Representatives of various personality types enter the labor market and occupy various positions according to their preferences. For example, an extroverted ethicist who loves those with whom he works side by side will prefer to keep his current position rather than go for a promotion solely because of money. Personal...
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The idea of Biblical ​​forgiveness runs like a red line through the entire text of Desmond Tutu. Around the commandment of it, he builds his whole position as a human rights activist. Forgiveness is served through selfishness: “To forgive is indeed the best form of self-interest” (Tutu 191). This concept...
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Introduction Many theories explain people’s behaviors and habits in different situations. Although distinct, these theories overlap in some areas but contradict many others. Although they pose their limitations, most of these practical theories can be used in clinical sessions. Understanding the theories and their groups and when to place a...
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Middle age is the central time in the life of a human being. It is the span between early adulthood and late adulthood. In the United States, middle age is perceived to be the life between 40-65 years (Lumen Learning, n.d). This age is the most stressful time for most...
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“Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality.” Erich Fromm. Many events in the world influence the kind of personalities people become: good or bad accidents, stopping at school or...
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Happiness is an important aspect that plays a vital role in people’s lives. Individuals’ approaches to pursuing happiness vary from one person to another. Some essential benefits of happiness include reduced stress, boosted immune system, a healthy lifestyle, and the maintenance of healthy relationships. However, I know individuals who are...
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Introduction The article “Inpatient Therapeutic Assessment with Narcissistic Personality Disorder” by Jon Hinrichs explores a C/TA inpatient variation illustrated with egotistical personality complaints. After briefly overviewing salient ideas, the author provides a thorough clinical interview account, test clarification paired with analytical considerations explicit to narcissism, deliberate intervention, and dialog of...
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A young adult faces numerous changes in life, with the main transition occurring when one completes school and begins looking for a job (Ryan, Solberg, & Brown, 1996). The subject of understanding familial origins of individual confidence necessary for professional transitions has as gained importance in counseling psychology (Ryan, Solberg,...
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Businesses, sciences, and arts benefit from creative persons who bring new solutions to problems. Creativity is not one’s inherent quality but a product of the environment, expertise, motivation, imaginative thinking, and desire to seek new experiences (Myers & DeWall, 2020). Business ventures are often risky and require out-of-the-box solutions to...
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The mechanism of how dreams occur has been one of the mysteries that science has failed to solve. Dreams can be classified as positive or as nightmares, including scary and terrible visions. Having nightmares has been considered to be normal in both adults and children. However, regular nightmares can develop...
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Self-esteem is regarded as one of the most important factors that govern a person’s identity and interaction with the world. It is generally defined as the tendency to evaluate oneself in either a positive or negative way and is associated with other diverse concepts such as individuality, worth, confidence, respect,...
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Attractiveness is an individual trait that affects society’s perception of a person. The Franklin and Zebrowitz chapter explores how different theories of attractiveness combine in a society. They examine the halo effect-the benefits of conventionally attractive appearance, which Eagly, Ashmore, Makhijani, & Longo have also studied. The authors emphasize that...
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A situation can influence an individual’s behavior, feelings, or thoughts. Although people’s behaviors are determined mainly by their beliefs, religion, and culture, an individual’s situation may make them not behave as expected (Spielman et al., 2020). For instance, if a person is jailed for five years, they are likely to...
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Introduction The list of qualities that I want my colleagues to remember about me has changed significantly compared to the first version. In particular, three new ones appeared, which replaced the previous positions. The quality ‘respectful’ has slightly declined in priority by one point, and adventurous remained in the same...
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Personality testing is a popular field of psychological testing right now. Hundreds of personality tests are available, each based on a different theoretical perspective and employing a different procedure. Some tests concentrate on the precise measurement of a single construct or variable, whilst others aim to evaluate the personality as...
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What thoughts come to your mind when someone mentions scientists? Probably, you believe that scientists are individuals with several degrees and years of experience in research that allow them to collect data, use evidence, make and test hypotheses, gain understanding, and share knowledge. But what would you tell if you...
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Introduction The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Rorschach Inkblot Test are extensively used in psychology to determine the personality of individuals across various fields. The former was developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katherine Cook Briggs (Stein & Swan, 2019). On the other hand, the latter was...
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Definitions of Coaching and Mentoring Mentorship and coaching are terms that are used interchangeably in different professional fields to show the transfer of useful skills from one individual to the other. Various researchers have given the words diverse meanings that are contextually relevant to their investigations. Clutterbuck (2014, p. 11)...
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Introduction Psychology is defined as the study involving the human mind and behavior. Nonetheless, it is also believed that even minor human activities tend to involve complex psychological processing. Personality psychology is one of the psychology branches that tend to study the personality and variations among individuals. It also primarily...
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Summary This case study assignment will examine and provide a detailed analysis of the case study about Jane, a 54-year-old Black female, who became a victim of a terrifying car accident. The paper will provide such essential characteristics as the critical issues of the diagnostic case study, the suggested assessment,...
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Abstract Career self-assessment is an essential process of determining career choices for young and inexperienced youth. There exists a number of ways for one to determine the best-fit career choice that will tap into their God-given talents and interests. This paper aims to experiment with two different self-assessment tests to...
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Self-leadership is the practice of influencing feelings and actions to achieve goals. Self-leadership means being in charge of your own life and taking responsibility for what happens. Further, this ability enhances self-efficacy, which improves decision-making skills, professional and personal productivity. Moreover, it has a positive effect on the self-perception and...
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The book Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson is a metaphorical story about changes and people’s readiness to experience them. Changes constantly happen because the world is flexible, and the story reminds the readers about that. The cheese is a metaphorical representation of what people have in life or...
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Chapter two touches upon the topic of resilience and oppression notions and their influence on people’s psychology. Chapter three focuses on discussing the preliminary phase of building contact with the client. Both chapters contain many theoretical approaches discussing their implementation in practice (Shulman, 2016). Social workers need to be aware...
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The hypothesis of the article The Relationship between Length of Time in the U.S. and Mental Health among Immigrants by Park, Nish & Baptiste is that the prolonged presence of immigrants in the United States for various reasons increases their stress levels. The population of the research is predominantly Asians...
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Summary The current case study incorporates the patient, Mrs. Smith, a woman in her early sixties who has recently lost her husband and finds herself alone for the first time in her life. She depended on her husband significantly, and after his death, Mrs. Smith has not only experienced significant...
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In today’s economy, knowledge becomes the most valuable asset that enables comprehensive success. At the same time, knowing facts and principles is beneficial, but knowing oneself is crucial. In the 21st century, opportunities emerge for those who exhibit strong ambitions and desire to make a difference. However, the most prominent...
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Overview of psychoanalytic and psychosocial theories of personality In the history of social sciences and humanities, various personality theories have been invented to explain the profound mechanism of the human psyche. Among them, several models are particularly prominent, including the psychoanalytic perspective. This theory focuses on the unconscious component of...
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Jonathan Rauch’s article “Caring for your introvert” was published in the Atlantic in June 2018. The author talks about different types of human essence, namely introverts and extroverts, emphasizing their differences. It is mainly about how extroverts represent introverts and how many misunderstandings the behavior of quiet people causes for...
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Farnell, Oliver. From Fear to Freedom. Independently Published. This book tells that fear and freedom are two opposite ends of the same path. At the same time, it is fear that is the beginning for an individual who lives in doubt, fear and attempts to control everything around. Throughout life,...
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The origins of human personalities constitute a crucial challenge for many researchers around the world and present opportunities for scientific analysis. There are many theories concerning the topic of human personality which offer various explanations on how it is formed and shaped. The two most interesting groups of theories are...
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Introduction By completing course assignments and studying additional literature, I learned quite a lot of information about myself and my personality. I realized that my body and consciousness limit is laid only based on my initial attitudes (Coon et al., 2022). Accordingly, when performing specific actions, I understand that their...
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One of the primary ways in which beliefs can shape a person’s reality is through their influence on human behavior. That is, many people assume that beliefs determine actions; for me, the expression of views determines actions means that one’s choice to believe in something helps specify their following acts...
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Emotional intelligence is the reverse side of rational intelligence, the ability of a person to manage their emotions, understand the feelings and intentions of others, and effectively solve any tasks. This part of human consciousness allows for not only being bright but also prosperous and, last but not least, happy....
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Introduction Social identity is an essential element of any complex modern society, characterizing, shaping, and reflecting the processes taking place in it. Social identity as a concept is not new for the social sciences but nevertheless requires a clear definition before any discussion. As a rule, social identity is considered...
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Introduction Personality refers to the distinctive emotions and behaviors, emotions, and actions that distinguish one individual from another. Character is said to emerge from within an individual and stay fairly consistent throughout life. Personality interpretations can concentrate on a wide range of variables, from clinical syndromes for personality characteristics to...
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Personality disorder diagnosis does not take into account the social context. Although this does not mean personality disorders do not consider them totally, it is not enough. The diagnosis fails to recognize that people are different, and various social factors can affect an individual’s ability to cope with certain stress...
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One of the oldest debates in Psychology is that of nature versus nurture, the significance of our genes as opposed to our environment in our development into the people that we are. I believe that although our genetics play a noteworthy role in our growth, determining some of our traits,...
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Introduction Achieving high academic outcomes, as a rule, is the result of a series of efforts made to accomplish this goal. Diligence, innate talents, the ability to allocate time correctly, and sometimes financial capabilities determine educational success. However, in reviewing my own achievements, I can note that personality traits are...
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Group counseling solves particular problems for which the individual format is insufficient. The group is an artificially created society in miniature, imitating real-life conditions with its relationships, emotions, conflict situations, and priorities. It primarily concerns difficulties in interpersonal communication at various social levels: in the family, at work, at study,...
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Introduction Personality encompasses emotions, dispositions, and beliefs and thus is most visibly manifested in interpersonal interactions. It entails both natural and developed behavioral features that differentiate a person from another and can be noticed in how individuals interact with their surroundings and social circle. I suppose that personality of an...
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The video of a guided pain management meditation selected for this assignment is titled “Chronic pain meditation | Natural pain relief | Relaxation for pain” and was uploaded by Generation Calm on January 22, 2021. The following link leads to this meditation practice video: *. I completed the 28-minute session...
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The video named “Your body language may shape who you are” was selected for this particular assignment. In this video clip, a famous TED Talk presenter and speaker Amy Cuddy reveals her best practices in the field of social sciences and psychology. According to Amy Cuddy’s body language studies, shifting...
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One of the modalities that helps people overcome difficulties and facilitate a better healing process is adventure therapy. Adventure therapy is a type of challenging activity that helps one enhance self-efficacy and build on their growth mindset skills. In the video “Adventure in Self-Efficacy: Increasing and Generalizing Efficacy in Outdoor...
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TED Talk #1: Your Genes Are Not Your Fate In his TED talk, Dean Ornish suggests that human genes can be rewritten through behavior. According to Ornish (2008), healthy habits can positively affect one’s genetic code, with healthy eating, exercise, and positive thinking resulting in better oxygen and blood flow...
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The concept of archetype nowadays is widely known and used, as a rule, to refer to a quality or symbol, which is greater than any of us, but at the same time, is a part of each personality. One of the main characteristics of archetypes is the fact that archetypes...
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Many theories describe a person’s character, their traits and aim to predict some of the critical life events based on these factors. Catell’s Big Five Personality Traits are “neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness” (Lim, 2020, para. 3). Each of these characteristics is a continuum, which means then any person...
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“Only dead fish swim with the stream” – this proverb, familiar to millions of English-speaking natives is metaphorically saying that only a lazy person waits for success without making any effort. The proverb also implicitly warns that a passive stance can lead to symbolic death or failure. There are many...
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Introduction Personality is identified as a combination of behaviors, perceptions, and mental patterns that develop through time due to environmental and biological influences. The field of humanistic psychology, often known as personality psychology, aims to understand the principles that underpin behavioral distinctions. One of the factors considered possible to influence...
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The Thesis Few people have noticed that the everyday use and meanings of the word “identity” are essentially new. The last (and most famous) thinker to pay attention to this was Kwame Anthony Appiah. He spoke about this in lectures given as part of the prestigious John Reith Radio series...
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Sigmund Freud was one of the first among those who tried to interpret dreams as an aspect of the human psyche reflecting a person’s secret thoughts, fears, and desires. The psychologist has presented the idea that the sleeping mind hides the specific symbolic meaning in dreams: it disguises dreams because...
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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs introduces five levels of the individual’s needs, all of which are essential to the proper development and growth. The system implies that the lowest levels include fundamental needs, such as physiological requirements (e.g., food and shelter) and safety conditions (Cherry par. 6). On the other hand,...
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People use to think of themselves as rational and logical, but scientists have proven that sometimes they are too optimistic. If one is asked how their life will be affected by divorce, illness, injury, or job loss, they are likely to underestimate the probable impact of such an event on...
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Introduction Different individuals respond to emotional stimuli in different ways even when they are exposed to the same environment. The concept of personality means the individual differences in the patterns of behaving, feeling, and thinking, and it attempts to explain how people respond differently to emotional stimuli. Studies have shown...
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Personality Assessment Inventory (PIA) by Dr. Leslie Morey is a diagnostic tool designed to help psychologists ascertain abnormalities in mental development of test subjects. It is based on the respondents’ individual responses with no pre-determined goal of accessing their unconscious process, which characterizes PIA as an objective measure (Akbari-Zardkhaneh &...
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Jen is a 19-year-old woman who mistrusts men due to her relationship with her father, who left her and Jen’s mother to create a new family with his mistress. Since Jen only began to explore relationships with men and she knows that her mistrust is linked to her childhood, individual...
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Assessment Tools for the Client A biopsychosocial approach is a holistic way of treating sexual disorders, which involves a multipurpose awareness of sexuality. In its sense, both sexual and perceived sexual and fundamental sexual functions can be influenced by physical, neurological, neurocognitive, behavioral, and relational factors. Several factors, including decreased...
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The theory of personality developed in this work assumes that personality is multifaceted and multicomponent, and it is the variability of its constituent components that forms a plurality of uniquely dissimilar people. It can be stated — and the reasons why will be described later — that no two people...
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Introduction The human-technology relationship in the contemporary era provides enormous benefits, such as the enhancement of quality of life. For some people, this relationship allows them to connect with long-distance relatives; some are able to access required information in a moment, and some use technology for entertainment. Consequently, numerous research...
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Task performance is the composition of the most predominant traits that correlate with the Big Five personality test. Depending on the specific characteristics, it becomes possible to define the advantages and disadvantages of the employee’s task performance type. It allows for distributing the work more effectively and managing the positions...
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Proper access to mental care services and care is the first and essential aspect of a person’s wellbeing, however, a plethora of factors impact one’s ability to receive the needed support. It is evident that the inability to adequately address individuals’ needs of psychological help will result in consequences in...
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Introduction Bereavement is one of the most painful human losses, which may result in negative emotions such as anger, bitterness, and a decline in the well-being of the bereaved. According to the notion of meaning-reconstruction theory, bereavement is characterized by a continuing quest for an answer to a loss (Barak...
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Self-talks are dialogues that happen in individuals’ thoughts and are influenced by the subconscious mind. Self-motivation plays a vital role in revealing a person’s views, questions, ideas, and, most importantly, beliefs. Athletes use them as a cognitive method of influencing or inducing judgments, behaviors, and feelings. As such, self-encouragement can...
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Introduction The universality of emotional facial expressions is drawn from psychological, biological, and social perspectives. Emotions assume a critical role in both psychiatric treatment and general experiences among human beings. Despite this enormous significance in illness and health, no studies have achieved a nexus about the constructs of emotional encounters....
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Abstract The writing aims to review the book “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duwigg and explains the author’s perspective about human habits. The review states the method of behavior change as explained by Charles Duwigg, where he discusses the process of habit building and the methods that addicts might...
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The process of formation of one’s psychological identity and personhood has long fascinated scientists in multiple areas of research. Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development (1950) include the dichotomies of trust and mistrust, autonomy and doubt, initiative and guilt, industry and inferiority, identity and confusion, intimacy and isolation, generosity and stagnation,...
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Main points Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality and development states that specific body parts are sensitive to sexual or erotic stimulation during the childhood development phases. For example, the mouth, anus, and genital regions are sensitive to sexual stimulation. Therefore, the different phases of sexual stimulation in childhood include...
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Introduction I interviewed Diego (21 years) over the phone, Scott (50) via Skype because of his busy schedule, and Jerry (76) face to face. Diego is in early adulthood, Scott is in middle adulthood, and Jerry is in late adulthood. Interview I (Diego-21 Years) Diego wanted to be a cardiologist...
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Introduction One of the common problems in any kind of professional work field is the fear of public speaking. Despite all the high-level qualifications and university degrees, they are all become useless when it comes to the presentation in front of a group of people. The person can be so...
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Introduction People interpret life differently; what constitutes a good life may be unsatisfying to another. From birth to death, people’s needs and preferences change, changing one’s perception of a good life. Sometimes, people fail to understand why they live and what they want, leading to desperation. Some elements of a...
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Brief description of the paper This paper aims to give a critical review of the design, purpose, and theories used in writing the scholarly journal titled: Positive Psychology of Malaysian University Students: Impacts of Engagement, Drive, Self-Empathy, and Well-being on Mental Stability. It gives an insight into the extent to...
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Maslow’s theory is a famous approach for measuring human needs. Abraham Maslow was born in 1908 and had a fascinating scholarly career. He studied psychology and appreciated the works of prominent philosophers such as Plato, Baruch Spinoza, and other figures. He had a lot of practical experience, including working with...
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Introduction Person-centered theory (PCT) entails an approach to human nature and development that is considered to be the most strength-oriented and optimistic than any other theory. It is focused on the client and entails a humanistic approach associated with the various ways in which individuals consciously see themselves. Therefore, the...
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Methods of Establishing Reliability in Psychology Table 1. Methods of Establishing Reliability in Psychology with Brief Descriptions. Method of Establishing Reliability Description Alternate forms reliability This approach to reliability involves checking the consistency of the results of the alternate versions of one instrument. High consistency allows making conclusions about the...
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Introduction One of the most non-obvious issues that is rarely discussed by public or academic critics is the need for pastoral care. While society is accustomed to providing quality care and maintaining an adequate level of supportive living for vulnerable members of society, this rarely extends to the clergy. The...
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Human emotions, both simple and complex, govern people in their everyday choices, both personal and professional. Certain people are not ready and immediately lose themselves in bed cards, but I would argue that this is not worth the persecution. The emotions in question have a lot in common with strong...
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The concept of leadership can be understood as quite multifaceted and transforming over generations. The leader as a whole is a figure capable of leading other people, a kind of shepherd if one can draw an analogy from Christian imagery. The culture of modern mankind seems to be both extremely...
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All of us are familiar with the ‘Inner Critic’ who resides within our minds and interferes in possibly every decision we deliver. Sometimes we consider her/him as a friend as she/he allows us to improve and become a better version of ourselves. However, unfortunately, most of the time, the inner...
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Lundh’s (2021) article, “Persons and genes. Are a gene-centered evolutionary psychology compatible with a person-oriented approach to psychological science?” compares two major theoretical frameworks in contemporary psychology. One is the array of person-oriented approaches focusing on the holistic study of individuals, and another is evolutionary psychology focused on transferring genes...
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Several attributions biases in psychology can be applied to sport, including self-serving, action bias, and so-called “hot hand.” The self-serving bias is associated with accepting credit for success while blaming external factors and circumstances or others for failure. For instance, players of a football team take credit for the match...
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The MARS Individual Behavior Model is a model that seeks to develop individual behavior as a result of a combination of internal and external factors or influences. The name itself is an abbreviation of personal motivation, abilities, role perception, and situational factors. Motivation can be described as internal forces that...
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Summary The given paper will primarily focus on the career path of the radiographer and the implications of future career-related changes in regard to technology and certifications required for qualification. The identified career path is a radiography professional who uses imaging technology to create and take images of a patient’s...
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Langston Hughes is a brilliant poet and prose writer, an innovator, and a revolutionary in literature. A leading force in the Harlem Renaissance, a scholar, activist, and black man who spoke shamelessly and proudly about his experience of racism in a still heavily segregated America. His “colleague,” Zainul Abedin, is...
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Over the last several years, meditation has become one of the most widespread forms of mental health activities. Its popularity has grown with the invention of different apps and online platforms easily accessible to a broad audience to practice meditation. Indeed, meditation provides numerous benefits at relatively low financial and...
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Remaining optimistic in the contemporary environment can be especially vital for overcoming numerous challenges. Although various negative experiences inevitably occur throughout an individual’s life, maintaining a positive outlook for the future might considerably increase one’s mental resilience. In the process of decision-making, people might refer to their most positive expectations,...
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Studying the processes of child development, the researcher is inevitably faced with several fundamental questions, including what leaves a more significant mark on the character: nature or nurture? On the one hand, the English philosopher John Locke believed that the environment and upbringing play a huge role, and intrinsic factors...
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It is important to note that reflective practice can be a critical measure for the continuous improvement of one’s professional capabilities and competence. It is stated that “Nursing education has welcomed the idea of reflection as a valuable tool to assist nursing students in learning from practice,” and “likewise, reflection...
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Since the very beginning of human nature, people had significantly evolved in most parts of their lives. However, with the physical and mental evolution, their wishes and preferences were nonetheless influencing their living. As a result, one of the most recognized and powerful psychologists, Abraham Maslow, introduced the conception of...
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Power has been acknowledged as a significant motivating factor in relationships among individuals. In social psychology, it has been described as the relative ability of an individual to modify other peoples’ situations by issuing or withholding rewards or meting out punishments (Brinol et al., 2007). There exist limited methods of...
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One important idea that has to be pointed out about the so-called Black psychology is that the ideas of Dr. Joseph L. White have been pushed in order to make Black people realize their strengths and focus on positive thinking. Interpersonal interactions were deemed vital for the community because communal...
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Power is the ability of an individual to greatly influence the occurrence of an event and have control over the outcome of the event. Powerful individuals are mostly characterized as individuals who always want the outcome of a particular event to favor them. This has resulted in the majority of...
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The loss of a loved one is an animal that unpacks our fears and sorrow and makes life look meaningless. Death can significantly change who we are and may as well make us appear or feel lost. Therefore, this is a devastating experience that leaves people grieving. Grieving is finding...
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Introduction There are multiple beliefs regarding the contributors to character development. The order in which children are born is among the uncontrollable variables speculated to have profound influences on personality. Birth order is supposed to create situations in which one is exposed to specific conflicts and issues because of being...
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Introduction The problem of narcissism has received attention in the clinical psychological and psychotherapeutic literature. This interest is related to the contemporary cultural situation and social priorities that encourage individualism, purposefulness, confidence, and independence. Modern people are preoccupied with self-understanding, self-affirmation, and self-reflection. The flip side – the “dark” side...
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Introduction The increase in violent behavior among youth and children under the influence of a more intensified exposure to violent video games has been a persistent concern in academic circles, educational environments, and families. Literature on the topic provides evidence for disruptive anti-social behaviors characterized by violence and aggression and...
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Introduction The effects that video games supposedly have on the psychological development of young people has been the focus of close attention and growing concerns of parents and general audiences. Video games have been seen as the cause of violence for decades, especially those that incorporate scenes of graphic violence...
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Article Summary People have basic needs, the satisfaction of which is the ground for their health, well-being, and personal development. Miner et al. (2013) consider the basic psychological needs defined within self determination theory (SDT) and God as a figure of a significant other that can help meet these needs....
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Introduction Human nature, namely the awareness of oneself, the essence and principles of “self,” has been of interest to humanity since ancient times. Over time, the fundamental concepts of self-awareness and its nature have changed in accordance with the development of the sciences. Namely, medicine, psychology, and philosophy, because this...
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In recent years, success, leadership, and achieving outstanding results in a career have been associated with a developed emotional intelligence. It turns out that mental intelligence, deep knowledge, and effort are not enough to achieve significant results at work. Emotional intelligence is the reverse side of rational intelligence, the ability...
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It is hard to disagree that nowadays, numerous factors affect people every day, not allowing men and women to live their lives as they truly want. From an early age, girls and boys are imposed on gender-specific behaviors and stereotyped prohibitions and limits. They are forced to evaluate themselves and...
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In general, it is absolutely normal for people to experience anxiety during their lives, especially in challenging or emotional situations. However, continuous, strong, and unreasonable anxiety may lead to serious mental health disorders that impact relationships with other people (Bandelow, Michaelis, & Wedekind, 2017). From the personal perspective, anxiety may...
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Evidence that heredity plays a significant role in personality development is compelling, and it must be considered in any biological explanation of individual variations. According to Carver and Scheier (2017), a complex biological entity produces human behavior. For example, some of my personality traits are similar to those of my...
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