The Behavior intervention support team (BIST) is a problem behavior intervention plan that aids in replacing maladaptive behaviors with target behaviors. BIST intervention was invented by Cornerstone care to assist teachers, parents, and caregivers to helps students become emotionally intelligent and develop coping mechanisms that limit the occurrence of problematic behaviors (Cornerstones of Care, n.d). Therefore, this paper examines the goals, components, theoretical constructs, implementation, and program evaluation plan.
Narrative Description of BIST
According to Cornerstone Care, BIST theoretically provides a system for problem behavior extinction among young children and youths. The program helps teachers increase instructional time, decrease deviant behaviors in school or at home, and provide relief to the teacher or caregiver interacting with the child or youth (Cornerstones of Care, n.d). Schools that utilize the BIST intervention report a significant decrease in problematic behaviors among their students. Also, schools report having a significant decrease in office disciplinary referrals, which signifies its viability as an intervention (Cornerstones of Care, n.d). Similarly, parents or caregivers using the BIST to curb problem behaviors report great improvement in their behavior.
BIST emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for individual actions. The program applies Giving Responsibility and Accountability to Children in Education (GRACE), which provides a foundation for eliminating problem behaviors through strategic intervention (Cornerstones of Care, n.d). BIST is a multi-tiered intervention that operates standard and target levels. At the standard level, the intervention clarifies the expectations by providing consistent and practical rules that can suppress problem behavior (Cornerstones of Care, n.d). Then, students have to act within limits stipulated or face the consequences. The core conditions of BIST intervention include empathy, positive affirmation, and unity.
Theoretical Construct
BIST does not follow a specific theoretical framework but has a logic model supporting its efficacy in reducing problem behaviors. The model involves teachers, parents, or caregivers as implementors of the conditions to curb problem behaviors (Cornerstones of Care, n.d). This paradigm appears to draw theories from cognitive behavior therapy, structural and strategic family therapy because it relies on the teacher, parent, or other adults to provide a working framework and follow up while also changing the students’ thinking. In addition, the adult should provide rapid response, targeted confrontation, and a written protection plan with daily accountability (Green et al., 2019). This framework ensured that the intervention is tactically structured to eliminate problem behaviors among young students and youths.
The BIST program is based on behavioral theory and incorporates strength-based and resiliency concepts into a person-in-environment framework. BIST employs various separation strategies to address problem behaviors within the classroom or home setting (Cornerstones of Care, n.d). If a student exhibits deviant conduct, BIST solves the problem by initiating separation or exclusion from triggers (Green et al., 2019). For instance, when a student verbally abuses another student, the teacher can punish them by implementing the timeout strategy. Timeout acts as an exclusion strategy that helps the child realize their mistake and the consequence the behavior attracts.
The first strategy is the safe seat, whereby the student is separated from the class and asked to think about appropriate behavior. The teacher may advise the student to rethink an appropriate behavior that they should exhibit. This BIST intervention is meant for self-realization and rethinking to enhance the chances of more appropriate behaviors. The second strategy is the “buddy room,” whereby a student exhibiting problem behaviors is placed in a different teacher classroom not to disrupt the class sessions. During this time, students receive a think sheet, a tool used to enable the student to think about the best behavior to exhibit in the future. Also, students may receive a triage whereby the teacher engages with the student in proper guidance on avoiding problem behaviors.
The recovery room is another BIST strategy whereby the teachers, staff, or parents engage in a better solution to curb a problem behavior. This intervention works similar to the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), which intends to develop an individualized plan to curb a problem behavior (Green et al., 2019). Lastly, placement in the office is another BIST strategy that can help the student realize their mistakes. The student is left in the disciplinary office for a while with a notion of facing the consequence. This separation intends to steer self-realization and the consequences of bad behaviors (Cornerstones of Care, n.d). In other situations, the student can face suspension, allowing them to reunite with their parents and discuss the better ways of displaying conduct.
Program Evaluation Plan. The efficacy of behavior change models is determined differently, including the youth assessment and screening instrument (YASI) and the classroom assessment scoring system (CLASS). YASI measures different areas of the student’s life to assess the triggers of the problem behavior (Scott et al., 2019). This tool helps to research factors that predict the occurrence of problem behavior through an excellent inter-rater reliability score (Scott et al., 2019). Therefore, YASI determines whether an intervention is effective in suppressing problem behavior by considering its different dynamics.
Another tool is Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS), based on three fundamental domains that assess teacher-student interaction during a problem behavior analysis done through observation. The CLASS dimension measures the emotional support within teacher-student interaction, classroom organization, and instructional support (Li et al., 2020). The CLASS scores lie between a seven-point scale whereby the least value indicates low interaction or success of the intervention while the high value indicates effective interaction.
For instance, the 1-2 value means that the quality of interaction is low, while 6-7 indicates that the interaction is effective within the assessment period (Li et al., 2020). Also, emotional support assesses the level of commitment in enhancing the learning environment. Additionally, classroom organization determines the efficacy of rules and regulations enacted to restrict problem behaviors, for instance, well-designed learning centers (Li et al., 2020). Finally, the domain of instructional support assesses whether the teacher executes the curriculum as required to promote language and cognitive development.

BIST program is applicable for all problem behaviors and can steer change if used alongside other inclusive interventions such as YASI and CLASS. The idea of eliminating behavioral problems is a beneficial aspect of BIST, aiming to enhance student behavior options by developing relationships. The program is teacher/parent focused which incorporates grace and accountability as the change processes. The results of the program include increased teaching time, life-long behavioral change and relief to teachers/parents.
Cornerstones of Care. (n.d.). Behavior Intervention Support Team (BIST). Web.
Green, K. B., Robbins, S. H., & Bucholz, J. L. (2019). Positive behavior interventions and supports: Maximizing the universal tier for young children with or at risk for disabilities. Young Exceptional Children, 22(1), 6-21. Web.
Li, H., Liu, J., & Hunter, C. V. (2020). A meta-analysis of the factor structure of the classroom assessment scoring system (CLASS). The Journal of Experimental Education, 88(2), 265-287. Web.
Scott, T., Brown, S. L., & Skilling, T. A. (2019). Predictive and convergent validity of the Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument in a sample of male and female justice-involved youth. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 46(6), 811-831. Web.