131 Sigmund Freud Research Topics & Essay Examples

📝 Sigmund Freud Research Papers Examples

  1. Human Mind Functioning in Psychoanalytic Theory
    Psychology essay sample: This paper reflects on Freud’s psychoanalytic theory that provided a comprehensive explanation of the functioning of the human mind, in particular, and human behavior in general.
  2. Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment
    Psychology essay sample: This project explores the psychoanalytic approach to personality, using various theories by prominent theorists such as Freud, Jung, and Adler.
  3. Child Observation with Piaget's and Freud's Development Theories
    Psychology essay sample: Jean Piaget developed his cognitive-developmental theory based on the idea that children actively construct knowledge as they explore and manipulate the world around them.
  4. Psychology Theories and Their Influence on Future
    Psychology essay sample: This paper explores behavioral, cognitive, developmental, humanistic personality, and social psychology theories and establishes their influence on the future of psychology.
  5. Personality in Psychoanalytic and Humanistic Theories
    Psychology essay sample: The psychoanalysis theory explains personality growth in 3 stages. The humanistic theory purports that humans are inherently good and determine their personality through free will.
  6. Theory of Attachment ​In Adult
    Psychology essay sample: Attachment development is a behavioral control system that is formed over time when affective, cognitive, and learning abilities are affected by the attachment to a caregiver.
  7. Sigmund Freud: Person Centered Counseling
    Psychology essay sample: Sigmund Freud's pioneering contributions could be considered the major founding blocks from which most of the counseling types and approaches were developed.
  8. Human Growth and Development
    Psychology essay sample: This paper seeks to determine the number of principles that briefly characterize human Growth and development.
  9. Sigmund Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents
    Psychology essay sample: Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents shaped modern psychology, and this essay will analyze its contents, its effect on society, and personal impressions.
  10. Discussion of Freud’s Psychological Theories
    Psychology essay sample: The paper discusses the theories of one of the most influential psychologists in the world, Sigmund Freud. His rare work impacted psychology development, as well as philosophy.
  11. Freudian and Jungian Theories of the Unconscious Mind
    Psychology essay sample: The theories that were put forward by Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung had a substantial influence on the development of the field of psychology.
  12. Psychosocial Theory: Definition, and Key Figures
    Psychology essay sample: Psychosocial theories attempt to explain the interaction between various psychological and social variables that influence human behavior.
  13. Different Personality Perspectives
    Psychology essay sample: No hypothesis has covered what personality entails, thus making it a chore to grasp. Many theories have been developed to try both the basic and the functional aspects of nature.
  14. Psychodynamic and Neo-Freudian Approaches to Personality Development
    Psychology essay sample: The mechanisms of personality development have always been of interest to psychology theorists, which gave rise to several personality theories.
  15. Childhood to Adulthood Developmental Analysis : Personal Experiences
    Psychology essay sample: In today's technology world, it takes longer for youths to gain adequate training, get employment, and become financially independent.
  16. Personality and Behavior: Theory of Emotion
    Psychology essay sample: The article is devoted to the main theories that try to explain the behavior of humans and animals by their emotional state.
  17. Freud and Misogyny
    Psychology essay sample: Sigmund Freud proposed a series of controversial ideas about human sexuality, children’s psychosexual development, and the role of dream analysis in understanding hidden desires.
  18. Psychological Development: Adolescence
    Psychology essay sample: Adolescence is a stage of development whereby people experience interpersonal, emotional, and cognitive changes.
  19. How Joel Rifkin’s Behavior Can Be Explained Using Psychodynamic Theory
    Psychology essay sample: It's clear that Freud’s explanation of psychodynamic theory is relevant. By using the specifications in this theory, it is possible to explain a person’s future behavior.
  20. Freud, Erikson, Piaget on Development & Play Years
    Psychology essay sample: This essay will briefly describe developmental theories and how important the theories are to understanding human development.
  21. Development Theory: Freud v. Erickson
    Psychology essay sample: The following paper is focused on comparing two developmental theories of Freud and Erikson to gain a deeper understanding of their approaches.
  22. Alfred Adler and Sigmund Freud
    Psychology essay sample: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the theories of prominent thinkers and physicians Alfred Adler and Sigmund Freud and explain their similarities and differences.
  23. Freud’s Theory of Psychosexual Development
    Psychology essay sample: Sigmund Freud introduced a psychosexual perspective to life span development. The psychoanalyst highlights that psychosexual energy is a powerful incentive for an individual’s behavior.
  24. The Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
    Psychology essay sample: There are several methods that can be employed in psychoanalysis therapy. These methods include transference counter-transference, resistance, and ego-defense mechanisms.
  25. Personality Psychology: Jung’s and Freud’s Contributions
    Psychology essay sample: This paper discusses Jung’s psychological types, the big five personality model, and Sigmund Freud’s contribution to the development of personality psychology.
  26. Clinical Psychology Matrix and Paper
    Psychology essay sample: The paper discusses the history and evolving nature of clinical psychology and explains the role of research and statistics within the field.
  27. Education Program for Parents With Special Needs Children in Preschool
    Psychology essay sample: In the earliest years of life, especially from pregnancy to age three, babies need nutrition, protection, and stimulation for healthy brain development.
  28. The Interpretation of Dreams' Book by S. Freud
    Psychology essay sample: “The Interpretation of Dreams” is the first fundamental work bringing the creator fame and containing many concepts that later became pivotal in Freud’s psychoanalysis theory.
  29. The Freud's Theory of Personality
    Psychology essay sample: Sigmund Freud suggested that personality is influenced by unconscious, conscious, preconscious mental processes and past experiences.
  30. Negative Effects of Childhood Trauma on Cognitive Functioning in Adults
    Psychology essay sample: This paper explores the studies in the sphere of psychiatry and psychology to determine whether a childhood trauma can have adverse effects on cognitive functioning in adults.
  31. Psychological Disorders: An Explanatory Style, Psychological Theories
    Psychology essay sample: This paper analyzes how the idea of an explanatory style explains psychological disorders, compares psychological theories (Piaget’s theory, Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory).
  32. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader: George Lukas’s Star Wars Review
    Psychology essay sample: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs provides different perspectives on the development of Anakin Skywalker’s character in Star Wars by George Lukas.
  33. Observed Behaviors of 10-Year Old Children and Supporting Theories
    Psychology essay sample: This paper explains Erikson’s psychosocial, Freud’s psychosexual, Piaget’s cognitive developmental theories, Bandura’s social learning, Kohlberg’s moral development perspectives.
  34. Psychodynamic Perspective in Psychology
    Psychology essay sample: It is worth noting that modern psychology benefits from various approaches and theories. One of the earliest perspectives in psychotherapy is psychodynamics.
  35. Analysis of Nikola Tesla’s Personality
    Psychology essay sample: Nikola Tesla is supposed to be more of a legend than a man, but people evaluate his personality through warped and distorted lenses.

👍 Good Sigmund Freud Essay Topics to Write about

  1. Psychology and Religion by Carl Jung
    Psychology essay sample: This paper will shed some light on the biographical setting of psychiatric specialist Carl Jung; get to know how he went about his profession.
  2. Oprah Winfrey's Life Story Stage by Stage
    Psychology essay sample: Oprah’s life journey is interesting and fascinating in and of itself. However, applying developmental theory to a life of such an influential figure is all the more exciting.
  3. Freud’s Theory and The Related Theoretical Perspectives: An Overview
    Psychology essay sample: Although some of Freud’s ideas have been recently criticized and undergone substantial scrutiny, the core premise of behavioral psychology remains in its place.
  4. Psychoanalytical Theories and Attachment Theory
    Psychology essay sample: Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytical theory explains that people’s unconscious psychological conflicts determine their behavior and thoughts.
  5. Personality Theory and Biographies of Its Creators
    Psychology essay sample: Jung’s and Freud’s personal experience and social climate shaped their views and were reflected in their works.
  6. Freud's Psychosexual Theory vs. Erikson's Psychosocial Theory
    Psychology essay sample: Freud's theory focused on the significance of individuals’ biological forces and their basic needs. On the other hand, Erikson's model emphasized ecological and social issues.
  7. Sigmund Freud's ‘Who Am I’ Essay
    Psychology essay sample: The essay describes the background of Sigmund Freud and the theories they developed that contributed to the commencement and growth of the field of lifespan development.
  8. Freud’s and Vygotsky's Theories of Child Development
    Psychology essay sample: The subject of psychoanalytic theory is human emotions and interpersonal relationships. This paper analyzes Sigmund Freud’s theory and Vygotsky's cultural-historical theory.
  9. “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” Film Interpretive Psychological Analysis
    Psychology essay sample: “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” can be considered a complex psychological metaphor embodied by the psychoanalytic models and concepts of the founders of psychoanalysis.
  10. Analysis of Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development
    Psychology essay sample: Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality and development states that body parts are sensitive to sexual or erotic stimulation during the childhood development phases.
  11. Theories of Change Within Human Behavior
    Psychology essay sample: Change within human behavior that occurs during psychoanalysis was often defined by Freud as having appeared through an individual’s unconsciousness.
  12. Grief Counseling: Tina and Graham Case Study
    Psychology essay sample: The paper will discuss the approaches used for the counseling process, goals and objectives, obstacles, self-care strategies, and grief counseling techniques.
  13. Psychoanalysis and Freud's Contribution to It
    Psychology essay sample: The use of psychoanalysis in practice was based on association and interpretation, for which it was necessary to listen carefully to the client.
  14. Freudian Interpretation of Dreams
    Psychology essay sample: The psychologist has presented the idea that the sleeping mind hides the specific symbolic meaning in dreams: it disguises dreams because sometimes they reflect feelings.
  15. Personality as a Dynamic Environmental Relationship
    Psychology essay sample: This paper demonstrates that personality is a biological dynamic relationship that changes over time. It utilizes Freud's Tripartite Theory of Personality.
  16. Superego, Id, and Ego and Influence of Society
    Psychology essay sample: Sigmund Freud assumes that the human psyche comprises three distinct and yet interdependent parts: the id, the ego, and the superego.
  17. Influential Psychologists: Sigmund Freud and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
    Psychology essay sample: This paper seeks to discuss a few of the psychologists that have made a considerable contribution to the current practice of psychology.
  18. Theories and Influence of Sigmund Freud's Works
    Psychology essay sample: Sex has been a taboo matter for a long time, so any talk about it drew the attention of all people, regardless of gender and age.
  19. Religion in Psychological Theory
    Psychology essay sample: Religion and psychology, in general, have similar features in terms of what goals they have in relation to human life.
  20. Erik Erikson’s and Sigmund Freud’s Psychological Theories Comparison
    Psychology essay sample: This paper compares and contrasts Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory and Sigmund Freud’s psychosexual theory and how psychotherapists can use this knowledge.
  21. Freud's Child Development Theory
    Psychology essay sample: The theory of child development developed by Zigmund Freud is based on the belief that the child is always in conflict with society.
  22. Summary and Comparison of Freud and Goffman Erving Theories
    Psychology essay sample: This paper summarizes Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic and Goffman's social interaction theories. Furthermore, the essay provides a comparison and critique of the two methodologies.
  23. Gestalt, Freudianism, Neo-Freudianism, and Cognitive Psychology
    Psychology essay sample: The main idea of the Gestalt (1850-1934) psychology is that consciousness cannot be studied in parts and should be looked at as a whole.
  24. The Uncanny, the Supernatural, and Decadence
    Psychology essay sample: This essay will explore the notions of the uncanny and the supernatural based on Freud’s ideas and decadent literature.
  25. Psychoanalytic Theory: Freud’s Personality Structure Theory
    Psychology essay sample: Freud’s tripartite personality theory distinguishes between the three elements of the personality that become more integrated with time.
  26. Freudian and Neo-Freudian Views on Personality
    Psychology essay sample: This paper discusses psychoanalysis, its techniques, and the importance of discussing childhood experiences in therapy, Freudian and Neo-Freudian views on personality.
  27. Freud’s, Erickson’s, Bandura’s, and Piaget’s Developmental Theories
    Psychology essay sample: This paper examines Freud’s psychosexual theory, Erickson’s psychosocial development theory, Bandura’s social learning theory, and Piaget’s cognitive development theory.
  28. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality Development
    Psychology essay sample: Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality development has generated much research in child and family development.
  29. Erikson’s and Freud’s Developmental Theories
    Psychology essay sample: This paper explores the scholarly research that supports developmental theories and is based on Erikson’s and Freud’s ideas pertaining to child and family development.
  30. Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory to Personality Development in Children
    Psychology essay sample: The essay relates the psychoanalytic approach to personality development by analyzing the Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality.
  31. Freud's Psychodynamic Theory of Personality
    Psychology essay sample: The psychodynamic theory of personality is one of the most widespread theories that emerged during the clinical period of the study of personality.
  32. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory and Its Influence on Counseling
    Psychology essay sample: Psychoanalytic theory has influenced the understanding of behavior, and Freud's model of the id, ego, and superego continues to play a role in counseling.
  33. Sigmund Freud's Relevance in the Modern World
    Sigmund Freud is the father of psychology in the collective consciousness. His greatest contribution was approaching it as a scientific discipline.
  34. Sigmund Freud's Biography and Theory
    This paper aims to analyze Freud's biography and theory. While studying at the university, Freud joined the student union to study history, politics, and philosophy.
  35. Freud's & Jung's Analytical Psychology
    Freud, in accordance with the traditions of European science, was a determinist. In this respect, the difference between his position and Jung's was particularly significant.
  36. Rogers', Freud's, and Behavior Modification Approaches
    This analysis explores the distinctive therapeutic methodologies proposed by Carl Rogers, Sigmund Freud, and Behavior Modification Therapy.

🏆 Best Sigmund Freud Essay Titles

  1. Sigmund Freud and Humanistic Theories of Psychology
  2. Modern Gender Issues and Sigmund Freud
  3. Symptomatic and Chance Actions: Sigmund Freud and Psychopathology of Everyday Life
  4. Sigmund Freud and His Theory on Adult Present Personality and Well-Being
  5. Sigmund Freud and the Importance of His Theories on the Study of Psychology
  6. Sigmund Freud and His Systematic Investigation on Trauma
  7. Sigmund Freud and the Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis
  8. Child Development and the Theories of Jean Piaget and Sigmund Freud
  9. Life and Works of Sigmund Freud
  10. Psychoanalysis and the Self: Sigmund Freud’s Influence in 19th Century Philosophy and Science
  11. Marxism and Sigmund Freud’s Human Psyche Model
  12. Sigmund Freud and His Five Psychosexual Development Stage
  13. Sigmund Freud: Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego
  14. Sexual Trauma and Psychological Understanding Thanks to Sigmund Freud
  15. Eros and Death Instinct in Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud
  16. The Childhood, Education, and Psychology Career of Sigmund Freud
  17. Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud
  18. Personality: Sigmund Freud and Personality Dynamics
  19. People Behaviorally Cope With Stress in a Variety of Maladaptive Ways: Sigmund Freud and Defense Mechanisms

🎓 Simple Research Topics about Sigmund Freud

  1. Morality and Reason According to Plato, Socrates, and Sigmund Freud
  2. Psychosocial Development Stages According to Sigmund Freud
  3. Psychology and the Effects of Dreams According to Sigmund Freud
  4. Psychologically Analyzing According to Sigmund Freud, the Father of Psychoanalysis
  5. Psychology and Sigmund Freud’s Therapeutic Approaches
  6. Sexuality and the Psychology of Love by Sigmund Freud
  7. Relationship Between the Unconscious Mind of Sigmund Freud
  8. Short-Term Dynamic Therapy and the Psychotherapy of Sigmund Freud
  9. Religion and Its Meaning to Mankind in the Eyes of Sigmund Freud
  10. Conscious and Unconscious According to the Theories of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud
  11. Controversial Psychology Pioneer – Sigmund Freud
  12. Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud on Civilizations’ Rational and Irrational Thought
  13. Good and Evil According to Sigmund Freud and Friedrich Nietzsche
  14. Denial and Defense Mechanisms in the Theories of Sigmund Freud
  15. Growth and Development Theory of Sigmund Freud
  16. Dreams and Infantile Sexuality According to Sigmund Freud
  17. Disassociative Identity Disorder and Sigmund Freud
  18. Dealing With Loss and Recovery in the Sigmund Freud’s «The Interpretation of Dreams»
  19. Individual and Social Order According to Sigmund Freud
  20. Human Existence, Civilization, and Philosophy According to Sigmund Freud
  21. Our Attitude Towards Death: Sigmund Freud and His Reflections on War and Death

❓ Sigmund Freud Research Questions

  1. How Does Sigmund Freud Influence Current Practice?
  2. Did Sigmund Freud Develop Modern Personality Theories?
  3. What Are the Key Similarities and Differences Between Freud and Jung’s Theories of Dreams?
  4. How Freud Described Mental Health Problems and How Freud They Could Be Resolved?
  5. What Was Freud’s Greatest Contribution?
  6. How Nietzsche and Freud Challenged Church Viewpoints on Sexual Morality?
  7. How Can Freud’s Psychodynamic Model Help to Understand and Change a Life?
  8. How Has Freud Helped Psychologists Understand Traumas Related to Sexuality?
  9. How Do Surrealism Contribute to Freud’s Ideas, and How Do Freud’s Ideas Contribute to Surrealism?
  10. How Have Psychodynamic Therapies Changed Since Freud?
  11. Why Does Freud Think Human Beings Can Never Be Happy
  12. What Are Modern Gender Issues Related to Sigmund Freud?
  13. Human Existence, Civilization, and Philosophy According to Sigmund Freud
  14. Why the Dream Disguises the Desires. Sigmund Freud
  15. What Was the Life and Works of Sigmund Freud?
  16. What Is Sigmund Freud’s and His Reflections on War and Death?
  17. What Are Morality and Reason According to Sigmund Freud?
  18. How Freud Engineered His Own Myth?
  19. What Is the Growth and Development Theory of Sigmund Freud?
  20. Psychoanalysis and the Brain Why Did Freud Abandon Neuroscience?

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"131 Sigmund Freud Research Topics & Essay Examples." PsychologyWriting, 17 Dec. 2024, psychologywriting.com/topics/sigmund-freud-research-topics/.


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PsychologyWriting. 2024. "131 Sigmund Freud Research Topics & Essay Examples." December 17, 2024. https://psychologywriting.com/topics/sigmund-freud-research-topics/.

1. PsychologyWriting. "131 Sigmund Freud Research Topics & Essay Examples." December 17, 2024. https://psychologywriting.com/topics/sigmund-freud-research-topics/.


PsychologyWriting. "131 Sigmund Freud Research Topics & Essay Examples." December 17, 2024. https://psychologywriting.com/topics/sigmund-freud-research-topics/.