Stress Identification and Management

Stress can be defined as any type of change in the human bodies that can cause physiological, emotional, and physical strain. There are two significant types of stress; chronic and acute stress. Chronic stress refers to the unceasing and continued perception of anxiety that can alter one’s health if it goes untreated. Acute stress refers to a disorder that is an intense and repulsive reaction that occurs quickly after an overwhelming traumatic event that usually persists for a short time.

Stress causes more harm than good to people in various ways. Prolonged stress can lead to long-term difficulties for the heart and blood vessels. It can also cause high blood pressure, which may result to death. Furthermore, this type of anxiety can lead to muscle tension or sharp pains, which may cause discomfort. The brain, which is an essential organ in the body that controls speech, walking, and posture can be affected. The brain cells can be destroyed by stress resulting to reduction in size and eventual abnormal functioning. This paper aims to demonstrate the knowledge gained about stressor identification and systematic innervations and their application to real-life situations.

Growth Summary

Stress causes emotional discomfort, which may eventually lead to depression. An individual’s emotions influence on how they interact with others. Low memory and concentration levels may be experienced, and its effects are fatal. Physically, stress can result to chest pains and rapid heartbeats. This may occur due to conditions such as blood pressure associated with overstraining. Severe headaches, which are repulsive and disturbing, may also pose a challenge to the body’s regular activities.

On one hand, the term stressors refer to the conditions or events in ones surrounding that may trigger stress. On the other hand, stress intervention refers to various techniques which can be used to reduce stress. I have learned multiple things about stressor identification and the application of systemic intervention to eliminate the stressor. Firstly, getting angry quickly even when nothing irritating has happened. Lack of sleep or oversleeping can also be a worrying sign. Problems with memory where recalling of things becomes a challenge due to deprived concentration and poor decision making are also an indicator of stress.

Various stressors in my surrounding can result from the ultimate death of my close family member. An illness or any form of injury may lead to pain which causes stress. Failure in my examinations and lack of understanding can pose challenges. To eliminate stress, I have adopted various methods to that can be used to curb the level of trauma. This include spending more time with friends and engaging in beneficial leisure activities such as music and drama. This will give me a sense of belonging and self-worth. I would also reduce my intake of caffeine as it causes anxiety in my body. Being selective in what I do and avoiding procrastination will also help. Spending time with my pet is critical since it leads to a release of cytosine chemicals, giving me a positive mood.

The knowledge I have learned about stress can apply to my life in a variety of ways. Knowing the origin of focus will help me to come up with various forms of eliminating them. It will also enable me to sleep better and develop my mental abilities. Being in a better temperament will help me get along well with my family and friends. Thus, the muscle tension will reduce in my body, and chances of getting sick will be very few. Memory improvement and sound decision-making will be realized. Eventually, brain development will nourish well, and understanding levels will be high. This summarizes my growth about stress which revolves around the emotional, physical, and mental dimensions. Proper coordination of the body generally leads to good health and a life of happiness and fulfillment.

Research Summary

There are various approaches followed in this context to manage stress. They include physical, cognitive-behavioral, and mindful-based stress reduction (Antoni & Dhabhar, 2019). The biological process adopted yoga exercise since it reduces anxiety and depression. The practice is a physical activity composed mainly of postures and sometimes accompanied by breathing exercise. In addition to managing stress, yoga can relax the body and also protect immunity. Breast cancer survivors ascribed to 12 weeks of yoga had lowered pro-inflammatory serum cytokines (Antoni & Dhabhar, 2019). Further, passive bodily stress management approaches involve outside manipulating skin, muscles, nerves, and strength tracks by trained interventionists. Massage helps in eliminating stress by lowering the heat, releasing good feeling hormones, and relaxation. The exercise also leads to deep sleep and relieves for headaches.

The cognitive-behavioral approach involves blending cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal talents tutoring through in-session educational and role-playing ventures, study, and daily workouts (Antoni & Dhabhar, 2019). Positive behavior change improves one’s mode of conduct hence evading stressors. Engaging in-home activities like washing, cooking, and cleaning, especially in women, gives them a sense of belonging in a family. They become satisfied and reduce stress which can occur by failing to perform duties.

Mindfulness-based stress reduction involves training to create awareness among patients who have stress-related diseases. Most people are illiterate and lack basic knowledge of how excessive anxiety can impact their life. Therefore, one should become aware of how to handle stress and, if possible, offer guidance to fellow family members. A change of mindset has accompanied the training, reducing anxiety, pain, and mood changes (Antoni & Dhabhar, 2019). Remote awareness was created by sending a counseling team of people to go to the field and educate the community on stress management. Further, online programs were created where even those at home will be able to learn. This aimed to create more awareness for all ages of people ranging from children to the elderly. Personal blogging sites were built where there was a one-on-one interaction with stress management couches.


In conclusion, stress can be a significant threat to human beings, affecting them either positively or negatively. The two common types of stress are acute and chronic. These can cause high blood pressure, heart diseases, and brain damage. Common signs and symptoms of anxiety include insomnia, poor decision making, forgetting, and oversleeping. The occurrence can be caused by the death of a close family member, general illness, failure in exams, and lack of understanding. However, stress can be managed and, if possible be eliminated. Intervention methods such as physical, cognitive-behavioral, mindful-based stress reduction are used to eliminate stress.

Other methods used to reduce stress include spending time with family and friends and reducing caffeine intake since it is harmful. Exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet is also helpful. Avoiding procrastination and deciding on what to do without being influenced by others brings out a sense of self-worth. The knowledge about stress identification and elimination is applicable in our present life. It enables people to live in better moods, control various sicknesses, sleep better and develop their brains.


Antoni, M. H., & Dhabhar, F. S. (2019). The impact of psychosocial stress and stress management on immune responses in patients with cancer. Cancer, 125(9), 1417-1431. Web.

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PsychologyWriting. (2024, January 22). Stress Identification and Management.

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"Stress Identification and Management." PsychologyWriting, 22 Jan. 2024,


PsychologyWriting. (2024) 'Stress Identification and Management'. 22 January.


PsychologyWriting. 2024. "Stress Identification and Management." January 22, 2024.

1. PsychologyWriting. "Stress Identification and Management." January 22, 2024.


PsychologyWriting. "Stress Identification and Management." January 22, 2024.