📝 Abuse Research Papers Examples
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Effects of Child Sexual AbusePsychology essay sample: Child sexual abuse is among the common problems facing children. This paper looks at the causes and effects of child sexual abuse, the posttraumatic stress disorder, and its treatment.
- Family Violence: Adult-Child Sexual AbusePsychology essay sample: This paper explores the risk and protection factors for child abuse in the light of Macro-system, microsystem, mesosystems; and programs that target the prevention of child abuse.
- Childhood Sexual Abuse and Its Impact on Future LifePsychology essay sample: The paper explores how sibling incest and childhood sexual abuse affect persons’ interpersonal relationships and adulthood sexual functioning.
- Psychology of Substance Abuse in AdolescentsPsychology essay sample: The study explains how teenagers develop substance abuse and the reasons behind such behavior, which affect adolescents in the course of this vital phase.
- Drugs and Their Effects on AdolescentsPsychology essay sample: Peer and family relationships are influential variables in an adolescent's life. If their relationships with either of them are inadequate, it can cause drug-affiliated problems.
- Child Abuse: Perpetrated by Parents on ChildrenPsychology essay sample: ‘Child neglect’ is an ambiguous and all-encompassing term used to describe actions perpetrated by parents on children which are universally deemed harmful by society.
- The Link Between Child Abuse and DelinquencyPsychology essay sample: Five elements of parenting that can be positive or negative influences include: Discipline, Monitoring, Reinforcement, Involvement and Problem-solving.
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Combat VeteransPsychology essay sample: War is a major cause of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. About seventeen percent of a veteran returning from war in places such as Iraq and Afghanistan show signs of PTSD.
- Internet Addiction and Narrative TherapyPsychology essay sample: Narrative therapy is among the therapies that can be very effective in addressing internet addiction among the youth.
- Social and Emotional Outcomes of Child AbusePsychology essay sample: This can be further and in a meaningful manner determine the results by paying attention to a sound and the experience of the child.
- Understanding Child Abuse and NeglectPsychology essay sample: A paper explores reasons for the prevalence of child abuse in society and possible remedies. Child abuse is an activity that subjects a child to physical, emotional, or sexual trauma.
- Discussion of Freud’s Psychological TheoriesPsychology essay sample: The paper discusses the theories of one of the most influential psychologists in the world, Sigmund Freud. His rare work impacted psychology development, as well as philosophy.
- History Behind the Appearance of the Me Too MovementPsychology essay sample: #MeToo is a popular hashtag, which marks the posts reporting the information on the cases of sexual harassment or showing solidarity with its victims
- Child Sexual Abuse Issue ReviewPsychology essay sample: Posttraumatic stress disorder, increased stress levels and poor health in individuals are some of the long-term effects of child sexual abuse.
- Catholic Church and Child Sexual Abuse AllegationsPsychology essay sample: Over the last two years, the Catholic church has come under a lot of criticism due to allegations of its priests sexually assaulting children in their congregation.
- SUD Assessment. Treatment ApproachesPsychology essay sample: The problem of substance use disorder (SUD) is getting more and more complicated nowadays. To control this grievous development in society treatment approaches were developed.
- Abuse and Neglect: An OrientationPsychology essay sample: Child abuse and neglect are severe issues, affecting the most vulnerable section of the population and often causing permanent trauma.
- Biopsychosocial Development of a FamilyPsychology essay sample: The assessment of psychological development of a family that consists of a mother, grandmother, and two children. The client’s mother provided all the requested information.
- Child Neglect and Abuse: Causes, Effects, Prevention, and TreatmentPsychology essay sample: Child maltreatment is a broad and complex concept that entails a wide range of problematic issues, including neglect, sexual, physical, and emotional abuse.
- Paraplegia: Educational History, Work History, Activities of Daily LivingPsychology essay sample: Injuries which result into serious problems with physical ability can be extremely devastating not just to the affected party but also to the family members and close friends.
- Online Addiction for Mental and Physical HealthPsychology essay sample: Internet addiction is an umbrella term that encompasses many different types of problematic online behaviors such as online gambling, social networking and online sex.
- Phobias and Addictions TheoriesPsychology essay sample: Phobias and addictions are two behavioral theories that can be used to describe the development of phobias and addiction in people.
- Internet Obsession: Formal Health Disorder RecognitionPsychology essay sample: This paper presents that children's and teenagers' brains are extremely affected by Internet obsession due to severe influence on one's cognitive development.
- Internet Gaming Addiction Mini-Research ProposalPsychology essay sample: Internet gaming addiction refers to the prolonged engagement in internet games that has negative clinical consequences which include psychopathology, abnormal social behavior.
- How Developing Addiction and Obsession?Psychology essay sample: The essay aims to discuss how and why the human brain develops addictions like drug overuse, shopping, and power.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Addiction TreatmentPsychology essay sample: This paper presents an analysis of the available literature on the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy for substance abusers.
💡 Essay Ideas on Abuse
- Analysis of the Addiction’s AspectsPsychology essay sample: Addiction to something is a strictly neurobiological reaction associated with the release of the hormone dopamine.
- Social Problems Associated With Mental Illness and Health PromotionPsychology essay sample: Troubles with psychological health can create barriers to being employed, partially because mental illnesses are commonly stigmatized.
- Anti-Marijuana Campaign ProblemPsychology essay sample: The purpose of the work is to present a scenario related to an anti-marijuana campaign and how the theory of biological psychology can make it useful.
- Social Anxiety Disorder and Alcohol Abuse in AdolescentsPsychology essay sample: It is hypothesized that social anxiety in adolescents may lead to developing alcohol abuse as a coping mechanism instead of using healthier ways of handling social anxieties.
- The Children Abuse and Social BehaviorPsychology essay sample: This research paper will define child abuse, review the statistics and other data on the topic and discuss the impact of abuse on the social behavior of children.
- The Level of Abuse to ChildrenPsychology essay sample: This paper highlights the extent of child abuse cases in our society with a special focus on its relation to our culture.
- Childhood Trauma: Disorders and Risky BehaviorPsychology essay sample: Young people with a history of childhood abuse have a higher likelihood of participating in HIV risk behaviors such as having sex with multiple partners and having unprotected sex.
- Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping MissionsPsychology essay sample: The organization realizes its mission by preventing conflict, assisting parties involved in a dispute to attain peace, and creating settings that promote peaceful coexistence.
- Childhood Trauma Effects and HealingPsychology essay sample: Childhood trauma has an immense effect on all areas of human experience. In some cases, trauma can interrupt a child’s defense mechanisms, making them open to harmful influences.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Illness Among NursesPsychology essay sample: The practice of substance consumption amongst nursing professionals, especially the nurses, is a critical challenge that continues to surround the nursing career.
- The Long-Term Impact of Abuse and Neglect on ChildrenPsychology essay sample: The purpose of this paper is to explain the impact of abuse on children, examine how different types of abuse impact a child’s cognitive and socio-emotional development.
- Incorporating Trauma Therapy in HealthcarePsychology essay sample: Behavioral, cognitive, and social effects of traumatic events can be far-reaching depending on their nature and the individual characteristics of affected persons.
- Cognitive Psychology and Problematic Internet Use, Online Gaming, and GamblingPsychology essay sample: The cognitive research in psychology indicates that the tendency of online gaming and gambling regularly leads to brain damage.
- Repressed Memory in Childhood ExperiencesPsychology essay sample: This essay will discuss factors that cause repressed memories, possible mechanisms associated with the disorder, long-term effects, and several recovery methods.
- Treating Sexual Abuse Through the Transtheoretical ModelPsychology essay sample: This paper will consider the social cognitive theory, the health belief theory, and the transtheoretical theory as ways of approaching treatment where sexual abuse is present.
- Child Abuse: The Case StudyPsychology essay sample: The abused child is vulnerable because he needs parental care more than any sort of support does. In fact, providing support only caters for the physical aspects of the problem.
- Assessment of Counseling Methods: The Case StudyPsychology essay sample: This paper explores the fallacies that emerge during the therapy of John, a young man indulging in substance abuse.
- Is Internet and View of Pornographic Material Addictions?Psychology essay sample: The tendency of entirely depending on a substance or an activity in order to have normal performance can be referred to as an addiction or dependence.
- Health Psychology Committee ReportPsychology essay sample: The relevance of psychology in hospital settings cannot be underestimated because it has the potential to shorten patient stays or adherence to medical regimens.
- Neglect and Abuse in "Romanian Orphanage" VideoPsychology essay sample: This article focuses on the video "Romanian Orphanage" - a good example of how emotional neglect negatively affects the development of young people.
- Intimate Partner Violence and Smartphone SupportPsychology essay sample: The issue of intimate partner violence is recognized by the centre for disease control and prevention as a disease that is affecting the majority of households in the USA.
- The Elder Abuse in the Russian CulturePsychology essay sample: The main purpose of the study was to find evidence that elder abuse was unethical, hence finding means, and ways of preventing elder abuse.
- Elderly Abuse: Causes, Occurrences, ConsequencesPsychology essay sample: Essay is an attempt to explore the causes, occurrences, consequences, and preventative measures for elderly abuse.
- Deviance and Crime in Colleges and UniversitiesPsychology essay sample: The study will be examining the causes of this behavior and the possible impact on learners and other stakeholders.
- Child Abuse and Neglect in DaycaresPsychology essay sample: Millions of children face acts of negligence in various forms. During the tender age, the child needs and depends on the parent or caregiver critically.
- The False Memories of Abuse in Sexual Child AbusePsychology essay sample: In circumstances where a child is sexually abused theirs follows trauma on the child leading to a series of memories that occur from time to time.
👍 Good Abuse Essay Topics to Write about
- Child Abuse and Elder AbusePsychology essay sample: Child and elder abuses are worldwide problems that are on the increase. The paper represents two recent criminal cases, one of child abuse and the other of elder abuse.
- Analysis of Women Issues in MiamiPsychology essay sample: The article below focuses on an analysis of women’s issues in Miami based on violence and abuse against women.
- Elder Abuse and Neglect IssuesPsychology essay sample: Elder abuse and neglect are common occurrences in many places. This paper presents an annotated bibliography on elder abuse and neglect.
- Child and Elder Abuse Are UnderreportedPsychology essay sample: Elderly abuse and child abuse take different forms, including physical and psychological. The paper discusses how and why elder abuse and child abuse are underreported.
- Childhood Trauma Etiology Associated With Social and Mental DisordersPsychology essay sample: This paper will showcase the five themes that were revealed during the review process to better understand the associations between childhood trauma and various disorders.
- Childhood Trauma and Chronic Fatigue SyndromePsychology essay sample: Many children below the age of six experienced serious traumas in their life that can cause serious mental health problems in their future life.
- Counselling Clients with Depression and AddictionPsychology essay sample: Clinicians should "understand that depression is associated with the racism or sexism that marginalized groups experience in their daily lives".
- A Client with Psychological Trauma: Therapy and MedicationPsychology essay sample: This paper discusses a client with a history of trauma who still has some symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that is managed with therapy and medication.
- Mental Health and Mental Illness ProblemsPsychology essay sample: Mental health and mental illness problems entangle some of the worst health conditions. It is vital to keep at bay the avoidable instigators of mental illness.
- Personality Types and Substance AbusePsychology essay sample: This paper discusses the problem of substance use and abuse and how this tendency could be associated or correlated with types of personalities or possible personality flaws.
- Personality and Drinking Motives RelationshipPsychology essay sample: The paper aims to examine the relationship between drinking motives and personality traits distinctly and how they affect one another.
- Identifying Child Abuse and Neglect: Teacher TrainingPsychology essay sample: Apart from physical and psychological trauma, the experience of abuse or neglect impacts executive functioning and cognitive skills, potentially causing difficulties in learning.
- Traumatic Experience in Childhood and Personality DisordersPsychology essay sample: This paper research one of the most widespread conditions, borderline personality disorder, proving that childhood trauma is one of the main reasons for its development.
- Community Educators and CounselingPsychology essay sample: The purpose of counselors and educators is to create an environment where people can discuss their issues without prejudice.
- Childhood Traumatic ExperiencePsychology essay sample: This paper examines the effect of childhood traumas on adulthood, including cognitive abilities, social behavior, and mental health, through the prism of scientific evidence.
- Effects of Secondary PTSD in Military FamiliesPsychology essay sample: Veterans with PTSD fail to address their mental health concerns, instead, transferring their trauma to their family members and creating an intergenerational trauma.
- Change Model Applied to the Field of AddictionPsychology essay sample: The stages of change model is a commonly used model of treatment that can be applied to the field of addiction. Discussion of its application to a behavioral addiction overeating.
- Drug and Sex Addiction Treatment in Young ManPsychology essay sample: Brian is a 24-year-old male working as a model, who lives in Arizona. The man has two main problems in his life – drug addiction and sex addiction.
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Cultural FactorsPsychology essay sample: Cognitive-behavioral therapy can offer multiple benefits in the context of cultural issues. It can be easily adapted to be responsive to the client’s cultural identity and beliefs.
- Child Abuse and Neglect: “A Child Called It”Psychology essay sample: This paper compares symptoms of abuse detailed within the work by Dave Pelzer known as “A child called It” and analyzes them using recognized guidelines for child abuse victims.
- Psychological Abuse of an Unnamed WifePsychology essay sample: In her essay, "Abuse of an unnamed wife: Is she familiar?", Liz Moore thoroughly analyzes the phenomenon of psychological abuse.
- Trauma Effects and Interventions for AdultsPsychology essay sample: Social workers use evidence-based practices to help their clients, so the author suggests an intervention that, according to the evidence, is likely to be helpful.
- Social Deviation Influence on Teenage AlcoholismPsychology essay sample: This paper will analyze the influence of social deviation on the development of adolescent alcoholism and consider this problem from a theoretical point of view.
- Is Killing a Justifiable Solution to Domestic Abuse?Psychology essay sample: While killing in response to family violence can be viewed as a form of defense, it is also important to note that there are less harmful ways to respond to domestic abuse
- Sexual and Emotional Child Abuse ExaminationPsychology essay sample: This paper focuses on the issues of sexual and emotional aggression towards children in their homes, discussing relevant concepts, and abuse statistics.
- Experience of Childhood Trauma from Child Abuse/MaltreatmentPsychology essay sample: This paper aims to analyze the experience of childhood trauma from child abuse/maltreatment, outcomes included, and relevant literature search results and annotated bibliography.
✍️ Abuse Essay Examples for College
- Child Abuse and DepressionPsychology essay sample: This essay argues that neglect, emotional distress, and limited access to psychological treatment during childhood alleviate depression and other mental conditions.
- Polysubstance Abuse Among Adolescent Males With DepressionPsychology essay sample: Substance abuse among adolescents can be caused by depression. In this case, the adolescents down ply the idea of seeking psychological support
- Reducing Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Tendencies in AdolescentsPsychology essay sample: Cognitive-behavioral therapy addresses children, teenagers, adult survivors overcoming the harmful repercussions of early trauma for their unique mental and emotional needs.
- Child Abuse: Corporal Punishment, IntimidationPsychology essay sample: The paper describes that the problem of violence and ill-treatment of children in the family today is an issue that needs to be discussed and taken measures to solve.
- Suicidal Ideation as a High-Risk EventPsychology essay sample: People with a tendency toward suicidal ideation represent one of the largest high-risk populations because thoughts of death affect a high percentage of humans.
- Building Respect for Human Life: Psychological PerspectivesPsychology essay sample: Disrespect for human life in American society can take many forms, and the answer to it depends on the psychological perspective employed.
- Post-Traumatic Growth After Sexual AbusePsychology essay sample: This literature review suggests that there is a need for a systematic review of the current literature on PTG of female victims of sexual abuse.
- Domestic Abuse Against Teenagers and WomenPsychology essay sample: The purpose of this research is to study the causes and consequences of abuse committed at home or within the family against adult women and adolescents.
- Spanking as a Punishment MethodPsychology essay sample: Raising children is arduous as parents are tasked with introducing their children to society and acceptable norms of behavior in it.
- Death Due to Childhood Abuse and Household DysfunctionPsychology essay sample: The paper discusses how health risk behavior and various diseases in adults are related to household dysfunction and different types of abuse during childhood.
- Core Practices in Substance Abuse CounselingPsychology essay sample: Substance abuse is a pressing problem in the United States, and counseling plays an essential role in supporting people struggling with addiction.
- Complex a Child Abuse SituationPsychology essay sample: The case of James is a unique illustration of how complex a child abuse situation can become due to the involvement of a multitude of parties.
- Addiction Counseling Regarding Cultural DiversityPsychology essay sample: Cultural competence, or multicultural competence, is an essential element in medical counseling, including addiction counseling.
- Child Abuse and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderPsychology essay sample: The given case illustrates child abuse and neglect as a problem involving not only a child and a parent but also grandparents.
- Traumatic Events and Trauma-Sensitive Lens TherapyPsychology essay sample: Handling trauma among children requires early identification of victims of traumatic events since most are reluctant to seek help.
- Mapping and Application to Health Education for a Smoking PatientPsychology essay sample: This paper will use the mapping approach to discuss the theory’s internal structure and detail its application to health education for a smoking patients.
- Addiction and Substance Abuse in Professional PsychologyPsychology essay sample: Most addiction-focused professions aim at understanding drug addiction, treatment plans, and their respective application in professional practices.
- Driving Forces of AddictionsPsychology essay sample: This paper explains why addictive behaviors are being triggered due to psychological trauma or unpleasant experiences through an individual seeking stimuli.
- Sexual Addiction: Symptoms, Effects, and Issues AssociatedPsychology essay sample: Sexual addiction has various psychological, physiological, and medical effects with consequences that are symptomized by individual behavioral changes.
- Impacts of Physical Trauma on Children and FamilyPsychology essay sample: In the presented scenario the main recipient of physical trauma as a result of abuse is Kolomalu. It discusses the short-term impacts of physical abuse.
- Gambling Addiction in Elderly Adults: Motivational InterviewingPsychology essay sample: Gambling addiction among older adults is a major issue, which is becoming more prevalent in the given age category.
- Mental Health of Children: A Study of Human Rights Violations Through TerrorismPsychology essay sample: It can be concluded that there is a direct interlink between terrorist acts and various mental health disorders, including those among children, who are highly prone to mental trauma.
- Trauma and Abuse: Psychoanalysis vs. Person-Centered ApproachPsychology essay sample: In terms of the present paper, person-centered and psychoanalytic approaches were closely examined on the matter of their essence and interaction with trauma.
- “Healing Wounds of Sexual Addiction” by LaaserPsychology essay sample: “Healing Wounds of Sexual Addiction” was written by Mark Laaser, a former sex addict who experienced severe challenges of one of the most basic and instinctive types of addiction.
- Psychological Effects of a Divorce on ChildrenPsychology essay sample: Even when implemented in a manner as delicate as possible, divorce leaves quite substantial marks on all those involved, children being the most vulnerable parties involved.
- Shopping Addiction: An Experiential JournalPsychology essay sample: Shopping has become a part of daily activities. Marketing messages have become a reminder as they constantly push to shop.
⭐ Simple & Easy Abuse Essay Titles
- Dysfunctional Family Roles and InterventionPsychology essay sample: Dysfunctional families have become an issue of concern, especially due to the increased number of youngsters involved in drug abuse.
- How Addiction Functions in the Human BodyPsychology essay sample: The paper states that the process of forming an addictive habit was described as an example of how connections occur in the three brain areas.
- The Problem of Child Abuse and MaltreatmentPsychology essay sample: In this paper, the authors focus on how corporal punishment may lead to abusive acts, injury, and maltreatment among children and adolescents.
- Long-Term Outcomes of Childhood Sexual AbusePsychology essay sample: The paper reviews the literature providing information on the psychological, psychiatric, and physical outcomes of child sexual abuse.
- Screen Addiction and Its Impact on ChildrenPsychology essay sample: The paper attributes the screen addiction prevalence among kids to their ability to quickly adapt as well as children’s underdeveloped impulse control.
- Why People Experience NightmaresPsychology essay sample: The mechanism of how dreams occur has been one of the mysteries that science has failed to solve. This paper investigates how these factors are linked to nightmares.
- Sexual Violence and Mental Health EffectsPsychology essay sample: Sexual violence is widespread and is used even against children. There are treatment options for negative mental health effects for sexually abused children.
- Childhood Trauma and Attachment TheoriesPsychology essay sample: Childhood trauma is a life-threatening and violent event in a child's life. It significantly impacts a person's behavioral and emotional functioning.
- Youth Substance Abuse Intervention and Planned BehaviorPsychology essay sample: The purpose of the present work is to apply the theory of Planned Behavior as an intervention for the many young individuals suffering from substance addiction in Montpelier city.
- Codependence, Narcissism, and Childhood Trauma: Analysis of ArticlePsychology essay sample: In their research, the authors wanted to test the concept of codependency and how it is relevant to real-life situations.
- Childhood Trauma: Causes, Effects, and Preventive MeasuresPsychology essay sample: It is salient to understand the causative factors and the effects of childhood trauma while also highlighting applicable preventive measures.
- The Child Maltreatment and Anxiety RelationshipPsychology essay sample: This paper discusses the impact of maltreatment on children's well-being and protects their physical and psychological health and research brings attention to the problem.
- Prevention of Child Abuse and NeglectPsychology essay sample: Child abuse and neglect are cases when an underaged individual's emotional needs are overlooked and three out of eight children in the United States are affected by this problem.
- Biopsychosocial Model in Case of Unemployed DrinkerPsychology essay sample: The social factors that trigger Ben’s drinking should be addressed by a counselor to develop healthy coping mechanisms instead of drinking.
- Children’s Mental Health: Codependency and Alcoholic and Narcissistic ParentsPsychology essay sample: The concept of codependency is one of the recurring themes in the discussions of childhood struggles, caused by alcoholic and narcissistic parents.
- Abusive or Violent RelationshipsPsychology essay sample: There are different reasons younger people stay in abusive or violent relationships. Young adults do not know what to expect or how to react to abuse.
- Trauma and Its Effect on ChildrenPsychology essay sample: The paper examines the notion of trauma and its effect on children. Moreover, it looks into the consequences, causes, reactivation of trauma, and prospective treatment.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a Remedy for Substance AbusePsychology essay sample: This paper discusses the application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a solution for alcohol abuse disorder, explains the basics of CBT and recommended techniques.
- Discussion: Abuse, Work, and BurnoutPsychology essay sample: The growth of mental and emotional pressure, as well as the adverse effects of the environment, lead to an increase in the stress level, which causes burnout.
- Addiction: The Treatment MethodsPsychology essay sample: The mindfulness addiction treatment model works with thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Group treatment of addiction is one of the most common addiction treatment models.
- Heroin Drug in Behavioural and Neural StudiesPsychology essay sample: Heroin is an illegal and highly addictive drug that has adverse effects on the human body. Heroin is an opioid drug prepared from morphine.
- The Issue of Psychological Abuse and ViolencePsychology essay sample: The paper states that psychological moral violence is a way of non-physical pressure on the human psyche. The result is the rejection of one's attitudes.
- Child Abuse Risks and PreventionPsychology essay sample: One of the primary global public health concerns, child abuse, has long-term, detrimental effects on mental and physical well-being and psychosocial development.
- Child Abuse in Bastard Out of Carolina by AllisonPsychology essay sample: Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison is set in Greenville, South Carolina, in the 1950s, and the story is narrated by a young girl growing up in a poverty-stricken family.
- Child Abuse: Types and EffectsPsychology essay sample: Child abuse is a serious problem that requires the community's attention and support, even though it might be difficult to estimate its magnitude.
- Influence of Experienced Child Abuse on AdulthoodPhysical injury as a result of parental abuse can be short-term or long-term. The moral trauma left by abusive parents can have long-term consequences.
- Child Abuse and Its Impact on Everyday LifeThe paper states that child abuse is a serious and multifaceted problem. The challenge of abuse extends beyond the obvious injuries and bruises.
- Treatment Plan for Substance AbuseSubstance use is a severe problem in the United States and worldwide, often diagnosed with other comorbid psychiatric illnesses.
- Risk Factors for Child Sexual Abuse VictimizationChild sexual abuse or molestation represents the exploitation of a child in a sexually assaultive manner by a grown-up or older teenager.
🏆 Best Abuse Essay Titles
- Mental Health Disorders Caused by Childhood Abuse Related
- Sexual Harassment and Abuse: Misuse, Bullying, Psychology
- Elder Abuse and Nursing Interventions
This report investigates case studies concerning problems of health care settings for older adults and abuse and neglect of elders. - The Biology and Psychology of Drug Abuse
- Psychology and Physiological Aspects of Substance Abuse
- The Relationship Between Mental Illness and Child Abuse
- Adolescent Depression and Substance Abuse Psychology
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Mental Health
- Battered Women: Psychological Impact of the Physical and Mental Abuse
- Depression, Drugs, and Rock N’ Roll: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Programs in Prisons
- Substance Abuse and Addiction Psychology
- Mental Health Counseling: Child Abuse and Neglect
- Effects of Drug Abuse: Physical and Psychological
- Cyberbullying and Mental Health Issues: Abuse and Intimidation
- The Link Between Child Abuse and Adult Physical and Mental Illness
- Mental Disorders Associated During Sexual Abuse Survivors
- Sexual Abuse and Mental Disorders
- Sociology and Psychology Influences Upon Drug Abuse
- Organizational Psychology: Abuse and Productivity
- Psychology and Substance Abuse and Addiction Counselor
- Child Abuse and Its Effects on the Physical, Mental, and Emotional State of a Child
🎓 Simple Research Topics about Abuse
- Assessing the Acceptability, Feasibility, and Sustainability of an Intervention to Increase Detection of Domestic Violence and Abuse
- Mental and Emotional Abuse and Child Development
- Drug Abuse and the Influences of Psychology and Sociology
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Psychology Counseling
- Drug Abuse and Risks of Development Mental Disorder
- Health Psychology: Stress, Substance Abuse, Addictive Behavior, Obesity, and Health Promotion
- Psychology Treatment for Women Survivors of Childhood Abuse
- Child Abuse and the Legal System – Developmental Forensic Psychology: Unveiling Four Common Misconceptions
- Abnormal Psychology: Abuse, Addiction, and Disorders
- Abuse and Its Effect on a Person’s Mental Stability.
- The Seemingly Successful Family and Issues Leading to Low Self-Esteem, Substance Abuse, and Suicidal Ideation
- Mental Health Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse
- Averting Alcohol and Drug Abuse Through Aversion: Psychology of Learning
- Child Development and Verbal Abuse
- Child Abuse, Neglect Psychology, and Cognitive Psychology
- Co-occurring Disorders: Substance Abuse and Serious Mental Illnesses
- Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect: Psychological, Social, and Physiological Domains of Functioning
- The Psychology Behind Child Abuse and Neglect
- Forensic Psychology, Crime and Substance Abuse
- The Relationships Between Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment and Juvenile Crime
❓ Abuse Research Questions
- Does Child Abuse Create a Psychopath?
- Good Substance Abuse and How It Is Related to Psychology?
- How Parenting Affects Teen Substance Abuse Psychology?
- How Does Abusive Behavior of Supervision Affect an Organization?
- How Abusive Behavior of Supervision Affects an Employee’s Task Performance?
- What Is Substance Abuse in Psychology?
- What Are the Mental Effects of Substance Abuse?
- Why Might the Experience of Child Sexual Abuse Lead to Mental Health Problems in Adulthood?
- Does Substance Abuse Cause Mental Disorders?
- Child Abuse; Why Does It Occur?
- Does Child Abuse and Neglect Lead To Bullying?
- Does Child Abuse Cause Crime?
- Do Childhood Neglect and Abuse Affect an Individual Later in Life?
- Does Sexual Abuse Lead To Homosexuality?
- Does Spousal Abuse Have Permanent Effects?
- Does Substance Abuse Treatment Make a Difference for Child Welfare Case Outcomes?
- How Does Abuse Affect a Person Later in Life?
- When Does Discipline Cross the Line to Child Abuse?
- How Can Therapy Help Victims of Child Abuse?
- Why Are Child Victims of Sexual Abuse at Greater Risk of Mental Illness?