Suicidal Behavior Management: Values and Beliefs


Suicide is the act of intentionally taking causing one’s death. Suicide is a huge public health issue that affects people all around the globe. An estimated 0.8 million individuals die by suicide each year throughout the world, and an even more significant number of people make suicide attempts (Yasuma et al., 2019). A variety of personal psychological and behavioral characteristics have been linked to suicide. Suicide attempts in the past, history of mental diseases, such as anxiety or psychological disorder, and substance misuse were all shown to be risk factors. Mental issues are linked to suicide as well as social isolation and economic distress. Suicide rates have also been shown to be greater among children who grew up in a broken home, whose parents divorced or separated, or who were subjected to physical, sexual, or emotional abuse (Yasuma et al., 2019). Adversity in childhood has been linked to adolescent adjustment issues and a lack of coping skills, both of which increased the risk of suicide.

Personal Values and Beliefs on Suicide

Personal values may be thought of as a set of guiding principles for one’s conduct and attitudes. The brain’s reward system is modified throughout adolescence, a time of significant psychological and emotional growth. There may be a long-term impact on one’s health and well-being due to personal values acquired throughout the teenage years. In the past, research has shown that the substance of values and the dedication to values are linked to various health and well-being indices (Yasuma et al., 2019). Suicide may also be linked to a person’s adolescent values, which are formed throughout this period. Suicidal thoughts and actions may be prevented if a person has specific areas of value priorities, such as greater social integration in adulthood or reduced social isolation. Thus, personal values may be as well be linked to suicidal behavior. As adolescence is a critical time in developing a person’s mental and behavioral health, emphasis has improved teenagers’ mental health. It may be possible to predict or prevent suicide by studying the link between young people’s values and suicidal behavior.

Societal values that exist about Suicide

Suicidal behavior has long been linked to social variables, and there is persuasive evidence to suggest that social factors seem crucial as genetic variables. On the other hand, social and cultural elements have ss in Suicidal conduct are predicted by social contextual elements that might be used to develop prevention interventions (Mueller et al., 2021). Society and culture have a significant impact on determining how people react and regard mental health and suicide. Culture has a significant impact on how people regard suicide. Suicidal behavior is heavily influenced by cultural norms and social structures, which influence the types and levels of stress and support and the availability of resources and treatment options.

Family cohesiveness and support across cultures function as a protection against suicidality. Suicide risk is higher for males who are divorced or never married as there are no more family bonds. Suicide is also less likely to occur in those who have strong social and religious ties (Pridmore et al., 2016). Socioeconomic and social changes also influence suicide in the general population. As a result of economic distress, there is also a strong correlation between unemployment and suicide risk. The prevention of suicide in various cultures depends on deepening our knowledge of cultural and social factors that influence this behavior (Pridmore et al., 2016). It will also be easier for doctors to forecast suicidal tendencies by identifying particular risk factors.

The impact of Suicidal Behavior

When someone commits suicide, it may be a painful event for those who are left behind. Friends, loved ones, coworkers, and the whole community are affected by suicide and suicide attempts. Suicide and attempted suicide have profound physical, emotional, and economic consequences (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). Suicide attempt survivors may suffer long-term health consequences as a result of their injuries. Suicide survivors, families, and friends may suffer from depression or other mental health issues. Family members and acquaintances of those who commit suicide might be devastated by their loss and may even contemplate their suicide in the wake of their loved one’s death.

The Relevance of Suicidal Behavior in Nursing Practice

A patient’s suicide impacts healthcare workers profoundly and raises the issue of how a patient’s death might be explained. In the long run, discussing these issues in more depth might help healthcare providers by teaching them how to properly evaluate a patient’s risk of suicide (Rytterström et al., 2020). They can also help open their minds to discussing death with them and foster a sense of humility in their knowledge of their patient’s circumstances. Post-suicide care is an essential complement to procedures that concentrate on building safe spaces, such as changing routines for monitoring the level of suicide risk. When someone commits suicide, it’s crucial to avoid relying only on passive care measures such as further observation and risk assessment devices.

Additionally, as indicated in the category of active care measures, HCPs should experience and gain information about suicide and learn how to understand why it has occurred. HCPs might prevent future suicides by focusing on crisis management, and emphasizing meaning and understanding (Rytterström et al., 2020). Healthcare professionals can mature by acknowledging their sentiments of shame and remorse following a patient’s suicide as a starting point from which to learn and grow. Colleagues are critical to the post-suicide care process and should be recognized for their efforts.

Incorporation of the Research in Nursing Practice

As a healthcare practitioner, I will make an effort to be mindful of patient’s cultural and spiritual backgrounds, which are important factors to consider while conducting a patient evaluation. For instance, research suggests that religious religion may be crucial when determining a person’s risk of suicide. Nurses are a vital part of the healthcare system and play a significant role in improving people’s health. When it comes to suicide prevention and other chronic diseases, the notion of health care practitioners taking on a continuous rather than a one-time role is just as beneficial.

Suicide is a leading cause of death for those who have recently had interaction with health care professionals. As a result, I plan to perform regular screenings of patients to identify those who may be at risk of harming themselves while in the hospital. It’s also my goal to keep up-to-date on the most critical parts of suicidality management and treatment in behavioral health settings, such as lethal-means reduction and direct therapy of suicidal tendencies. In addition, I will promote the construction of a suicide care route in electronic health records, which will assist in the development of measures since there are now no universally recognized measures for suicidal behavior.


There is a way to prevent suicide from happening in the first place. Friends, relatives, coworkers, and other persons may assist at-risk individuals by giving support and linking them to preventative options, among other things. Since every life is valued, every suicide attempt is taken seriously. Attempting suicide is avoidable, and everyone can play a part in saving lives and fostering the development of healthy and strong people, families, and communities. To effectively prevent suicide, a current public health strategy is required.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Facts About Suicide. Suicide Prevention. Web.

Mueller, A. S., Abrutyn, S., Pescosolido, B., & Diefendorf, S. (2021). The Social Roots of Suicide: Theorizing How the External Social World Matters to Suicide and Suicide Prevention. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. Web.

Pridmore, S., Varbanov, S., Aleksandrov, I., & Shahtahmasebi, S. (2016). Social Attitudes to Suicide and Suicide Rates. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 04(10), 39–58. Web.

Rytterström, P., Ovox, S. M., Wärdig, R., & Hultsjö, S. (2020). Impact of suicide on health professionals in psychiatric care mental healthcare professionals’ perceptions of suicide during ongoing psychiatric care and its impacts on their continued care work. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 29(5), 982–991. Web.

Yasuma, N., Watanabe, K., Matsunaga, A., Nishi, D., & Kawakami, N. (2019). Personal values in adolescence and suicidality: a cross-sectional study based on a retrospective recall. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1). Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024, January 24). Suicidal Behavior Management: Values and Beliefs.

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"Suicidal Behavior Management: Values and Beliefs." PsychologyWriting, 24 Jan. 2024,


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PsychologyWriting. 2024. "Suicidal Behavior Management: Values and Beliefs." January 24, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Suicidal Behavior Management: Values and Beliefs." January 24, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "Suicidal Behavior Management: Values and Beliefs." January 24, 2024.