi et al., 2019). However, Alimoradi et al., (2019) indicate that it is optimal for mental health to limit this time to 30 minutes a day. This intervention would be sufficient for treatment, and there would be no need to resort to inhumane methods.
Methods: Intervention
Temperance is frequently suggested for drug or alcohol dependence treatment, but in the issue of social media, the excellent outcome from a cognitive standpoint is restrained use. There is no need to give media up completely, but having a strategy of limits is essential, and this is the primary intervention I have been doing. One does not have to check accounts for a specific time to implement this strategy. In my case, it was three hours without my phone, and it was a challenge. Kurniasanti et al. (2019) uncovered that some learners who went without social media for five days shared a sense of peace, while others were scared of forgetting something by not restricting their feeds. I can put myself in the second category because I had the feeling that I was missing some significant life events.
The article made me realize that it is possible to delete an app or turn off notifications. Most people go to social networking sites mindlessly, and not receiving messages helps avoid that and reduces my time on social networking sites. I set a limitation to 120 minutes, and used a program that blocks unwanted sites after exceeding it. Likewise, the study recommends not using social media during family dinners, exercise, or recreational hours (Kurniasanti et al., 2019). Therefore, I devoted time to hobbies and other desires that helped curb my appetite to go on social media. The point was to fill my free time with exciting and valuable things. Therefore, following the advice in the article, I reduced my use of social media and told someone in the family about my goals for them to control the process.
Over ten days, I conducted an experiment in which I monitored my social media behavior and put limits on myself to understand better how social media use affects my productivity. My goal was to see if I could reprogram my habits and get more time for serious and thorough work by changing my daily routine. I installed Freedom, an app that blocks sites to limit access to social media from my computer and phone. The actual numbers and observations helped me realize that my behavior depended on the time of day. The restrictions opened my eyes to my relationship with social media and taught me how to maximize my use of its tools while reducing the negative consequences. The numbers show that I cut my phone usage for more than a half (Figure 2). I began to devote more time to important activities, personal development, and honest communication.
The usage limit helped me see what time of day I felt tired and when I wanted to use social media to find information or communicate with people. Most of my bad habits were in the late evening when I was tired and in the early morning, when I still had time to focus (Figure 1). However, I would go in out of boredom at other times, and the intervention helped me understand that. New activities help curb the urge to check social media; there is no time left for social media, but more time to be present in real life and communicate in person rather than through a screen. According to the numbers, I spent the same amount of time on social networks every day, and it was even reduced by the lack of desire to check the feed constantly. Therefore, my behavior has changed for the sounder, and my addiction has been overcome.
The primary problem during the task was the temptation to increase the time limit to a longer one. It was especially noticeable in the first few days when the urge to scroll through tapes and videos was noticeable. I was constantly picking up my phone out of habit and could not bring myself to do other things because I felt bored. This problem arose from a deeply ingrained habit, as it is challenging to get rid of something you have been doing for years. It was possible to remove the apps from the phone altogether, as then there was no option of going into them often or asking relatives to monitor the process more closely. Despite this, time limitations correspondingly proved as effective and the least traumatic measure for the psyche.
Limiting my time on social media has helped me completely change my way of life. I used to feel like I did not have enough time in the day to do everything I needed to. Sometimes, on the contrary, I had too much free time, which I used to fill by watching videos on TikTok or scrolling through my Instagram and Facebook feeds. Now I manage my time better, do more valuable things, and feel more confident. While I was on social media, I was disconnected from the real world, and it was not merely about wasting time. It was about being immersed in scrolling through my Facebook feed when I was trying to communicate in everyday life.
It is essential to know the measure of everything, and leaving social media for a more extended period was the best decision of my life. I learned that I have many other hobbies and more exciting ways to spend my time and that reality is much more enjoyable. Doing the assignment brought me closer to my family, made me more disciplined in my studies, and made life play with new colors.
There are numerous essential studies in social media management, all of which can positively impact treatment plans. I would entice attention to the results of a University of Michigan experiment in which scientists asked 71 subjects to talk about how they use Facebook (Neverkovich et al., 2018). After that, participants were offered an Iowa game where they had to choose the sound cards from several decks. When comparing the results of the game and the answers to the questions, the scientists noticed that how poorly participants performed on the task was directly related to how much overuse they made of social media. Moreover, the results of digital addicts were similar to people who were addicted to drugs (Neverkovich et al., 2018). It suggests that the habit of constantly scrolling through feeds is similar to other addictions and directly impacts productivity.
Moreover, there are numerous studies which tracked people’s behavior after entirely giving up social media. In addition to the fact that people spent more time offline with friends and family by quitting Facebook, this detox significantly improved well-being, particularly self-esteem, life satisfaction, depression, and anxiety (Samli, 2019). It shows that quitting the habit is possible and has positive consequences, and everyone is capable of doing it. The first thing I would do to make a treatment plan is to provoke a person’s understanding of the nature and consequences of the problem.
Any modern smartphone has automatic time counting in various apps; a person can see how five minutes spent on Instagram or TikTok adds up to lost hours. It is essential to form habits that will help avoid wasting time, not to hang out on the phone for hours, scrolling through the feed. Nevertheless, most significantly, what is needed is a sensible approach and gradualness. One does not have to give up social media altogether and immediately; however, it is vital to limit it and do it wisely.
Alimoradi, Z., Lin, C. Y., Broström, A., Bülow, P. H., Bajalan, Z., Griffiths, M. D & Pakpour, A. H. (2019). Internet addiction and sleep problems: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep medicine reviews, 47, 51-61. Web.
Bhargava, V. R., & Velasquez, M. (2021). Ethics of the attention economy: The problem of social media addiction. Business Ethics Quarterly, 31(3), 321-359. Web.
Kurniasanti, K. S., Assandi, P., Ismail, R. I., Nasrun, M. W. S., & Wiguna, T. (2019). Internet addiction: A new addiction?. Medical Journal of Indonesia, 28(1), 82-92.
Neverkovich, S. D., Bubnova, I. S., Kosarenko, N. N., Sakhieva, R. G., Sizova, Z. M., Zakharova, V. L., & Sergeeva, M. G. (2018). Students’ internet addiction: study and prevention. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(4), 1483-1495. Web.
Samli, R. (2019). A review of Internet addiction on the basis of different countries (2007–2017). Substance Abuse and Addiction: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, 215-235.
Wang, W. C. (2019). Exploring the relationship among free-time management, leisure boredom, and internet addiction in undergraduates in Taiwan. Psychological reports, 122(5), 1651-1665. Web.
Appendix A
Appendix B